The Stage. The Greek Theatre could fit people in it. The Greek Theatre could fit people in it. Most Greek cities had a theatre. They had no ceilings so if it rained (sorry) you had to put up with it the show would go on. Most Greek cities had a theatre. They had no ceilings so if it rained (sorry) you had to put up with it the show would go on. * Ladies did not perform in plays.
Masks. The orange mask is the tragedy play and he red mask is the comedy play. The orange mask is the tragedy play and he red mask is the comedy play. Greek actors wore masks, made from stiffened linen, with holes for eyes and mouth.
More info on masks. The reason the masks were put on is The reason the masks were put on is because the back row of seats was so far away from the stage, they could not see the actor’s emotions or feelings.
Seats 50 of the front row seats were reserved for priests - especially the seat of honour which was only for the high priest. 50 of the front row seats were reserved for priests - especially the seat of honour which was only for the high priest. Ancient Greek theaters were usually a bowl shaped arena on a hillside. Ancient Greek theaters were usually a bowl shaped arena on a hillside.
Costumes. Most women made the costumes. Women did not perform. Most women made the costumes. Women did not perform. Greek comedy costumes were bright and colourful. Costumes for Greek comedy costumes were bright and colourful. Costumes for tradgedies were dull. tradgedies were dull.
The stage. The seats were made The seats were made of stone. The parados was where the orchestra came though. The parados was where the orchestra came though. The skene is where the actors performed. The skene is where the actors performed.
Gods. The god worshiped at the theatre was called Dionysus - the god of wine and parties. The god worshiped at the theatre was called Dionysus - the god of wine and parties.
Thank you for watching. From Emma.N and Declan.H