The Modeling and Simulation Profession and its Specializations Bruce Fairchild Lou Birta Bernie Zeigler
Overview A Broad Perspective of M&S into the Future The types of M&S professionals that have/will emerge Summary: Implications for Certification
Discussion of M&S Profession Must Start With Broad Representation of the M&S Enterprise A taxonomic breakdown of an M&S project into its parts: application, objective, techniques, credibility, and programmatic All the phases of System development/use that M&S infrastructure supports A generic structure or conceptual architecture in which the various activities/resources of M&S are presented in an orderly manner The various applications domains in which the generic structure appears in specialized form and often only partially realized
MODELING AND SIMULATION OBJECTIVE Why it is modeled and simulated APPLICATION What is modeled and simulated TECHNIQUE How it is modeled and simulated Dewey Decimal system Scope Physical Fidelity Functional Fidelity Quality PROGRAMMATICS How is the M&S Process controlled CREDIBILITY How much is modeled and simulated, and How well MANAGEMENTTECHNOLOGY Planning Cost and Schedule Justification Marketing Configuration Management Training Staffing Computer Science Software Engineering Hardware Engineering Network Engineering Systems Engineering
M&S Infrastructure Common tools Common Software Modules Communications Intellectual Model and Data Repositories Support for Collaboration M&S Infrastructure Support of Phases of System Development/Use Concept Analysis Test & Evaluation Policy Development Training On-line Control Source: NRC Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 9, National Academy Press Research, Development& Engineering
Generic Architecture for M&S see notes area for a brief description of each layer Source: NRC Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 9, National Academy Press
Military Applications Transportation Health Care Applications Use some/all of Generic Capabilities Specialized to Particular Domains Middleware Simulation Modeling Search Decision Collaboration Network Middleware Simulation Modeling Search Decision Collaboration Network Middleware Simulation Modeling Search Decision Collaboration Network
500 Natural sciences & mathematics 510 Mathematics 520 Astronomy & allied sciences 530 Physics 540 Chemistry & allied sciences 550 Earth sciences 560 Paleontology Paleozoology 570 Life sciences 580 Botanical sciences 590 Zoological sciences 600 Technology (Applied sciences) 610 Medical sciences Medicine 620 Engineering & allied operations 630 Agriculture 640 Home economics & family living 650 Management & auxiliary services 660 Chemical engineering 670 Manufacturing 680 Manufacture for specific uses 690 Buildings 700 The arts 800 Literature & rhetoric 900 Geography & history 000 Generalities 100 Philosophy & Psychology 110 Metaphysics 120 Epistemology, causation, humankind 130 Paranormal phenomena 140 Specific philosophical schools 150 Psychology 160 Logic 170 Ethics (Moral philosophy) 180 Ancient, medieval, Oriental philosophy 190 Modern Western Philosophy 200 Religion 300 Social sciences 310 General statistics 320 Political science 330 Economics 340 Law 350 Public Administration 360 Social services; association 370 Education 380 Commerce, communications, transport 390 Customs, etiquette, folklore 400 Language Application Areas
Within this comprehensive view, there are many specializations in the M&S profession Such specializations may be located with reference to their place within the generic architecture. For example, Hardware-centered professionals whose training would be centered in the technologies of the lower layers Software-centered professionals whose training is concerned with developing the software that utilizes the hardware to support the applications Applications-oriented professionals trained in particular application domains, knowledgeable in marshaling the M&S assets for application to problems in those domains Facilitation professionals, a new breed, able to facilitate collaborations of other professionals using groupware technologies M&S Scientists, responsible for researching the architecture itself, continually assessing its capabilities relative to the needs of the other professionals.
Summary/Implications A Broad Perspective of M&S into the Future is needed to properly plan for the education, training and certification of M&S Professionals There is not one M&S professional category but the ones that have/will emerge can be viewed within an orderly framework Implications for Certification are that we should plan now for the future expansion and population of the field by various specialists