Kelley Burnham A Social Media Experience
Profile Picture Taken 5 years ago at Christmas Most likely makes me look like I have not grown up Was cropped out of a photo of my mother and me If someone where to look up this picture for hiring purposes probably would not show maturity or professionalism
Various Picture posts Shows I am A cat lover Probably shows that I am a little obsessed with my cat There are no other photos of people on my Facebook which would probably show I do not have a very big social life My cat is adorable
Pictures Cont. Food I love to bake Shows that if I was looking for employment as a cook that I would love the job
Pictures Cont. The first picture looks like I am uncomfortable in dress clothes but the second shows that I love to dress in costumes Probably gives the message that I wouldn’t be comfortable in office dress attire
Likes Amazon Wonka Amazon Kindle VCU Police Being Human TV & Movies Likes can show an employer or anyone looking at it a view of your interests and a little bit of your personality This would show that I am a fan of amazon and movies and tv would buy into a my not very social life style
Missing Worded posts More than two self photos Everyday posts to the web sites Location and other people photos