Muscle Diagram
M. Adductor Longus N. Sartorius O. Extensor Digitorum Longus P. Trapezius Q. Lassisimus Dorsi R. Triceps Brachii S. Extensor Carpi Group T. Extensor Digitorum U. Gluteus Maximus V. Biceps Femoris W. Gastrocnemius X. Achilles Tendon A. Orbicularis Oculi B. Orbicularis Oris C. Pectoralis Major D. Serratus Anterior E. External Oblique F. Quadriceps Femoris G. Tibialis Anterior H. Masseter I. Deltoid J. Biceps Brachii K. Rectus Abdominis L. Flexor Carpi Group Muscle Diagram Answer Key
“MUSCLE MOVEMENTS” 1.Flexion: Decrease the joint angle 2.Extension: increase joint angle 3.Abduction: move away from the midline 4.Adduction: move toward the midline 5.Rotation: Medial Rotation: spinning of the bone toward midline Lateral Rotation: spinning of the bone away from midline 6.Protraction: Push forward (neck and shoulder) 7.Retraction: Pull backward (neck and shoulder) 8.Depression: Bring downward (shoulder/scapula) 9.Elevate: Bring upward (shoulder/scapula) GCgaoRdeaUhttps:// GCgaoRdeaU (Watch Video)
“ORIGIN AND INSERTION" Origin – where the fixed end of the muscle attaches to the bone (cartilage or connective tissue) Insertion – where the movable end of the muscle attaches to another structure
STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID Origin: sternum and clavicle Insertion: mastoid process Movement: flex and laterally rotates neck
PECTORALIS MAJOR Origin: sternum and clavicle Insertion: humerus Movement: flexes shoulder, medially rotates arm, adducts arm
DELTOID Origin: clavicle, scapula Insertion: humerus Movement: flexion, abduction, extension of shoulder
EXTERNAL OBLIQUE Origin: ribs Insertion: pelvis Movement: flexion at the hips and spine
BICEPS BRACHII Origin: scapula Insertion: radius Movement: forearm flexion and supination
TRICEPS BRACHII Origin: scapula and humerus Insertion: ulna Movement: extends forearm
LATISSIMUS DORSI Origin: thoracic vertebra, ribs, pelvis Insertion: humerus Movement: extends, adducts, medially rotates shoulder
QUADRICEPS FEMORIS Origin: pelvis, femur Insertion: patella and tibia Movement: extends knee, flexes hip
HAMSTRINGS Origin: pelvis Insertion: tibia and fibula Movement: extends hip, flexes knee, medially and laterally rotates leg
“NAMING MUSCLES” Biceps: 2 origins Triceps: 3 origins Quadriceps: 4 origins 1. )Number of Origins: (the end of the muscles that does not move)
2. DIRECTION OF MUSCLE FIBERS Rectus: muscles are parallel to the body Transverse: muscles are perpendicular to the body Oblique: muscles are at an angle to the body
3. SHAPE Deltoid: delta shape Trapezius: trapezoid shape Orbicularis oculi: circular Serratus Anterior: “saw toothed” Teres major: long and round
4. LOCATION- BASED ON THE LOCATION Zygomaticus major: zygomatic bone Frontalis: frontal bone Orbicularis “Oculi”: eye Temporalis: temporal bone
5. ORIGIN & INSERTION The muscles is has the name of the place it begins (origin) and the place it inserts (insertion) in its name. Sternocleidomastoid Sterno= sternum Cleido= clavicle Mastoid= mastoid process of temporal bone
6. SIZE Maximus: large muscle Gluteus Maximus Medius: moderate size Gluteus Medius Minimus: small muscle Gluteus Minimus Longus: long muscle Extensor Digitorum Longus Brevis: short muscle Extensor Digitorum Brevis
7. ACTION The movement that occurs when the muscle contracts. Adductor Longus Abductor digiti minimi Extensor Digitorum Flexor Digitorum