Enterprise Risk Management Lucas Taylor Fermilab Strategic Planning Workshop 4 – 5 November 2015
Introductions Lucas Taylor, Fermilab –PhD Particle Physicist, PMP-certified, Deputy Project Manager for “LHC CMS Detector Upgrades” –Fermilab Risk Manager, Lab risk processes, tools, project risk (CMS, LBNF / DUNE…), enterprise risk Keith Molenaar, U. of Colorado –Professor of Construction Engineering Mgmt. –Research interests: project risk analysis, alternative project delivery methods, and cost engineering Anne Kerhoas, CERN –Physicist, Engineer, MBA, previously: Senior Safety Officer, International Atomic Energy Commission –CERN Enterprise Risk Management Oct 2015Lucas Taylor | Risk Register and Management2
Terminology Enterprise Risk: Effect of uncertainty on strategic Lab goals and objectives Enterprise Risk Management (ERM): Processes to identify, analyze, mitigate and respond to enterprise risks Lucas Taylor, Enterprise Risk Management | Fermilab Strategic Planning Workshop3
1.Enterprise risks are BIG – strategic not tactical 2.Enterprise risks are DIVERSE and CROSS-CUTTING “ERM analyzes all risk across the enterprise, including operational risk, governance and compliance risk, project and program risk, financial risk, and others.” J. Crook, Director of ERM, Consolidated Nuclear Security, Oak Ridge. Perspective Lucas Taylor, Enterprise Risk Management | Fermilab Strategic Planning Workshop4
Outputs of the workshop 1.Define the Lab’s enterprise risk tolerance (Group 0) Ranking scheme in terms of probabilities and impacts. 2.Identify the top risks to the Lab — (Groups 1—5) Rank risks and update risks summary, mitigations, response plans, owners … 3.Action items Ambitious but a lot of preparatory work has been done Lucas Taylor, Enterprise Risk Management | Fermilab Strategic Planning Workshop5
Enterprise Risk Management at Fermilab ERM owned by Senior Lab Mgmt. ERM coordinated by IPPM –Integrated Planning & Perf. Mgmt. Monitored by DOE / FRA –Contractor Assurance System (CAS) Learning from others –CERN, ESA, NASA, NGOs, NATO, aviation, power, manufacturing, hi- tech, military (ERMINE forum) Maturing the ERM process –Consolidate after the workshop –Flow down to projects, operations, business processes… Lucas Taylor, Enterprise Risk Management | Fermilab Strategic Planning Workshop6 Establish enterprise risk mgmt. context Identify enterprise risks Develop mitigation and response plans Monitor and Control risks Analyze risks and rank them Communication / Monitoring / Review ISO 31000:2009(E) “Risk management – Principles and guidelines”
Identifying Enterprise Risks 2011: 16 major risks identified –Rather general and mostly still valid 2014: revisions of strategic planning process and tools –New Enterprise Risk Register web tool 2015: ~20 risk interviews with senior Lab management, CAS owners, FSO –“What is the biggest risk to..” Lucas Taylor, Enterprise Risk Management | Fermilab Strategic Planning Workshop7 Establish enterprise risk mgmt. context Identify enterprise risks Develop mitigation and response plans Monitor and Control risks Analyze risks and rank them Communication / Monitoring / Review ISO 31000:2009(E)
Identifying Enterprise Risks 164 candidates Lucas Taylor, Enterprise Risk Management | Fermilab Strategic Planning Workshop8
Boiling down the number of risk candidates 164 risks were initially identified Scrubbed / merged 47 risks in the enterprise risk register –Risk summaries were written to capture risk interview information Working groups get ~10 risks each Lucas Taylor, Enterprise Risk Management | Fermilab Strategic Planning Workshop9 Establish enterprise risk mgmt. context Identify enterprise risks Develop mitigation and response plans Monitor and Control risks Analyze risks and rank them Communication / Monitoring / Review ISO 31000:2009(E)
All risks are in a new Enterprise Risk Register Lucas Taylor, Enterprise Risk Management | Fermilab Strategic Planning Workshop
Assessing risks: Working groups 1—5 Session #1 1.Improve risk title and summary 2.Define risk mitigations that can reduce probability and/or impacts BEFORE the risk happens –Examples: safety training, staffing plan 3.Define risk responses that can reduce impact AFTER risk happens –Examples: minimum safe shutdown plan, active shooter response plan Just a few lines – we can follow up later Take credit for what’s already being done 4.Assign risk owners 5.Action items comments field Lucas Taylor, Enterprise Risk Management | Fermilab Strategic Planning Workshop11 Establish enterprise risk mgmt. context Identify enterprise risks Develop mitigation and response plans Monitor and Control risks Analyze risks and rank them Communication / Monitoring / Review ISO 31000:2009(E)
Assessing risks: Working groups 1—5 Session #1 Lucas Taylor, Enterprise Risk Management | Fermilab Strategic Planning Workshop12 Update status as you assess each risk
High rank(expect < 5 of these) –Probability AND impacts are high –Owned and managed at Director level –Closely monitored by DOE / FRA board Medium rank(expect ~10–15 of these) –Probability OR impacs high, or both medium –Owned and managed at Chiefs’ level –Monitored by DOE / FRA board Low rank(expect ~20–30 of these) –Probability AND impacts all moderate / low –Either keep on ERM watch list or push down into organization: Division, Project, etc. Risk ranking – Purpose Working Group 0 Lucas Taylor, Enterprise Risk Management | Fermilab Strategic Planning Workshop13 Establish enterprise risk mgmt. context Identify enterprise risks Develop mitigation and response plans Monitor and Control risks Analyze risks and rank them Communication / Monitoring / Review ISO 31000:2009(E)
Risk tolerance matrix Working Group 0 Two dimensions for ranking: 1.Probability that risk occurs 2.Impact of risk on: Science Mission, themes, Lab goals and objectives, including PEMP Finance Funding, resources, protection of existing Lab's assets – people, physical assets, data… Reputation Standing with scientific community, public, DOE, Government Lucas Taylor, Enterprise Risk Management | Fermilab Strategic Planning Workshop14 Establish enterprise risk mgmt. context Identify enterprise risks Develop mitigation and response plans Monitor and Control risks Analyze risks and rank them Communication / Monitoring / Review ISO 31000:2009(E)
Risk ranking – 2-D risk tolerance (ranking) matrix Lucas Taylor, Enterprise Risk Management | Fermilab Strategic Planning Workshop15 Working Group 0 will fill this in
Ranking risks Working groups 1—5 Session 2 Groups look at the same ~10 risks as before Using new risk tolerance matrix from Group 0 Assess the probability and impacts of each risk Risk Register automatically computes overall risk rank Lucas Taylor, Enterprise Risk Management | Fermilab Strategic Planning Workshop16 ISO 31000:2009(E)
Ranking risks Working groups 1—5 Session 2 Lucas Taylor, Enterprise Risk Management | Fermilab Strategic Planning Workshop
Review full list of ranked risks Final plenary Lucas Taylor, Enterprise Risk Management | Fermilab Strategic Planning Workshop18 1 1
Agenda Lucas Taylor, Enterprise Risk Management | Fermilab Strategic Planning Workshop19 8:00 – 8:30Setup and refreshmentsAll 8:30 – 8:55Introduction, goals and organizationLucas Taylor 8:55 – 10:20 Define Lab’s enterprise risk tolerance (fill in probability vs. impacts matrix) Keith Molenaar with Group 0 (1)Review risks, improve descriptions (2)Add mitigations and response plans (3)Identify owners (4)Note any future action items Breakout Groups 1 – 5 (10 risks each) 10:20 – 10:30Coffee + distribute risk tolerance matrixAll 10:30 – 11:15Rank risks using risk tolerance matrix Groups 1–5 (10 risks each) 11:15 – 12:00Review and refine full ranked list of risksAll