Muscles of Arm Head, Face and Neck Muscles of Head and Neck
MUSCLES OF THE SCALP Frontalis – also called occipitofrontalis or epicranius which has two heads. Occipitalis Muscles of head and face
Frontalis O: galea aponeurotica I: eyebrows F: raise eyebrows, pull scalp anteriorly N: Facial Nerve A: Raises eyebrow
The occipitalis The occipitalis is connected to the frontalis by the galea aponeurotica
Levator palpebrae superioris
Latin Musculus corrugator supercilii Gray'sp.381 OriginSuperciliary arches InsertionForehead skin, near eyebrow ArteryOphthalmic artery NerveFacial nerve ActionsWrinkles forehead
O: frontal, maxillary bones I: eyelids Orbicularis oculi O: frontal, maxillary bones I: eyelids F: close eyes N: Zygomatic branches of the Facial nerve A: closes eyelid
Zygomaticus Major & Minor Origin anterior of zygomatic Insertion modiolus of mouth Nerve buccal branch of facial nerve Action draws angle of mouth upward and laterally Zygomaticus Major & Minor
RISORIUS Origin parotid fascia Insertion modiolus Artery facial artery Nerve Buccal branch of the facial nerve Actions draw back angle of mouth SMILE!
Levator labii superioris Latin musculus levator labii superioris OriginMedial infra-orbital margin InsertionSkin and muscle of the upper lip(labii superioris) Arteryfacial artery Nervezygomatic branch of the facial nerve(C.N. VII)ActionsElevates the upper lip
Depressor labii inferioris Latin musculus depressor labii inferioris Originoblique line of the mandible, between the symphysis and themental foramen Insertionintegument of the lower lip,Orbicularis oris fibers, its fellow of the opposite side Nervefacial nerve - Mandibular branch ActionsDepression of the lower lips
Depressor anguli oris Latin Musculus depressor anguli oris OriginTubercle of mandibleInsertionModiolus of mouth ArteryFacial artery NerveMandibular branch of facial nerve ActionsDepresses angle of mouth
O: muscles around mouth I: lips Orbicularis oris O: muscles around mouth I: lips F: close, purse lips N: cranial nerve VII, buccal branch of the facial nerve A: pucker the lips
MENTALIS Origin anterior mandible Insertion chin ArteryNerve mandibular branch of facial nerve Actions elevates and wrinkles skin of chin, protrudes lower lip
Glossus group
Muscles of the Anterior Neck and Throat – Swallowing Figure 11.10a Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Muscles promoting Tongue movement (extrinsic muscles) ATTACHMENT MUSCLE ACTION Muscle Origin Insertion F Nerve Supply Genioglossus Internal surface mandible Inferior tongue & hyoid bone body Protract tongue Hypoglossal n. (CN XII) Hyoglossus Body & greater horn of hyoid Inferolateral tongue Depress tongue and draws its sides downward Styloglossus Styloid process temporal bone Lateroinferior tongue Retracts (& elevates) tongue Fortunately, all you have to know is that they all insert on the tongue and perform all movements of the tongue! X- arm (humerus) movement Y- shoulder movement Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Origin subcutaneous tissue of infraclavicular and supraclavicular regions Insertion base of mandible; skin of cheek and lower lip; angle of mouth; orbicularis oris Artery branches of the Submental artery and Suprascapular artery Nerve cervical branch of the facial nerve (CN VII) ActionsDraws the corners of the mouth inferiorly and widens it (as in expressions of sadness and fright). Also draws the skin of the neck superiorly when teeth are clenched platysma
Masseter O: zygomatic arch I: angle of mandible F: elevate mandible N: masseteric nerve III A: Closes mouth and Retracts mandible
Temporalis Origin temporal lines on the parietal bone of the skull. Insertion coronoid process of the mandible. Artery deep temporal Nerve third branch (mandibular nerve) of the trigeminal nerve Action elevation and retraction of mandibleAntagonistPlatysma muscle Temporalis
BUCCINATOR Origin from the alveolar processes of the maxillary bone and mandible, pterygomandibular raphe Insertion in the fibres of the orbicularis oris Arterybuccal artery Nervebuccal branch of the facial nerve (VII cranial nerve) ActionsThe buccinator compresses the cheeks against the teeth and is used in acts such as blowing. It is an assistant muscle of mastication (chewing).
Sternocleidomastoid Originmanubrium sterni, Insertion mastoid process of the temporal bone, superior nuchal line Artery occipital artery and the superior thyroid artery Nerve motor: accessory nerve sensory: cervical plexus Action Acting alone, tilts head to its own side and rotates it so the face is turned towards the opposite side. Acting together, flexes the neck, raises the sternum and assists in forced inspiration. Sternocleidomastoid muscles of the neck
scalenes Origin cervical vertebrae (CII-CVII) Insertion first and second ribs Artery Ascending cervical artery (branch of Inferior thyroid artery) Nerve cervical nerves (C3-C8) Actions elevation of ribs I&II scalenes