Maintaining Non-woody Plants Level 2 – Garden Maintenance
Activity Make a list of all the maintenance operations you can think of related to looking after herbaceous borders. Make a list of all the maintenance operations you can think of related to looking after herbaceous borders.
Watering The amount of water needed will depend on the site, climate and individual species. The amount of water needed will depend on the site, climate and individual species. In hot dry summers plants may benefit from a drip irrigation system. In hot dry summers plants may benefit from a drip irrigation system. Young plants will need sufficient water to establish, but after that, they should be ok. Young plants will need sufficient water to establish, but after that, they should be ok. If you have to water do so in the evening to reduce loss through evaporation If you have to water do so in the evening to reduce loss through evaporation
Fertilizing Few perennials require more than an annual top-dressing of bone meal or a balanced slow release fertiliser in the spring. Few perennials require more than an annual top-dressing of bone meal or a balanced slow release fertiliser in the spring. Plants grown primarily for their foliage may benefit from a liquid feed during the growing season (Rheum, hostas) Plants grown primarily for their foliage may benefit from a liquid feed during the growing season (Rheum, hostas)
Mulching An annual mulch of organic matter, helps to suppress weed growth, reduce soil moisture, and improve soil structure. An annual mulch of organic matter, helps to suppress weed growth, reduce soil moisture, and improve soil structure. Apply mulch in spring or autumn when the ground is moist 5-10 cm deep. Apply mulch in spring or autumn when the ground is moist 5-10 cm deep. Keep the organic matter well away from emerging stems. Keep the organic matter well away from emerging stems. Inorganic mulches, (gravel) add visual texture and suppress weeds. Best suited to Mediterranean borders, prairie plantings or dry garden beds. Inorganic mulches, (gravel) add visual texture and suppress weeds. Best suited to Mediterranean borders, prairie plantings or dry garden beds.
Providing support Staking is an important aspect of flower border maintenance. Without it many plants just collapse. Staking is an important aspect of flower border maintenance. Without it many plants just collapse. The key to success is to get the support in place early. The key to success is to get the support in place early. Supports should be in position before the new growth has reached cm high. Supports should be in position before the new growth has reached cm high. Plant with upright flower spikes like delphiniums, need individual canes. Plant with upright flower spikes like delphiniums, need individual canes.
Providing support Other plants are happy to grow through a framework. Other plants are happy to grow through a framework. Hazel twigs can also be used if pushed into the ground around the plant and stems twisted around each other. Hazel twigs can also be used if pushed into the ground around the plant and stems twisted around each other. Alternatively 10cm pea netting can be stretched over a framework of stout wooden pegs. (black is best) Alternatively 10cm pea netting can be stretched over a framework of stout wooden pegs. (black is best)
Division After a few years, perennials often become congested and lose vigour. After a few years, perennials often become congested and lose vigour. Best method to retain control is by division. Best method to retain control is by division. Replant divisions elsewhere or compost them. Replant divisions elsewhere or compost them. Autumn is a good time but in cold, wet areas it is best done in the spring. Autumn is a good time but in cold, wet areas it is best done in the spring. Agapanthus, Aster and Kniphofias prefer to be divided in the spring. Agapanthus, Aster and Kniphofias prefer to be divided in the spring.
Deadheading Check borders regularly and remove faded flower heads or stems. Check borders regularly and remove faded flower heads or stems. Deadheading prevents plants wasting energy on seed production, encouraging prolonged flowering and fresh new growth. Deadheading prevents plants wasting energy on seed production, encouraging prolonged flowering and fresh new growth. Deadheading also prevent a prolific crop of seedlings from such plants as alliums. Deadheading also prevent a prolific crop of seedlings from such plants as alliums. Geraniums and Astrantia can be cut to ground level to encourage more flowers. Geraniums and Astrantia can be cut to ground level to encourage more flowers.
Stopping Stopping is a technique used to creat a lower, slightly more sturdy plant, less prone to collapse without support. Stopping is a technique used to creat a lower, slightly more sturdy plant, less prone to collapse without support. It works well on tall plants such as Heleniums, Sedums and Veronicastrum. It works well on tall plants such as Heleniums, Sedums and Veronicastrum. The traditional way of stopping plants is to individually pinch out the growing tips when the are 1/3 of their final height. (asters) The traditional way of stopping plants is to individually pinch out the growing tips when the are 1/3 of their final height. (asters) Can also use shears to cut off about 1/3 of early growth in late spring. Can also use shears to cut off about 1/3 of early growth in late spring.
Thinning Thinning to improve the flowering display is carried out on multi-stemmed plants, and involves removing about one in three stems at ground level when they are cm high. Thinning to improve the flowering display is carried out on multi-stemmed plants, and involves removing about one in three stems at ground level when they are cm high.
Clearing away old growth From autumn onwards From autumn onwards The later you leave it the less to remove The later you leave it the less to remove Tender plants (agapanthus kniphofias) best left till spring Tender plants (agapanthus kniphofias) best left till spring Cut deciduous grasses to the ground in spring. Cut deciduous grasses to the ground in spring.