Weeds: Stop the insanity Common Weeds in Indiana Prevention Control
Common Weeds in Indiana Pokeweed: Perennial, taproot, flowers during summer Johnson Grass: Perennial, creeping rhizomes Henebit: Annual, flowers in springHemp dogbane: Perennial, flowers late spring early summer Waterhemp: Summer annual, can grow 1”/day and produce 1 million seeds/plant Chickweed: Winter annual, medicinal
Common Weeds in Indiana Hedge Bindweed: Perennial, creeping roots and vining habit, flowers May- Sept Dandelion: Perennial, taproot, edible Cressleaf: Winter Annual
Top 5 most Common weeds in Indiana Ragweed: Perennial, annual, creeping rhizomes, taproot, best uprooted in the late spring, if stem is cut plant will grow back Canada Thistle: Perennial, creeping rhizomes Horseweed (Marestail): Annual, taproot, flowers late summer June-September Lambsquaters: Summer Annual, edible Cocklebur: Annual
How can we prevent weeds? We will till our soil and be left with an open field, ready for weeds to take over. Top principle to preventing weeds, Don’t leave any soil uncovered. Shown is BioTelo biodegrable black non-plastic mulch made from corn. Starts to degrade anywhere from 3 weeks to 4 months.
How can we prevent weeds? Above Left: non- seeded straw with BioTelo and planted onions Right below: Snap peas with non- seeded straw and BioTelo Above Right: Planting sweet potatoes in high tunnel using material to cover the soil completely
When Soil is not completely covered, using tools to stay on top of the germinating weed seeds is the best approach. Closely planted lettuce can show how canopy closer of mature plants can reduce weeds. How can we control weeds?
Products Tools for weeding: scuffle hoe draw hoe warren hoe Japanese hand hoe Mulches: BioTelo (black, clear) Straw- Newsprint- J&C warehouse Reusable landscape fabric dead leaves dried cover crop