Nationalism and James Monroe Objective: Students will understand Nationalism in the US and problems faced by James Monroe the 5 th President of the US.
Warm-up Write a paragraph about the following. When have you been proud of the United States? When in recent history do you think our country has experienced a wave of Patriotism or NATIONALISM?
Sectionalism Review EAST Industrial SOUTH Cotton & Slavery WEST The Nation’s “Breadbasket”
The American System Review Henry Clay promotes plan to unite the US ▫North produces manufactured goods ▫South and West produce food and cotton ▫National currency and bank facilitate trade ▫Tariff protects US goods ▫US improves its transportation system- develops roads, railroads, canals, even communication with telegraph
James Monroe
Nationalism In the early 1800’s the United States is starting to grow into it’s own Nationalism: is a feeling of pride, loyalty and protectiveness as a country exerts a strong influence in the courts, foreign affairs, and westward expansion should come before regional, foreign concerns.
Supreme Court Boosts National Power McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) ▫Case in which the state of Maryland imposed taxes on the US National Bank ▫Ruled that states did not have the power to tax the Federal Government
Supreme Court Boosts National Power continued… Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) ▫Case in which Ogden stated he was granted exclusive rights by the state of New York to operate steamboats along the Hudson River- all others had to pay ▫Gibbons said this was unfair ▫Ruled that Congress (Federal Government) had the right to regulate interstate trade- not states
Missouri Compromise (1820) CONTROVERSEY- Will new states enter the Union as slave states or free states? A compromise was reached to preserve the balance between free and slave states ▫Maine admitted to Union as a free state ▫Missouri came in as a slave state ▫Henry Clay’s Idea Louisiana Territory divided at 36o 30’ line ▫Slavery legal south of this line
Missouri Compromise (1820)
Missouri Compromise
Most settlers go west for land & economic opportunity
Nationalism Shapes Foreign Policy Secretary of State, John Quincy Adams, guided by nationalism ▫Convention of 1818: makes treaties on Great Lakes, borders, and territories (49th parallel) Rush-Bagot Treaty: ▫Demilitarized boundary between Canada and USA
Nationalism Shapes Foreign Policy Continued… Adams-Onis Treaty, 1819 ▫Spain gives up Florida and gives up claims to Oregon Territory
Nationalism Shapes Foreign Policy Continued… Monroe Doctrine (1823) ▫Americas are closed to colonization ▫United States is a protector of Latin America ▫You stay out of our hemisphere… we’ll stay out of yours “Dangerous to our peace and safety”
Chester the Crab
What Does the Monroe Doctrine Warn?
Political Cartoon Analysis Part 1: 1.What objects or people do you see? 2.Locate three (3) words or phrases mentioned in the cartoon. Part 2: 3.What objects on your list are symbols? 4.What do the symbols mean? 5.Which words or phrases in the cartoon appear to be the most significant? Why do you think so? Part 3: 6.Describe the action taking place in the cartoon. 7.Explain how the words in the cartoon clarify the symbols. 8.Explain the message of the cartoon.