Choice Board Make an informational brochure about what plants need to grow. Word Smart Create a short play script about the life cycle of a pumpkin. Body Smart Create a picture using as much detail from your research that you can about the parts of the plant and how those parts help the plant grow. Art Smart Create a jingle or a poem the life cycle of a pumpkin OR what a plant needs to survive.. Have the jingle/poem be one that people can sing and then learn all about your topic! Music Smart Wild Card Your choice after getting the approval of the teacher. Create a diary on “The Life of a Pumpkin” (from the pumpkin’s perspective). Nature Smart Create a fact file on the parts of the plant as well as the pumpkin life cycle. What do students need to know? Self Smart Write an advice column about your what a plant needs, detailing specific ways others could follow make a garden. People Smart Write a step-by-step explanation about how a pumpkin grows. Be sure to include ALL of the parts of its life cycle. Logical/Mathematical Think about all that you have learned about the Life Cycle of Plants. Organize what you have learned into a Thinking Map. Then, show what you know through one of the project choices below.
Choice Board Make an informational brochure about the symbol that you think is the BEST symbol for our country. Word Smart Create a short play script about a pretend visit to one of the symbols. Body Smart Create a collage using as much detail from your tree map about the symbols. Art Smart Create a jingle or a poem about the symbols. Have the jingle/poem be one that Mrs. Kelsey can can sing with first graders next year! Music Smart Wild Card Your choice after getting the approval of the teacher. Draw four pictures of Mary G. Porter’s American Flag Pole…keep the symbol the same, but change the seasonal background (one for each season). Nature Smart Create a fact file on the symbols. Use your tree map to make a fact card for each of the four symbols. Self Smart Using what you know about symbols and patriotism, think about PORTER. Design a NEW symbol for our school! People Smart Do a little more research about WHEN each symbol became a symbol. Create a “jazzy” timeline of the events. Logical/Mathematical Think about all that you have learned about the symbols of the United States. Then, show what you know through one of the project choices below.
American Symbols American Flag Washington Monument Bald Eagle Liberty Bell Under each branch, tell at LEAST three facts about each AND why each one is a symbol for our country. Put a STAR next to the symbol that you think is the best!
Basic Needs of Plants Life Cycle of the Pumpkin
Parts of a Plant