26 April 2010 (Dabberdt)1 Summary of Actions and Discussion Topics from IFMS GM January 2010 Atlanta, Georgia -- USA
26 April 2010 (Dabberdt)2 GM1 Actions (as discussed at concluding plenary session, ) Website materials: Neuwirth (lead); others? –Society info (members) and links –Inventory of sharable resources at the various societies (web posting) –Electronic sharing of all societies’ Bulletins Identifying potential IFMS member societies: Watterson (lead); others? Assist in establishment of new societies How best to support needs of societies in developing countries (e.g. student vs teacher support)? Accreditations and certifications Membership benefits (individual societies): Degefu (lead); others? Sharing of lecturers: Horler (lead); others? Sharing society experiences Coordination with WMO (v.v. Rob Masters): Bhatia (lead); others? –Sharing journals –Increased interactions among WMO’s 6 regional directors and met societies in their regions Regional IFMS conferences and collaborations? China GM2 (QIN and YI) –Report on collaborations –Climate change adaptation and outreach –Date: September-October 2011 –Location: Shanghai? Red text = actions Black text = discussion topics, but no immediate action
26 April 2010 (Dabberdt)3 GM1 Actions (as discussed at concluding plenary session, ) Steering Committee needs to approve membership requests (see pdf file). Membership information and a list of member societies (and contact info.) needs to be added to Need to identify who is working on the 5 actions listed on the preceding slide: –Website materials: Neuwirth (lead); –Identify potential new IFMS member societies: Watterson (lead); –Membership benefits (individual societies): Degefu (lead); –Sharing of lecturers: Horler (lead); –Coordination with WMO (v.v. Rob Masters): Bhatia (lead); Prepare GM1 meeting summary and publish in AMS Bulletin (Dabberdt)
26 April 2010 (Dabberdt)4 Possible IFMS Actions as Suggested Throughout GM1 (1 of 2) Post Prof. Alan Robock’s Initiative for a “Peace Corps” Met Program on the IFMS website; Action: Dabberdt to follow up with Robock How can the IFMS assist in establishment of new meteorological societies? Robert Masters, WMO, asked the question: What are met societies doing, or what could they do, to support students and early-career scientists? Peter Li: How to benefit the greatest number of meteorological students and professionals in developing countries? Can/should regional and national met societies open membership to those outside their regions and countries, respectively? Should there be a unified online newsletter with information and news from all societies? Should there be a “WeatherFest International” that builds on the AMS activity for K-12 students and the general public? Should the IFMS issue statements pertaining to global meteorological and related issues? Does FMI Dir. Gen. Petteri Taalas’ slide (#37; copied her on next slide) on the “Met Service Problem Cycle” suggest a role for the IFMS?
26 April 2010 (Dabberdt)5
6 Possible IFMS Actions as Suggested Throughout GM1 (2 of 2) Should the IFMS promote the role and participation of the private sector in regional and national met societies? Should there be ‘open access’ to membership by all three sectors: public sector, academia, and private sector? What about users? Can the IFMS suggest ways that the NMHS’ can use the met societies in their countries or regions? How might the various met societies make their respective lecturers available to other met and related societies (perhaps via a Bulletin Board service)? Membership (both attracting new members and retaining current members) is a challenge; can the IFMS establish a list of membership benefits? Perhaps the IFMS provides additional benefit. Is it possible to provide open access to the Bulletins of all IFMS-member societies through the IFMS website?