With respect, that may not be the case…….. Schools are not factories or offices so we are not concerned about health and safety I am just an employee and even if someone were hurt, it would not be my responsibility We have insurance, so we are covered We have done a risk assessment so it is going to be safe We do not worry about who comes on the school site after the school day or during the holidays, or what they get up to Mrs Smith supports us is a parent volunteer so it is OK to ask her to do the same things we do
Our school’s equipment is all maintained – in fact we get the main agent to fix it when it goes wrong The D&T staff are trained to use the circular saw – they did the training when they did teacher training We are going to a licensed AAL provider for our school camp, so it is all going to be safe Our school does not need to concern itself about the football training club we run after hours I have always brought my CD player to use – I use it at home and it is OK With respect, that may not be the case……..
Briefing for Governors David Goodwin CYPS – SQI Schools Health and Safety Officer Environment and Consumer Protection Services ECPS Office: (Direct dial) Mobile Fax: Children and Young People's Services - Strategy, Quality and Improvement,, Borough of Poole, Civic Centre, Poole, Dorset BH15 2RU.
Overview of respective Governor and Authority responsibilities for school H&S Governor Champion for H&S - get trained! H&S auditing – update Risk Assessment and examples: –Low risk environment (general rooms) (high risk = science, D&T, PE, residential visits) –New and expectant mothers at work –Behaviour management Updates –Learning outside the Classroom LoTC –First aid - –Driving for work – minibuses –Managing asbestos in schools
Common law duty of care Statutory H&S duties HSWA and Regs Compensation for harm & insurance Duty of care between school and pupil Reasonable expectations / harm results from failure Prevention by enforcement of criminal law Duties of Employers Employees Enforcement by HSE Duty of care and statutory duty
HSWA duty holders and those owed duties employers employees Manufacturers & suppliers Self employed Plant Premises SoW IITS Work environment Consultation Cooperate Report deficiencies Not interfere Persons in control of work premises Directors and senior officers People who are owed duties: Employees of BoP Other employers and their employees Contractors and self employed General duties Persons not at work, but affected by work activities Pupils, volunteers, members of public eg parents Governors of C and VC schools
Those who influence H&S management in Community and Voluntary Controlled schools School HT and SLT Governors Local Authority (employer) Delegation of tasks to school staff (school H&S policy/arrangements) H&S tasks and resources are delegated to school through BoP safety policy Scheme of delegation Their roles are Defined in Ed Acts Hard to fit into HSWA Auditing – LA role “supportive friend” Monitoring – Gov role
Those who influence H&S management in F and VA schools School HT and SLT Local Authority Governors (employer) Delegation of tasks to school staff (school H&S policy/arrangements) A supportive role and sharing good practices Auditing – because the LA needs to know that pupil placements are safe monitoring
Those who manage H&S management in academies School HT and SLT Local Authority Governors (employer) Delegation of tasks to school staff (school H&S policy/arrangements) monitoring Appoint one or more governors to the GB Governors H&S policy Governing body Is the employer and must ensure the school complies with health and safety legislation. (see HSE guide to legislation on/index.htm ) on/index.htm Has overall accountability for health, safety and welfare for the school workforce and pupils. Must provide health and safety policies and procedures. Must ensure through regular monitoring that health and safety policy and procedures are being adhered to. Has responsibility for site- related matters under their ownership including structural and maintenance issues such as the physical condition of the building and asbestos Sponsor (when exist) Has responsibility for site- related matters under their ownership including structural and maintenance issues such as the physical condition of the building and asbestos Appoints governors
LA role under delegation of H&S management 1.Ensure those to whom it delegates functions can be / are competent 2.Set standards which represent good practices, and which it expects be met 3.Check standards 4.Have a system to involve function holders if there are deficiencies 5.Do points 1 – 4 in consultation with those holding delegated functions
H&S resources Internal H&S Officer SQI web pages for H&S “Aware!” Corporate H&S Team External HSE micro site for Education DFE web site TU’s (NUT, NASUWT, Unison) Croners Head’s Legal Guide The “AfPE Book” (school sport and off site activities)
From the H&S audit
Risk:severity and likelihood
5 Steps to Risk Assessment 1.Look for hazards 2.Decide who might be harmed and how 3.Identify what you already do, and what more is necessary 4.Set out actions to put them in effect 5.Review
HSE classroom RA isk-assessment/classroom.htmhttp:// isk-assessment/classroom.htm Produced in consultation with DfE Interactive method of risk assessment (consultation now ended)
Overview of respective Governor and Authority responsibilities for school H&S Governor Champion for H&S - get trained! H&S auditing – update Risk Assessment and examples: –Low risk environment (general rooms) –New and expectant mothers at work –Behaviour management Updates –Learning outside the Classroom LoTC –First aid - –Driving for work – minibuses –Managing asbestos in schools