Race Equality Nursing & Midwifery Engagement Strategy Sherree Fagge - Chief Nurse Caroline Browne – BME Development Matron
Race Equality at BSUH 2004Launch of the local BME Network Lost an Employment Tribunal for racial discrimination against the Chair of the BME Network. 2008Settled an Employment Tribunal for racial discrimination and victimization against the Chair of the BME Network. 2009Settled an Employment Tribunal for racial discrimination against members of the BME Network Settled a number of Employment Tribunal claims against BME staff out of court. 2014Care Quality Commission highlight the extent of the racial discrimination and harassment in the Trust. 2015Many unresolved cases of racial discrimination mainly from BME nursing staff.
The Evidence for Nursing? 30 September registered nursing and midwifery staff 15.3% BME; 7.8% white other; 2.5% white Irish; 68.9% white British and 5.5% not stated For white British nurses 43.4% employed at AfC band 5 and 35% employed at band 6 For BME nurses 66.9% employed at AfC band 5 and 27.4% at band 6 For white other nurses 73.1% employed at AfC band 5 and 18.8% at band 6
Evidence for Nursing Contd…. Recruitment Data for AfC Band 6 Posts For white British 55.0% applicants and 79.5% appointed For BME 27.2% applicants and 13.4% appointed For white other 16.0% applicants and 6.3% appointed
Evidence for Nursing Contd… Recruitment Data for AfC Band 7 Posts For white British 64.7% applicants and 80.0% appointed For BME 21.3% applicants and 8.0% appointed For white other 7.7% applicants and 2.0% appointed
Strategy for Change Commitment to Change (C2C) for Race Equality ( ) Race Equality Workforce Engagement Strategy (2014-to date) Race Equality Patient Engagement Strategy (2014-to date)
Race Equality Workforce Engagement Strategy
Race Equality Nursing & Midwifery Engagement Action Plan Includes addressing the following for BME staff as examples: The under-representation of BME nursing at AfC paybands 7 and 8 The over-representation of BME staff at paybands 5 The lack of training and development opportunities The progression of HCA BME staff
Commitment to Deliver Race Equality Nursing & Midwifery Engagement Action Plan There are 16 actions all together on the action plan. To give a synopsis of the action plan and the activity required to take them forward, I have outlined four actions.
Action Take positive action to address the under- representation of BME nurses at middle and senior management positions. Activity Required Request comprehensive data on the ethnic profile of nurses across the Trust. Undertake a comprehensive analysis of the ethnic profile of nurses for each Agenda for Change (AFC) payband to identify where under-representation exists. Identify all BME nurses who wish to progress their careers. The transformation team will be carrying out a survey.
Action To address the training and development of BME healthcare assistants. Activity Required To review the BME healthcare assistants currently in post. To review the training and development available for healthcare assistants. To ensure equal access to the training to achieve Care Certificate for HCAs, by publishing the opportunity to attend (one study day a month) and then monitor attendance and address any identified inequalities.
Action To introduce a mandatory Race Equality training programme for all nurses. Activity Required Develop the content of the programme to include information on the Race Equality Engagement Strategies for Workforce and Patients. Identify suitable trainer(s). Monitor outcomes of the training sessions.
Action To address the racial bias in the nursing recruitment process. Activity Required To undertake a review of the nursing recruitment process. To look at best practice in nursing recruitment. To introduce recruitment targets.
Commitment to delivering the Race Equality Nursing & Midwifery Engagement Action Plan
Joint Race Equality Engagement Conference BSUH NHS Trust & BME Network 23 October am-4.30pm Thistle Hotel Kings Road Brighton
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