This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This presentation reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot.


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Presentation transcript:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This presentation reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. BRIC(S) IN TOUR Partner Meeting Leonardo Partnership project IT1-LEO Akcakoca, 9 th May

OUTLINE BRICS in tour objectives BRICS in tour methodology BRICS in tour outcomes BRICS in tour final meeting and new project proposals BRICS in tour dissemination activities APULIA in BRICS case history: the impact on the territory 2

OBJECTIVES To define Los in accordance with EQF To invite vocational training institution to adapt courses and methodology to Los in accordance with EQF and to provide them useful tools to implement the ECVET In the long term: to create a European network of vocational training institutions that will use Los and ECVET for the recognition of experience done abroad. The participants will familiarize themselves with the European qualification framework to determine the LOs of the tourism sector related to BRIC(S) countries. 3

METHODOLOGY The project is organized in two stages: Phase 1: Perception Analysis To identify: Main BRIC(S) tourists’ interests Phase 2: Good practices sharing on learning methodology Collecting didactic-methodological experiences in such a topic Learning outcomes definition Sharing good practices on training To achieve that: 1.a) deepen questionnaires administered to tourists experts 1.b) synthetic questionnaires administered to tourists coming from BRIC countries by online methodology 2.a) LOs definition using the methodology adopted by EQF Spread ( LLP ES-KA1-KA1EQF) 4

Outcomes Until now we have several documents produced by BRIC partners Questionnaires administered to experts during the tourism Fairs Questionnaries administered to tourists in Istanbul Qualitative interview with experts CERES has also collected more than 20 questionnaires filled in by Chinese university students, 90% of these students have never been in our partner countries Writing up of articles for publication: Until now we have produced a special issue of Labour economics papers devoted to BRIC project (Franco Angeli producer) in italian language We have already produced short articles uploaded in the BRIC website We will exploit the project in the future, through the Apulia in BRIC network, producing articles for this network

Online questionnaires results: personal characteristics Age class that most use internet and represents a potential of visitors who self organise their trip (We can analyse these results together with the suggestions coming from tour operator experts who work with traditional tourism) More than 70% under 24 More than 80% under 39 Around 80% female Around 80% students

Online questionnaires results: interests

Online questionnaires results: problems

Online questionnaires results: a focus on Turkey, Bulgaria, Italy Have you never been in Turkey, Bulgaria or Italy? More than 80% NO What do you think are the strengths Italy, Bulgaria and Turkey could exploit to attract more tourist? Beautiful Food Heritage Scenary

Definition of learning outcomes We have identified key learning outcomes, that we will include in the final report See draft proposal (doc dodument)

Dissemination activities For the project BRICS in tour we have planned the following dissemination activities: 1. Production of materials for dissemination (i.e. one newsletter per partner meeting (responsible hosting partner), flyer, brochure on the project) 2. Website page (on CERES website) 3. Various dissemination activities (i.e. London Fair 5-8 Nov. 2012) all partners, BIT Milan February 2013, COTTM Beijing April 2014 COTRI) We had a workshop during the Fair in Beijing and we won the silver award for product of innovation during the Fair (COTRI from Germany and Tarsus form London organized the Fair together with Chinese institutions and partners). 4. Creating profiles on the main social networks (CERES) 5. Inserting ads on general portals and dedicated to tourism (all) 6. Subscribing to groups interested in tourism (All) 7. Publication on the journal Labour economics papers (volunteers) 11

4. Using Social Network For the project BRICS in tour we are using the following Social Networks: Facebook Twitter linked to Facebook fan page Tourism communication channels Social network spread in China (COTRI will support to create SINA WEIBO) Young Apulians (dedicated to the "meeting" of all apulians around the world) Region Lazio and Puglia 12


5. Facebook E-lf has two pages on Facebook: A personal profile – BRICS in tour A fan page – BRICS IN TOUR 14

Final partners meeting and project proposals WhereWhatWhen ItalyFinal meeting : To discuss report phase 2, the publication and further collaboration Representatives of APULIA in BRICS network will participate June 2014 Turkey- Italy Erasmus K1 Mobility project proposal To have students and teachers mobility to enhance competences on BRIC tourism In summer we will know the result of the evaluation process Italy- Turkey- Malta Erasmus K2 Partnership project proposal To create a European course on BRIC tourism. Lectures to implement the courses will be done in Duzce University In summer we will know the result of the evaluation process 18

APULIA in BRICS Apulia is a region in the South-east of Italy that has developed a model of tourism promotion policy which attracted a large number of tourists from other Italian regions and from some central and northern Europe countries in the last 15 years. The model adopted includes sun, sea and funny experience in combination with good food and arts (the town of Lecce, for instance, is a Baroque city, called the “Florence” of the South). The duration of a tourism stay is about 1-2 weeks, with a high season in July- August. Hotels and restaurants on the beach are generally open from May to September. The percentage of foreign tourism is only 15% of the total tourism and the percentage of local tourism is 23% of the total. This region needs to increase the presence of foreign tourists and to diversify the tourism offer from the Summer tourism, which is characterised only by beach and sun. 19

Process of development of APULIA in BRICS Identification of the BRICS markets tourism Preparation of a European project application form Italy, Bulgaria and Turkey work together for the BRIC IN TOUR project Kick off meeting in Rome in November 2012, inviting Prof. Wolfang Arlt from COTRI who presented the key characteristics of the Chinese market and other experts for Brazil and Russia Qualitative investigation to identify good practices and experts Production of newsletters and articles to disseminate the results International meeting in Turkey in June 2013 to share the preliminary results of the investigation phase with the foreign partners Face to face meetings with companies and local authorities working in tourism to show the potential of the BRICS markets, share ideas and cooperate together to achieve the project objectives. 20

Process of development of APULIA in BRICS 2 days around APULIA Press Tour with the journalist Zong Beilei of Xinhua News Agency. A documentary of 10 minutes has been produced for all Chinese local tv and for the international CNC TV network. 2 minutes of news has been launched through all XINHUA channels and websites. Organization of a Training section in Lecce on the 24 th January Training to organize a reception of excellence: to offer services adequate to the needs of different target tourists with language support guaranteed Planning a positioning on the BRICS markets using online and offline tools and taking care of the international relations International meeting in Bulgaria in March 2014 to present APULIA in BRICS and to share ideas with the Bulgarian Travel and Investment Center in China and Tourist Agency for China International Fair COTTM held in Beijing in April 2014 in cooperation with Orientalia Lab and Jilitour Enlargement of the network to create an Italian product that combines famous destinations with less known destinations Planning of a huge project to obtain a public funding to exploit the big event Expo

22 CERES Referent: Gabriella Pappadà Facebook BRICS in tour Facebook fan page BRICS in tour Twitter BRICS in tour Thank you for your attention