ITS Device Standards & Procurement Project PURPOSE Develop a series of Standards & Strategies designed to guide and provide consistency across the development of ITS projects and for the procurement of ITS devices Set a baseline for ITS devices & projects Determine what are the costs to implement and operate/maintain ITS devices
ITS Device Standards & Procurement Project DELIVERABLES Pub ITS Project Development Process Guidebook Pub 646 – ITS Design Guide Pub 408 – Section 1200 ITS ITS Device Procurement Strategy ITS Maintenance Strategy Pub 697 – ITS Maintenance Standards Gap Analysis of Pub 647M – Civil & Structural Standards for ITS
ITS Device Standards & Procurement Project Pub ITS Project Development Process Guidebook Guides the project team through the development of ITS projects from scoping through construction Addresses each step of the development process Ensure conformity with FHWA 23 CFR (C) system engineering process and the Commonwealth’s existing project delivery standard procedures
ITS Device Standards & Procurement Project Pub ITS Design Guide Ensures the proper deployment of ITS field devices ◦ “Where” & “How” to put in ITS Devices Supplements PennDOT Publication 647M, Civil and Structural Standards for Intelligent Transportation Systems Sections include: ◦ CCTV, HAR, DMS ◦ Vehicle Detection Systems, Ramp Metering ◦ Travel Time Systems, Power, Communications
ITS Device Standards & Procurement Project Pub 408 ITS Specifications – Section 1200 Section 1201 – ITS Devices – General ◦ Housing ◦ Power ◦ Communication ◦ Testing Section CCTV Section 1220 – HAR Subsystem Section 1230 – DMS Section 1231 – Portable DMS Section 1240 – Vehicle Detection System
ITS Device Standards & Procurement Project Pub 408 continued Specifications follow existing Pub 408 format: ◦ General ◦ Materials ◦ Construction ◦ Payment Allow for consistent estimating/bidding on ITS projects Currently ITS projects bid either through ECMS or RFP ◦ All items bid as Special Provisions ◦ No cost history
ITS Device Standards & Procurement Project ITS Device Procurement Strategy Evaluate methods of procuring ITS Devices through either: ◦ Statewide Contract, OR ◦ Project by project basis FINDING: Consider Statewide Contract ◦ Model after Statewide Line Painting contract ◦ Reduce the number of different devices to be placed ◦ We provide devices to be implemented on ITS projects, Reduce cost of devices Work with Office Services on feasibility of Statewide Contract Develop list of Pre-Qualified devices & vendors
ITS Device Standards & Procurement Project ITS Maintenance Strategy Evaluate effectiveness of current ITS Maintenance Contracts Surveyed Districts on existing contracts and best practices ◦ Maintenance contract mechanism (ECMS vs PO) ◦ Geographic coverage ◦ Levels of Maintenance Preventative / Scheduled Responsive (within 48 hours) Emergency (within 4 hours) ◦ Uptime Start at 95%, with annual 1% increase until goal of 99% ◦ Include maintenance history in database OUTCOME – determined need for Focus Group to develop statewide standard for maintenance contracts
ITS Device Standards & Procurement Project Pub ITS Maintenance Standard Builds off of ITS Maintenance Strategy Provide guidance for a consistent framework for maintaining ITS devices and systems by detailing specific baseline maintenance activities for ITS devices and systems Establish maintenance program ◦ Budgeting ◦ Scheduling ◦ Documentation ◦ Coordination
ITS Device Standards & Procurement Project GAP ANALYSIS OF Pub 647M – Civil & Structural Standards for ITS Review of existing publication ◦ Identify areas of existing publication that need to be updated ◦ Identify additional items that should be included in next update ◦ Reference standards to the newly created publications
ITS Device Standards & Procurement Project OVERALL BENEFITS Having an established baseline Consistency, in terms of ◦ Design ◦ Procurement ◦ Estimating / Bidding ◦ Maintenance Life Cycle & Cost Analysis
ITS Device Standards & Procurement Project IMPACT ON PROJECTS Statewide Mobility Program ◦ Allow for integration of statewide network District Projects ◦ Districts will utilize same devices Maintenance Contracts ◦ Reduce the number of District contracts by regionalizing ◦ Reduce costs for contract and for device maintenance Operations Planning ◦ Districts can plan projects using same design criteria
ITS Device Standards & Procurement Project NEXT STEPS Rollout Pubs to Districts & Business Partners ◦ Working with ITSPA ◦ Utilize existing ITS Portals ◦ Provide Training to Districts on new pubs Approval from Pub 408 Specifications Committee ◦ Rollout for October ◦ Include in April printing Develop review/updating process ◦ Annual review Establish Maintenance Group for Regional Contract development Execute Work Order for development of Pub 408 Section 1200 bid items