MME TESTING Everything you ever wanted to know and then some!
MME D AY 1: T UESDAY, M ARCH 9 ACT plus writing (Go home after tests)
ACT PLUS WRITING: TEST SECTIONS 45 minutes & 75 questions English 60 minutes & 60 questions Math 35 minutes & 40 questions (4 passages) Reading 35 minutes & 40 questions Science 30 minutes & 1 prompt Writing
MME D AY 2: W EDNESDAY, M ARCH 10 WorkKeys (Class hours 4, 5, 6 after testing)
WORKKEYS: TEST SECTIONS Reading for Information: 45 minutes measures the skill people use when they read and use written text in order to do a job. The written texts include memos, letters, directions, signs, notices, bulletins, policies, and regulations. Applied Mathematics: 45 minutes measures the skill people use when they apply mathematical reasoning, critical thinking, and problem-solving techniques to work-related problems. The test questions require the examinee to set up and solve the types of problems and do the types of calculations that actually occur in the workplace. This test is designed to be taken with a calculator. Locating Information: 45 minutes measures the skill people use when they work with workplace graphics. Examinees are asked to find information in a graphic or insert information into a graphic. They also must compare, summarize, and analyze information found in related graphics.
P REPARING FOR W ORKKEYS ASSESSMENT AND P RACTICE QUESTIONS Resources scroll down to bottom of page and click on ‘preparing for Workkeys assessment’
MME DAY 3: T HURSDAY, M ARCH 11 MI Tests (Class hours 1, 2, 3 after testing)
MME D AY 3: MI T ESTS MI Math: 30 minutesMI Science: 40 minutesMI Social Studies: 30 minutes
MME T ESTING : W HEN AND W HERE Arrive to school by 7:30 and go to your assigned testing room in the C wing. Your room assignments will be posted on flyers in the C wing. Testing rooms are both on the 2 nd and 3 rd floor. Room assignments are by alpha. Have your Photo IDs ready to show testing proctor as you enter the room.
W HAT TO B RING ! BRING ALL 3 DAYS of TESTING: 1. Two soft-lead No. 2 pencils with good erasers (Use of pens, colored pencils, or highlighters is not permitted.) 2. Acceptable photo ID – must meet all of the following criteria: Examples: driver’s license, passport, school ID 3. A calculator for mathematics assessments only If you use a calculator, be sure to bring a calculator that you are comfortable using, along with fresh batteries. Check the Prohibited Calculator List at to make sure that your calculator is permitted for use on the MME mathematics tests.
W HAT NOT TO B RING ! Do not bring the following items to the test room: Cell phone, pager, iPod, timer, or other digital/electronic equipment Use of any device to share or exchange information at any time during testing or during the breaks is a prohibited behavior. If you bring any of these devices to the test room, you will be required to turn the device off and leave it with the Room Supervisor until you are dismissed after testing concludes. Scratch paper, notes, foreign language or other dictionary (unless used as an approved accommodation). You may do scratch work in your Test Booklet Pens, colored pencils, or highlighters Portable listening or recording device
T IPS T O D O Y OUR B EST Be well rested. Get a good night’s sleep the night before each test. Eat a healthy breakfast each morning. Make sure you have your picture ID, pencils, and calculator. Arrive on time. Students will not be admitted to the testing room once the Test Booklets have been distributed. Pace yourself during the test. If you find yourself spending too much time on one question, move on to the next question. Use breaks to eat or drink any snacks you may have brought with you. No food or drink is allowed in the testing room, but you may leave these items outside of the testing room.
T ESTING T IPS Be Familiar with the ACT Know the directions Take practice tests Review PLAN Pace your self Strategically guess Feel confident Keep in perspective: it is 1 part of the college application process Don’t cram & don’t get adventurous
R ETAKING THE ACT Should I retake? Do you think you can do better? Do you need to do better (cut off score for scholarship?) Have you taken it twice? Data #1: 55% your score will improve when you retest Data #2: scores don’t typically go up after twice unless you study, take a prep class How much time are you willing to give to study?
R ETAKING THE ACT & SAT TEST INFO ACT test dates: April 10, 2010(register by March 5) June 12, 2010 (register by May 7) Must register at SAT Test dates: May 1, 2010 (register by March 25) June 5, 2010 (register by April 29) Must register at ACT and SAT Score Comparison Chart