CHEMISTRY DICTIONARY CHAPTER 3 ERIC 11C DE=Definition SE=Sentence use the word EX=The image, diagram or the example
QUALITATIVE INFORMATION DE: Qualitative information is use to describe the facts without the number. SE: Qualitative information always use to describe the shape of the object. This soccer ball is round and soft. This is the Qualitative information.
QUANTITATIVE INFORMATION DE: It’s a kind of information use the number to make people know something about the object. SE: Quantitative information can make us the accurate number of today’s temperature. The temperature is 23 ℃ is an quantitative information
OBSERVATION DE: Observation is what we can see the change or reflection between two different objects use our eyes. SE: The observation of the movement of planets is so important to the whole human beings. This scientist is doing an observation about the germs.
INTERPRETATION DE: That’s the explanation to help people understand something. SE: Our teacher always give us the interpretation to helps to understand the lesson better. This is the interpretation of the car.
DESCRIPTION DE: Description is a thing to describe how is the objects use words. SE: The description of the new substance made all of the scientist feel exciting
DATA DE: Data is a list of the numbers from the experiments and the tests. SE: We find some new data about the Earth in the school’s lab!! That was the data of the sales in a shop.
EXPERIMENT DE: Experiment is a scientific controlled test help us to find something new. SE: We always to do the experiment in the lab to help us understand the knowledge better
HYPOTHESIS DE: From the facts, people make a assumption about something we don’t know before. SE: Before us to work on the science fair, we need to have a hypothesis.
THEORY DE: Theory is an accurate and have a good organized explanation of the facts in the natural world. SE: The big bang theory still is a important thing in human story. This a theory about the stock.
LAW DE: Law is a generalization that describes recurring facts in nature SE: Newton have three famous law about the force. That’s the Newton Law.
MATTER DE: Matter is a thing that have the space and the mass. SE: Liquid, solid and gas are three types of matter. This is the three types of the matter.
PHYSICAL PROPERTY DE: It’s a kind of property can’t produce a new substance. SE: The hardness of the objects is the physical property.
CHEMICAL PROPERTY DE: Chemical property is the property of matters in chemical reactions. SE: The ability can make objects be burned is one of the chemical property. Things can be burned it’s the Chemical property
EXTENSIVE PROPERTY DE: Extensive property is a kind of property physical quantity depend on the amount of the matter SE: Mass and volume are the extensive property of a object. Mass and volume is Extensive property.
INTENSIVE PROPERTY DE : Intensive property is a physical quantity can be changed, it’s doesn’t depend on the amount of matter SE: Density is a kind of intensive property of the object. It’s a kind of graph show us Intensive property.
SOLIDS DE: The matter has volume and mass. SE: Desk is a kind of solid
LIQUIDS DE: This kind of matter has volume, but has no shape. SE: Water is a kind of thing in the form of liquid. That’s liquid.
DE: That’ sa kind of the matter doesn’t have volume and shape, but any space can be fill of it. SE: The gas are all around us over time in our life. GASES CO ₂ is a kind of gas.
HARDNESS DE: It’s a kind of ability can make the objects to resistant to pressure. SE: Our bone have a very high hardness, so our bone is very hard. The rock have strong hardness.
MALLEABILITY DE: It’s a kind of ability can make the objects to deformed under compression. SE: The malleability of the silver can make it to be longer The silver have the malleability
DUCTILITY DE: Ductility is a kind of ability to stretch a metal, but it can don’t damage the objects. SE: Some of the objects have a good ductility, so it can be to change to different kinds shape. Because of the ductility it can be different kinds of shapes.
LUSTRE DE: Lustre is a kind of ability that can shines with reflected light SE: The mirror always use lustre to shine the light to the people. The mirror has the lustre.
VISCOSITY DE: It’s a kind of ability to resistance of a fluid to force. SE: If the viscosity decrease, it means the temperature will increase. The oil have the viscosity.
DIFFUSION DE: It’s a kind of ability to make objects spread or disperse. SE: The smelling of meals are diffusion of the gases.
VAPOUR DE: Vapour is when the temperature reach on 100 degrees, the water will turned to vapour. SE: We can see lots of the vapour when the water is boiling. Behind of the aircraft is the vapour.
ELEMENT DE: Element is a simple chemical substance that are made of atoms. SE: Everything are made of one or two elements, it’s an necessary thing for everyone.
ATOM DE: Atom is the smallest part of an element SE: Lots of the substances are made of atoms. That’s how the atom made of
MOLECULE DE: Molecule is made of two or more atoms compound together SE: People can use different atom to make some nest molecule.
ION DE: Ion is a kind of thing made of atom or molecule or a group that will lost and gain election from other things. SE: Some of the substances have the ions but someone doesn’t have that.
PARTICLE DE: It’s the smallest form of everything. SE: There’s so many particle of dust in the gas. There is so many particle in the wood.
HOMOGENOUS SUBSTANCE DE: That’s a kind of substance that has the same composition and the same property. SE: The homogenous substance we see are just like only one kind of thing, That’s thing is the example of Homogenous substance.
HETEROGENEOUS SUBSTANCE DE: That’s a kind of substance that has two or more properties and composition. SE: People can see two or more phases in the heterogeneous substance. That’s a picture of Heterogeneous substance
PURE SUBSTANCE DE: That’s kind of substance is made of the same element and compound. SE: The most simplest pure substance in our daily life is oxygen. Oxygen is the pure substance.
MIXTURE DE: Mixture is a kind of thing made of two or more substances together. SE: The juice we drink is the mixture. The coffee is a kind of mixture.
MECHANICAL MIXTURE DE: Mechanical mixture is a kind if mixture what components can be separated by mechanical means. SE: We can use Mechanical mixture to make bomb or other weapon.
SOLUTION DE: Solution is a kind of thing that something are dissolved in that. SE: Sweet water is a kind of solution.
SOLVENT DE: Solvent is a kind of thing can make other solid be dissolved in this liquid. SE: The most common solvent is the water. Ink is a kind of solvent.
SOLUTE DE: Solute is a kind of thing will be dissolved in the liquid. SE: The is a kind of solute can be dissolved in the water.
COMPOUND DE: Compound is a kind of thing in the form of two or more elements. SE: Salt is a kind of compound made of hydrogen and chlorine. That’s a kind of chemical compound.
HOMOGENOUS MIXTURE DE: It’s a kind of mixture that contain the same composition and only contain one phase. SE : The salty water is a kind of Homogenous mixture. Milk is a kind of Homogenous mixture
HETEROGENEOUS MIXTURE DE: The Heterogeneous mixture non-uniform mixture containing two or more phase with definite boundaries. SE: From the Heterogeneous mixture, we can see two different substances in that.
FILRATION DE: This is a way to separate fluid and solid. SE: We can use filration to separate the sand in the water.
FILTRATE DE: Filtrate is an action to separate the solid in the liquid. SE: To filtrate the solid in the water is a common way.
RESIDUE DE: That’s a kind of solid be left from the solution. SE: We always throw the residue in the rubbish bin, it’s always useless.
DISTILLATION DE: It’s a kind of way to boiling the water, let the liquid melt, the left thing is what we need. SE: We always use the distillation to get the thing left.
SOLVENT EXTRACTION DE: The Solvent extraction is a way to separate the mixture in the solution. SE: Solvent extraction was an useful and fast way to separate the milk in the water.
RECRYSTALLIZATION DE: It is a process to heat the solution and let the thing we don’t need, then to cool down, the thing left are we need. SE: We can use recrystallization to separate the liquid in the other liquid.
GRAVITY SEPARATION DE: That’s a way to use the gravity to separate the solid in the liquid. SE: We can use the Gravity separation to separate the fruit in the juice This always use to mining.
CHROMATOGRAPH DE: This is a way to used for separating mixtures by virtue of differences in absorbency. SE: You can see many different solid in the chromatograph
CHEMICAL CHANGE DE: It’s a kind of change will produce a new substance. SE: Something burned is a chemical change. The explosion is chemical change
PHYSICAL CHANGE DE: It’s a kind of change not will produce a new substance. SE: To change things shape it just a physical change.
KINETIC ENERGY DE: Kinetic energy is the mechanical energy that a body has by virtue of its motion SE : When people do some strong sports, the Kinetic energy is huge.
ROTATIONAL ENERGY DE: Rotational energy is a kind of energy due to the rotation of an object and is part of its total kinetic energy. SE: The total of the kinetic change can be called Rotational energy
VIBRATIONAL ENERGY DE: Vibrational energy is a kind of the energy products from tiny movement. SE : If the ant move from here to another side there was the Vibrational energy.
TRANSLATIONAL ENERGY DE: It’s a kind of an energy of a body moving in a straight line. SE: When a person walk from here to the other side straightly, it will have the Translational energy. When the car runs straightly, it’s Translational energy