1 Dr. Ali Mistarihi Employee Training & Development
2 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development to develop employees to be successful in their: current jobs future jobs Introduction Why Training should be strategic ? to provide (formal trg + learning) to cope with change to prepare for future demands
3 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development is defines as “a plan of how the org will go about achieving its goals” it influences how the org uses its resources to achieve goals it directs the org.al activities and functions to achieve its goals Introduction Business Strategy expl: how to get to 20 % of ROI ? how to be no. 1 in your line of business ?
4 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development to increase profit by 30 % by 2015: - 5 % by % by % by 2015 Introduction Examples about goals (WHAT?): for a private- owned co to get graduates to be No. 1 in the Jordanian labour market by 2015 (industry position) YU- a service – public sector org.
5 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development to increase profit by 30 % by 2015: - 5 % by % by % by 2015 Introduction Examples about goals (WHAT?): for a private- owned co to get graduates to be No. 1 in the Jordanian labour market by 2015 (industry position) YU- a service – public sector org.
6 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Goals / strategies have direct / indirect link to T&D: (what?) Develop employees’ skills to reach the goals.. (how?) by creating positive working envt (leads to) attracting talented employees and provide them with trg Introduction Link to T & D:
7 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development 1. amount of trg (current & future) 2. customized trg (individual/ group / org) 3. importance of trg (compared to other HR functions) Introduction Strategies have strong influence on determining:
8 The 1 st Exam Thursday 1.00 pm Employee Training & Development
9 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development The Strategic Trg & Dev Process Mission Vision Goals Strategies Activities Initiatives Needs Astst Objectives Outcomes Design Evaluation Delivery - Follow up - Metrics for follow up (e.g: - improvement - turnover - satisfaction - etc : Bus. Strategy & Analysis 3: Trg Process 4: Value of Trg / Learning Link & feedback
10 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Mission vision dynamics process task Activity Procedure What & why?? How?
11 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development STEP-1 reference to the org’s mission, vision & values org mission is: “the org’s reason for existence Identifying the Co’s Business Strategy 3 Steps: Mission includes: 1.Specification for customers served 2.Why the org exists 3.What the org does 4.What values / benefits to the customers / public
12 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Identifying the Co’s Business Strategy 3 Steps: Vision is: “ the picture that the org wants to achieve “ Values are: “ what the org stands for “ جامعة اليرموك : المحافظة على الثقافة الوطنية / تقدير الابداع والتميز / تقدير ودعم البحث العلمي / النماء الانتماء.. الخ
13 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development STEP-2 Conduct SWOT analysis Identifying the Co’s Business Strategy 3 Steps: SWOT includes: 1.Internal strengths 2.Internal weaknesses 3.External opportunities 4.External threats
14 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development STEP-3 consider competition (see Table 2.1 ; pg 52) 1 +2: Identifying the Co’s Business Strategy 3 Steps: Identifying trg initiatives / strategies (see Table 2.2 ; pg 55)
15 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development to identify benefits for trg / learning to the whole org.. how trg & dev contribute to the business strategy by using metrics to know: 3: Identify & Collect Metrics of Trg Success trainee satisfaction Change in knowledge, skills, behaviour Contribution to the org’s performance / goals Employee turnover No. of product defects Time spent in production no,. of patents, etc..
16 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development One way is to use a “balanced score-cared”. to assess trg contribution to the balanced score-cared This includes, looking at the org’s overall performance from the perspectives of : …. 3: Identify & Collect Metrics of Trg Success
17 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development 3: Identify & Collect Metrics of Trg Success time / quality / cost / service FocusIndicators Customers Internal processes Financial Innovation & learning - customer satisfaction - employee satisfaction - operating efficiency - employee satisfaction - continuous improvements - profit - growth - shareholder value
18 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Employee trained: 3: Identify & Collect Metrics of Trg Success Examples on METRICS = JD / employee = no. of employees Total cost Training cost: = % = total no. of employees employees trained
19 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Training cost per hour: 3: Identify & Collect Metrics of Trg Success Examples on METRICS = total trg hours total trg cost = JD / hour
20 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Org.al Characteristics that Influence Trg. Roles of employees & mgrs Involvement of: - employees - teams - managers (all levels..) Top mgrs support
21 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Org.al Characteristics that Influence Trg. Integration of business units: - highly integrated orgs.. means : train employees to understand other units Global presence.. (eg. overseas assignment) Business conditions
22 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Org.al Characteristics that Influence Trg. Other HR practices - HR planning - staffing - promotion - etc.. Unionization مثلا في مشاريع التخاصية واعادة الهيكلة Business conditions
23 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Outsourcing Trg. Trg outsourcing is the use of outside / external co. to take responsibility & control of part (or all) T&D activities: - administration - design / development - delivery - evaluation & follow up
24 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Outsourcing Trg. WHY to outsource ? - cost saving - time saving - lack of capability - access best trg practices
25 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Outsourcing Trg. Approaches: Comprehensive approach (ALL trg activities) Selective outsourcing VS
26 Ch.2: Strategic Training Employee Training & Development Outsourcing Trg. WHEN [or NOT] to outsource ? [refer to Table 2.9; pg 82 - your capabilities - importance to org - change of trg content - trg provider; expert? - strengths / weaknesses of outsourcing.. Ask few questions about:
27 Question Time ? Thank You END OF CH. 2