Functions of Management Guided By: Prof. Ashutosh Abhangi Prepared By: Bhsaniya Jaydeeo ( ) Dadhaniya Milan ( )
Topic to be Covered Planning in detail Organizing in detail Staffing in detail Directing in detail Controlling in detail Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh2
(Input) Men Material Machine Method Money Market P O S D C ( Output ) Management Functions 3Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh
4 (P)Planning
Planning means looking ahead & deciding the future course of action. Planning is the exercise of creative thinking in the solution of business problems. “Planning is a determination of what is to be done & how is to be done & where it is to be done & Why is to be done & who Shall be responsible.” Concept 5Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh
Expert Definition-1 “Planning involves Selecting enterprise Objectives, departmental Goals & Programmes & determining the ways to reaching them” - Koontz & O’Donnell Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh6
“ Planning is the Selection & Relating of facts & Making & Using of assumptions regarding the Future in the Visualization & Formulation of Proposed activities believed necessary to achieve desired result” - George R. Terry Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh7 Expert Definition-2
Planning- Nature Planning is Goal Oriented Planning is Primary function Planning is Pervasive Planning is Rational Process Planning is a Continuous process Planning involves Choice Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh8
Planning- Importance Planning Focuses attention on objectives & result Planning Provides directions Planning reduces the Risks of Uncertainty Planning promotes innovative ideas Planning facilitates decision making Planning provides efficiency in operations Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh9
Building Premises EXTERNAL PREMISES Political Stability Government Control Population trends Price levels Fiscal Policy Technological innovations INTERNAL PREMISES Capital Investment Basic Policies Sales forecast Development of units Ability of Employees Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh11
Planning- Limitations Planning Creates Rigidity. Planning doesn’t work in a Dynamic Environment. Planning involves huge cost. Planning is a Time Consuming Process. Planning doesn’t Guarantee Success. Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh12
M.B.O. ( Management By Objectives) Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh13
M.B.O. - Concept The Concept of MBO Was Popularized by Peter F. Druker in 1954 in his book “ The Practice of Management ” He stressed that business performance requires that each job be directed towards the objectives of whole business. Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh14
M.B.O. - Concept MBO is the latest Concept making Management More effective & Goal oriented. MBO refers to a system of management in which – Basic Goals of the business is defined. – Goal for each departments & individual manager – Managers & employees are involved in Setting goal Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh15
M.B.O. – Expert definition-1 “ The system of MBO can be described as a Process whereby the Superior & Subordinate Managers jointly identify its common goals, define each individual’s major areas of responsibility in terms of result expected from him ” - George Odiorne Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh16
M.B.O. – Expert definition-2 “ MBO is result Oriented, Operational Managerial Process for the effective utilization of the resources, by integrating the individual with the organization the organization with environment ” - George Odiorne Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh17
Purpose of MBO “MBO aims to increase organizational performance by aligning goals & subordinate objectives throughout the organization.” Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh18
Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh19 Set Corporate Objectives Evaluate Performance Set & Align Employee Objectives Monitor Performance Reward Employee MBO PROCESSS
Advantage of the MBO Process Better management Harmony of Objectives Clarifies Organization Motivation Improvement in employee- supervisor relations Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh20
Difficulty in Setting Goals Pressure on Employees Too much emphasize on results Rigidity Not useful for all Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh21 Limitations of the MBO Process
Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh22 (O)Organizing
This activities are divided into different Departments. Then the activities of different departments are undertaken by different groups of individuals. “Organization is a Structure, for it lays down the functions & duties to be performed by a group of People for attaining the objective” 2. Organizing 23Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh
Organizing- Nature 1.Division of Work 2.Coordination 3.Group activity 4.Clarity of major Duties or activities 5.Executive Function Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh24
Organizing- Importance 1.Benefits of Specialization 2.Clarity in Working Relationship 3.Optimum Utilization of Resources 4.Effective Administration 5.Expansion & Growth Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh25
Organizing- Principles 1.Objectives 2.Specialization 3.Span of Control 4.Scalar Principle 5.Unity of Command 6.Delegation Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh26
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Centralization & Decentralization Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh29
Meaning Centralization is Systematic and Consistent reservation of authority at central points within an Organization. Decentralization applies to the Systematic delegation of authority in an Organization context. Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh30
Merits of Centralization Effective utilization of talents of the top management. It reduces co-ordination problems as a unifying force integrates all operations. It allows the development of a strong co-ordinates top management team. There is uniformity of policies and plans across the organization. Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh31
Merits of Decentralization Decentralization reduces the workload It improves job satisfaction and morale. Decision making is quicker. It facilitates growth and diversification. It gives opportunity to subordinates to exercise their own judgment. Decentralization requires wider span of control Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh32
Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh33 (S)Staffing
Meaning- Staffing “ Staffing involves the Regular Provision of human Resources needed for different positions in an enterprise.” It consist of defining manpower needs, Interviewing, Recruiting, Selecting, Training, Promoting & Transferring. Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh34
Nature - Staffing - Related to human beings - Separate Managerial function - Essential at all Managerial levels - Related to Social responsibility - Effect of Internal & External Environment Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh35
Importance - Staffing - Helpful in Discovering & Obtaining Competent Personnel - Helpful in Better Performance - Helpful in Continuous Survival & Growth of Business - Helpful in Optimum utilization of the Human Resource - Helpful in Improving job satisfaction & morale of Employees Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh36
Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh37 Estimating Manpower requirement Placement & orientation Recruitment Selection Training & Development S Staffing Process
Meaning- Knowledge Worker Knowledge Workers are workers whose main Capital is knowledge. Typical examples may include software engineers, architects, engineers, scientists and engineers architectsengineersscientistslawyers The idea of ‘Knowledge Worker' was first described by Peter Drucker in his 1959 book 'The Landmarks of Tomorrow'. Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh38
Role in 21 st Century Knowledge Workers are the People With Specialized area of interest. They Stand different from others in their Knowledge, Competence, Skills and abilities. They define the Problems unconventionally, Think Creatively and innovatively and finding Solutions to Problems. They involve in lot of Research and Consultancy. These people add value to the existing knowledge with Modified and Updated Content. Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh39
Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh40 (D)Directing
Meaning- Directing “Direction is a Complex function that includes all those activities Which are designed to encourage subordinates to work effectively & efficiently in both the Short & long run. “ Directing is a Process of instructing, guiding, motivating & supervising the employees so that they Put their efforts to achieve the desired goal. Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh41
Nature- Directing Directing initiate the Action Directing takes Place at every levels of Management Directing is a Continuous Process Directing Flows from Top to Bottom Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh42
Importance- Directing Directing initiate the actions through motivation Directing leads organization towards goal Directing improve employee satisfactions Directing facilitates to Implement Changes Directing helps to improve efficiency Directing helps in reducing errors & rectifying them Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh43
Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh44 (C)Controlling
Meaning - Controlling “ Control refers to the Comparison of actual Performance With the Planned (Standard) Performance & do take corrective actions to Minimize the deviation.” “ PLANNING IS LOOKING AHEAD WHILE CONTROLLING IS LOOKING BACK ” Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh45
Nature- Controlling Controlling is a Fundamental Function Controlling is a essential function of every Manager Controlling is a continuous activity Controlling is related to Result Controlling based on Planning Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh46
Importance- Controlling Controlling helps to Accomplishing Organizational Goals Controlling helps to Judging Accuracy of Standards Controlling helps to Making efficient Use of Resources Controlling helps to Improving employee Motivations Controlling helps to Facilitating Coordination in Action Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh47
Process- Controlling 1. Set up Standards to Measure Performance 2. Measure Real Performance 3. Comparing Actual Performance with Standard 4.Take Corrective Actions Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh48
Controlling Techniques 1. Traditional Direct Observation Budgetary Control Break even Analysis Ratio analysis Internal audit system 2. Modern Management audit Social audit Return on capital investment Human resource accounting PERT & CPM Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh49
Thank You… Dr.Subhash Technical Campus - Junagadh50