Coleg Gwent Y Dimensiwn Cymreig / The Welsh Dimension Arwel Williams Coleg Gwent.


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Presentation transcript:

Coleg Gwent Y Dimensiwn Cymreig / The Welsh Dimension Arwel Williams Coleg Gwent

Y cyd-destun ieithyddol yng Nghymru The linguistic context in Wales

Coleg Gwent

Deddfwriaeth Iaith Gymraeg Deddf Iaith Gymraeg 1993 Mesur yr Iaith Gymraeg(Cymru) 2011 Rôl y Llywodraeth a Comisiynydd y Gymraeg Welsh Language Legislation Welsh Language Act 1993 Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 Government and Welsh Language Commissioner Role

Coleg Gwent Strategaeth Addysg Cyfrwng Cymraeg Nod strategol 2: cynllunio darpariaeth cyfrwng Cymraeg yng nghyfnodau ôl-14 addysg a hyfforddiant, gan ystyried dilyniant ieithyddol a datblygu sgiliau’n barhaus. AS2.3 Cynyddu’r ddarpariaeth cyfrwng Cymraeg a dwyieithog mewn addysg bellach a dysgu a hyfforddiant seiliedig a rwaith. Welsh Medium Education Strategy Strategic Aim 2: plan Welsh-medium provision in the post-14 phases of education and training, to take account of linguistic progression and continued development of skills. AS2.3 Increase Welsh-medium and bilingual provision in further education (FE) and WBL.

Coleg Gwent Meysydd blaenoriaeth Llywodraeth Cymru Iechyd a gofal Gofal Plant Gweinyddu Busnes Hamdden a Thwristiaeth Amaethyddiaeth Celfyddydau creadigol TGCh Welsh Government Key Priority Areas Health and care Early years Business Administration Leisure and Tourism Agriculture Media & Performing Arts ICT

Coleg Gwent Mesuriadau Ansawdd Estyn Deilliannau- 1.1 Safonau- Darpariaeth yr iaith Gymraeg 2.1 Profiad dysgu–darpariaeth dygsu’n Gymraeg 2.4 Awyrgylch dysgu– ethos, cyfartaledd ac amrywiaeth Arweinyddiaeth 3.3 Partneriaeth Estyn’s Quality Indicators Outcomes – 1.1 Standards -Welsh language provision 2.1 Learning experience –Welsh language provision and dimensions 2.4 Learning environment –ethos, equality and diversity Leadership 3.3 Partnership

Coleg Gwent Partneriaeth Llywodraeth Cymru Sgiliaith-hyfforddiant Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Ntfw Urdd, Mentrau Cyrff dyfarnu Gweithle Ysgolion Rhannu arfer da Partnership Welsh Government Sgiliaith–training Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol NTfw (National Training Fed) Urdd, Mentrau Awarding bodies Workplace Schools Share best practice

Coleg Gwent Bilingualism/multilingualism – Global Bilingualism is extremely widespread and is very common in today’s world Within Europe there are about 100 minority languages, spoken by millions of people. Around 65% of the world’s population use at least two languages in their everyday lives. 50 million people use a language every day that’s different from the language of the country in which they live. Dwyieithrwydd/aml-ieithrwydd– Byd-eang Mae dwyieithrwydd yn eithriadol o eang ac yn arferol yn y byd heddiw Yn Ewrop mae tua 100 o ieithoedd lleiafrifol, a siaredir gan filiynau o bobl. Mae tua 65% o boblogaeth y byd yn defnyddio o leiaf dwy iaith yn eu bywydau bob dydd. 50 miliwn o bobl yn defnyddio iaith bob dydd sy'n wahanol i iaith y wlad y maent yn byw ynddi.

Coleg Gwent Beth yw Sgiliau Dwyieithog? Y gallu i: Siarad,ysgrifennu a darllen mewn dwy iaith Newid o un iaith i'r llall Ymwybyddiaeth o wahanol ystyron/werthoedd geiriau Ymwybyddiaeth o allu ieithyddol personol Trawsieithu – egluro rywbeth o un iaith i'r llall Cyfieithu What are Bilingual Skills? Ability to: Speak, write and read in two languages Switch between languages Awareness of the different meaning/values of words Awareness of personal linguistic abilities Explain in one language something from the other language Translate from one language to the other

Coleg Gwent Beth yw addysgu dwyieithog? Dull yw addysgu dwyieithog sy'n galluogi dysgwyr i ddysgu yn eu dewis iaith ac i ymarfer ystod o sgiliau dwyieithog. What is bilingual teaching? Bilingual Teaching is a method which enables learners to learn in their language of choice and provides them with a range of bilingual skills.

Coleg Gwent Oes rhaid i'r athro fod yn medru Cymraeg? Yn ddelfrydol ie OND gall y di- Gymraeg hwyluso peth dysgu dwyieithog Gellir sicrhau fod y dysgwyr yn siarad Cymraeg a'i gilydd mewn grwpiau ac yna roi adborth yn Saesneg i'r athro. Cyflwyno termau i ddysgwyr yn eu dwy iaith Galluogi dysgwyr i ddatblygu eu sgiliau dwyieithog Must the teacher be a Welsh speaker? Ideally yes, BUT non Welsh speakers can facilitate some bilingual learning. They can enable learners to speak in Welsh with peers in small groups and then give feedback to the teacher in English To provide learners with terminology in both languages To enable learners to develop their bilingual skills

Coleg Gwent Integrating the Welsh dimension All teachers and trainers are required to address the Welsh dimension within their teaching and to evidence this in their Schemes of Work. What is the Welsh dimension? This has been described as: ‘The provision of opportunities, where appropriate, to develop and apply knowledge and understanding of the cultural, economic, environmental, historical and linguistic characteristics of Wales.” Integreiddio'r dimensiwn Cymreig Mae'r dimensiwn Cymreig yn un o'r themâu trawsbynciol y mae gofyn i athrawon a hyfforddwyr fynd i'r afael â hi wrth addysgu gan gyflwyno tystiolaeth o hyn yn eu Cynlluniau Gwaith. Beth yw'r dimensiwn Cymreig? Fe'i disgrifiwyd fel: 'Darparu cyfleoedd, lle y bo'n briodol, i ddatblygu a defnyddio gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth o nodweddion diwylliannol, economaidd, amgylcheddol, hanesyddol ac ieithyddol Cymru.'

Coleg Gwent Ymwreiddio / Embedding

Coleg Gwent

Catering Sourcing Welsh produce Traditional Welsh dishes Customer Service (Iaith ar Waith) Successful catering business/chefs locally – in Wales Themed Welsh menus Travel and Tourism The Tourist industry locally and in Wales WAG initiatives to support Tourism Local tourist attractions Places of historical interest Customer service (Iaith ar Waith) Marketing Welsh culture and language to tourists Media Nature of Welsh media – publishing, radio, S4C, film, on-line, animation Exporting Welsh culture through the media Exploring Welsh cultural identity using the media Performing Arts Performance in Wales WAG initiatives to support the arts in Wales Successful Welsh artists Performances of Welsh works Art and Design Familiarisation with the local environment Use of Welsh/Anglo-Welsh poetry The work of Welsh/local artists Links between Welsh culture and Art Local galleries and exhibitions History Reference to Welsh history, language and culture in relation to the period studied Social Sciences The nature of society in Wales Areas of deprivation and causes of social problems WAG policies Structure of local government Local issues and initiatives Education and Training The structure of the education system in Wales and differences Estyn and the inspection system The history of Welsh education Welsh medium and bilingual education Business The nature of the Welsh economy Customer care (Iaith ar Waith) Marketing Welshness as a USP Case studies using Welsh companies and how their products are marketed Welsh entrepreneurs Developing business ideas in Wales Wag policies and incentives for business

Coleg Gwent PWYSLEISIO CYFLOGADWYEDD  Gofyn i gyflogwyr dwyieithog ddod i mewn fel siaradwyr gwadd  Trefnu Profiad Gwaith hefo cyflogwyr dwyieithog i'r dysgwyr Cymraeg  Trefnu ymweliadau â lleoliadau/cyflogwyr dwyieithog  Defnyddio mwy o enghreifftiau o fusnesau/pobl fusnes llwyddiannus yng Nghymru/leol yn y maes pwnc EMPHASIS ON EMPLOYABILITY  Ask a bilingual employer to come in as a guest speaker  Work experience with a bilingual employer for Welsh speaking students  Arrange visits with bilingual workplaces/employers  Use lots of examples of successful Welsh businesses/ people

Coleg Gwent Cymorth sydd ar gael  Rhestrau termau  Gwasanaeth cyfieithu  Adnoddau teledu a radio  Cefnogaeth mentor  Cysill/Cysgeir  Termiadur Addysg  Gwefan y BBC (geiriadur)   Ap Geiriaduron Support available Terminology lists Translation facility TV and Radio resources Mentoring support Cysill/Cysgeir Termiadur Addysg BBC website (dictionary) Ap Geiriaduron

Coleg Gwent Pethau eraill…  Ceisio cael ‘bydi Cymraeg’ o blith cydweithwyr i drafod ynganiad geiriau Cymraeg ac ati  Cyflwyno geiriau Cymraeg fesul tipyn, e.e. cyfarchion, geiriau cefnogol/ysgogol hefo dysgwyr Other things…  Try and get a ‘Welsh buddy’ from amongst your colleagues to discuss pronunciation of Welsh words etc.  Introduce Welsh words a little at a time, e.g. greetings, praise words with learners

Coleg Gwent Rhwystrau Posib Seicoleg ofn y newydd Dim digon o adnoddau Dim amser Cyrff Dyfarnu heb baratoi profion ac ati Cymhelliant y dysgwyr Aelodaeth y Dosbarth Possible Barriers Lack of Resources Lack of time Awarding Body fail to provide tests etc. Motivation of learners Class make-up

Coleg Gwent DADANSODDIAD SWOT ANALYSIS S Cryfderau Strengths W Gwendidau Weaknesses O Cyfleoedd Opportunities T Bygythiadau Threats

Coleg Gwent …… the education system is failing students and cheating them of reaching their full potential when it does not support them with their bilingualism …… Yr Athro/Prof Jim Cummins Prifysgol Toronto / University of Toronto