Child Sexual Exploitation Detective Inspector Angie Chapman.


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Presentation transcript:

Child Sexual Exploitation Detective Inspector Angie Chapman

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Definition of CSE Children and YP’s under 18 involved in exploitative situations, contexts and relationships where they receive ‘something’ (e.g., food, accommodation, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, affection, gifts, money) as a result of them being involved in sexual activities. Can occur using technology e.g.; persuaded to post images on the internet without immediate payment or gain. Violence, coercion and intimidation are common. Exploitative relationships where the child / YP has limited availability of choice, due to their social, economic or emotional vulnerability. Often the victim does not recognise the coercive nature of the relationship and does not see themselves as a victim

Categories of Offending Groups targeting a Victim’s vulnerability Groups with a Sexual Interest in Children GROUPS CSE used as Weapon in conflict with rivals, Initiation, Punishment STREET GANGS Abuser is similar age to Victim Recruited by adults to groom Victim PEER ON PEER Prey on Victim’s vulnerability to sexually exploit them LONE OFFENDER

Models of CSE Methods used to sexually exploit children:  Exploitation by Family members  Peer-on-peer exploitation  Boyfriend model  Party model  Trafficking  Online grooming / Sexting

In 2012 Barnardo's reported an increase in CSE by peers. Young People were sexually exploiting other young people either directly by sexually abusing victims themselves or indirectly by introducing children and young people to abusers. The Children's Commissioner Inquiry found that of 2,409 Victims reported to them, 155 were also identified as Perpetrators of CSE According to the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), perpetrators can use 1 victim to gain access to others, e.g. Asking victims to bring their friends along to pre-arranged meetings or 'parties'. If victims try to break free, the perpetrator will use their peers to draw them back in. Peer Exploitation

Boyfriend Model

Child sexual abuse online When sexual exploitation happens online, young people may be persuaded, or forced, to: send or post sexually explicit images of themselves take part in sexual activities via a webcam or smartphone have sexual conversations by text or online. Abusers may threaten to send images, video or copies of conversations to the young person's friends and family unless they take part in other sexual activity. Images or videos may continue to be shared long after the sexual abuse has stopped.

Online Grooming Victim: Breck BEDNAR, 14 yrs Victim started communicating with Abuser on gaming website They played games and chatted through Teamspeak Victim’s personality changed Victim went from Surrey to Abuser’s home in Essex Abuser: Lewis DAYNES, 19 yrs Abuser spent many months building up online relationships with vulnerable teenage boys Lured Victim to his home address Tied Victim up with duct tape, sexually assaulted him, and killed him. Attempted to destroy technical devices

Methods of Coercion DrugsBlackmailFearPresents Food treats Rewards Paying a debt Mental cruelty Alcohol Physical violence False promises Attention

‘PUSH’ FACTORS Being bullied or threatened Drug/alcohol use within the family or by YP Being let down by ’trusted’ adults Lack of friends/peer relationships Living with Domestic Abuse Homeless/sofa surfing Sibling difficulties (older sibling involved in CSE) Associating with older adults Being alienated from family or community Children in Care Friendships/living with other young people that are victims of CSE Offending behaviour/criminality Mental Health issues History of previous abuse History of previous CSE Peer violence

‘PULL’ FACTORS Meeting someone who thinks they are special Being taken to clubs and adult venues Receiving alcohol, drugs, money or gifts of any description Being part of an alternative scene, e.g. criminal gang or music scene (belonging) Being liked and fancied/receiving affection Being offered somewhere to stay where there are no rules Being taken to clubs, adult venues Being given lifts, taken to new places and having new adventures Getting a buzz and the excitement of doing something risky or forbidden (encouraged by the abuser)

Child Sexual Exploitation Unit Operation Willow Call 101 Say Something Helpline