UZNEFTGAZDOBICHA JOINT-STOCK COMPANY «Uzneftgazkuduktamirlash» Joint-Stock Company
About Joint-Stock Company «Uzneftgazkuduktamirlash» JSC operates more than 30 years. It is basic organisation which performs works on capital and current repair of oil and gas chinks. Basic customers concerning difficult major repairs and operating repair of oil and gas chinks of «Uzneftgazkuduktamirlash» JSC are : - «Mubarekneftgaz» Unitary Affiliate Company, - «Shurtanneftegaz» Unitary Affiliate Company, - «Gazlineftegazdobicha» Unitary Affiliate Company, - «Djarkurganneft» JSC - The foreign companies (Lukoil Uzbekistan, Petromaruz).
The pattern of ownership is abolished and name was changed into " Uzneftgazkuduktamirlash “ Joint-Stock Company. The organisation had been created in territory of Karaulbazar District, and was called "Kaganneftegaz“ Oil-Gas-Refinery Department By order of "Sredazgazprom" association No. 28 dated March 4, 1991 KKRS had been renamed into UKRS. On the basis of order of Cabinet of Republic of Uzbekistan No. 31 dated January14, 1993 UKRS was renamed to UKRS at “Uzneftgazdobicha“State Joint-Stock Company. Began to be called "Uzbekgazprom“ KKRS VPO On the basis of the decision of Bukhara committee of privatisation of state property No. 482 dated June 12, 1998 " Uzneftgazkuduktamirlash " Open Joint-Stock Company was renamed into Joint-Stock Company. History On the basis of the decision of Karaulbazar District Hall No. 93 dated March,1, 1999 the joint-stock company has been registered.
At the moment authorised capital of the company makes 587,79 million UZS. (equivalent to 230 thousand US dollars) Information on shareholders and their shares
Licence and certificates " Uzneftgazkuduktamirlash "Joint-stock company is the bearer of license series ПР No dated March 2, 2015 issued by Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan for transportation, storage of precursors and use of them in manufacture. “ Uzneftgazkuduktamirlash ” Joint-Stock Company is the bearer of license series АТ No dated November 4, 2014 issued by Agency on river and automobile transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan, for rendering of transport services in long-distance cargo transportation. Now the Joint-Stock Company carries out actions for introduction of system of quality management according to the ISO 9001:2008 international standard for the purpose of certified audit and reception of corresponding certificate till the end of 2015.
The primary goal of the Joint-Stock Company is capital and current repair of oil and gas chinks for the purpose of maintenance of established tasks on extraction of hydrocarbonic raw materials at observance of safe working conditions, introduction of the innovative ideas, new technics and technology, improvement of productivity of chink, intensification of inflow of liquid from layer. Further improvement of economic condition of Joint-Stock Company, culture of production and sale relations. Simultaneously collective of the joint-stock company carries out capital repair of gas injection and water delivery chinks for the purpose of maintenance plastic pressure, and as water chinks for maintenance with potable water of the population of areas. Production capacity, Used technologies.
On the date of May 1, 2015 " Uzneftgazkuduktamirlash “ Joint-Stock Company includes: 8 sites on capital repair of chinks, 2 shops on repair of chisel equipment, 1 shop on special equipment repair, 1 service shop on «cutting of second trunk», 1 service of intensification and selective isolation, 1 operative industrial service. From them: - 8 sites of KRS (Kokdumalak, Zevardy, Kruk, Gazli, Karaulbazar, Shurtan, Jarkurgan, Urga), located in the territory of Republic of Uzbekistan ; - 2 shops on repair of chisel equipment; - 1 shop on special equipment repair; - 1 service shop on « cutting of second trunk»; - 1 service on intensification and selective isolation; - 1 service of fast industrial reaction; - 1 service of electricians; -1 mechanics department; Also operates one construction brigade Infrastructure
Now on balance of " Uzneftgazkuduktamirlash "Joint-stock company there are 32 units of elevating installations by load-carrying capacity of 50 tons, 60 tons, 80 tons and 125 tons, and 114 various special technicians and motor transport which are involved for realization of capital repair of oil and gas chinks by various kinds of repair, such as cutting of lateral trunk, demothballing, return from liquidation, extraction of emergency tools, extraction casing columns, deepening, repair and insulation works, etc. Total amount of the executed works on capital repair of chinks of oil and gas deposits on " Uzneftgazkuduktamirlash “ Joint-Stock Company makes more than 70 % in oil and gas branches of Republic of Uzbekistan. Market Overview
Demand for attraction of additional financial resources consists in necessity of manufacture of expenses on following main objectives: - Acquisition of truck cranes 5 pieces, tractor semitrailer 5 pieces, Acid tank 2 pieces for acceleration of performance the task before oil and gas branch; - Acquisition of spare parts for the special technics and technological transport on 1,0 billion UZS. (equivalent to thousand dollars) Requirement
Short analysis of product /service market
Financial indexes of activity of the Company
Basic industrial indexes In 2014 by efforst of "Uzneftgazkuduktamirlash” Joint-Stock Company on "Uzneftegazdobicha" Joint-stock company there are finished and handed over customers 304 oil and gas chinks, from them 38 chinks are executed on gain of UV therefore it took place rise of gas in amount of thousand cubic meters, tons of gas condensate and tons of oil, 266 chinks were executed on maintenance and restoration of extraction of UV, at the expense of this there were reached restoration of thousand cubic meters of gas, tons of gas condensate and tons of oil. In 2014 amount of executed works has made about 37,8 million dollars.
Basic financial indexes Turn of the Company Profit before payment of taxes Profit after payment of taxes Operational expenses Net profit Cost of actives Financial indexes of activity: Calculation of indexes of profitability Profitability of actives; 0,22 Profitability of realisation; 0,17 Profitability of primary activity; 0,16 Profitability of own capital 0,19 US dollar
According to the Appendix No. 1 of the Decision of the President of Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP – 2340 dated April 28, 2015 «About measures of increase of share and value of private property in economy» it is provided realisation of the State share at a rate of 31,1 % to strategic foreign investor. Offered share, sale sum
Personnel potential On “ Uzneftgazkuduktamirlash ” Joint-stock company number of personnel as of the date July 1, 2015 makes 3122 persons, including the administrative personnel - 9 persons. From total 3122 workers - Heads of division make - 45 person; - Experts person; - Technical personnel - 35 person; - Attendants units; - Industrial personnel (worker) person
Contacts Address : 40, Chulkuvar street, Karaulbazar City, Bukhara Region, Phone: 0(365) Web site: «Uzneftgazkuduktamirlash» Joint-Stock Company