Modern Communication
Charles Babbage
Babbage Engine
Cam wheel
Organ cam
Basile Bouchon Son of an organ maker, he realized the perforated paper pattern to tell the organist where to place the pegs could be used as a controller on a loom Son of an organ maker, he realized the perforated paper pattern to tell the organist where to place the pegs could be used as a controller on a loom In 1725 built a loom using a loop of perforated paper to control the thread lifters on a loom In 1725 built a loom using a loop of perforated paper to control the thread lifters on a loom
Bouchon’s loom
Jean-Baptiste Falcon In 1728 Falcon improved on Bouchon’s idea by substituting cards for the paper roll. In 1728 Falcon improved on Bouchon’s idea by substituting cards for the paper roll.
Jaques de Vaucanson In 1741 improved the system by automating it In 1741 improved the system by automating it Used a perforated cylinder, then placed a perforated paper roll around it Used a perforated cylinder, then placed a perforated paper roll around it Added a ratchet system to advance the cylinder Added a ratchet system to advance the cylinder
Joseph Jacquard In 1800 perfected the system using cards like Falcon and Vaucanson’s ratchet system Created the Jaquard loom Jaquard gets all the credit for everyone else’s previous work
Jacquard Loom
Herman Hollerith
Hollerith Tabulator
Card punch
Hollerith punch card – 1890 Census
German Z
Konrad Zuse
Zuse tube
British Colossus
Vacuum tube
The Transistor
Kilby’s integrated circuit
Modern integrated circuit
Altair personal computer -1975
Bill Gates and Paul Allen
Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs
Apple I
Apple II
Dan Bricklin/Bob Frankston – Visicalc 1978
Tim Patterson and QDOS Quick and Dirty Operating System
Ampex Signature V
Apex video recorder
Carl Auer Freiherr von Welsbach
Georgia Cayvan
Gordon Gould
Early cell phone
Sony Walkman CD
The Internet Invented by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) Invented by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) Required three changes in computers: Required three changes in computers: Going from analog to digital Going from analog to digital Connecting computers through phone lines Connecting computers through phone lines Packet switching Packet switching
Packet Switching Divide any message into chunks of data, or packets Divide any message into chunks of data, or packets Each packet is a small part of the message Each packet is a small part of the message Each packet has a final destination address Each packet has a final destination address The packets are sent through the computer network over any and all pathways The packets are sent through the computer network over any and all pathways The packets are reassembled at the destination address The packets are reassembled at the destination address
Protocols Codes that allow computers to talk to each other regardless of manufacturer or operating system
Tim Berners-Lee
Examples of HTML codes = end of paragraph = end of paragraph to put in an address to put in an address Making a list Making a list open list open list item one item one item two item two Close list Close list text to put text in boldface text to put text in boldface
Marc Andreessen and Mosaic