Prepared by.. Dhameliya Paras (13me024) Submitted to.. Prof. M.K.Pujara Department Of Mechanical Engineering B.H.Gardi College Of Engineering & Technology, Rajkot. HEAT TRANSFER
Heat Conduction Through Composite Walls
1.Introduction composite wall 2.Type of Composite wall 3.Real life applications 4.Advantage of composite wall 5.Limitations of composite wall 6.References
I NTRODUCTION COMPOSITE WALL A wall built of a combination of two or more masonry units of different types of materials that are bonded together, one forming the facing of the wall and the other the backup. A combination of two or more materials to form a new material system with enhanced material properties.
T YPE OF C OMPOSITE WALL Following are types of composite wall. 1. Heat transfer in Series plats 2. Heat transfer in Parallel plats
H EAT TRANSFER IN S ERIES PLATS Heat transfer through a wall is a one dimensional conduction. Consider three plane walls in contact (called a composite wall) as shown. It is in series. From plan wall conduction equation for each wall equation is,
Fig.(b) is thermal circuit of composite wall.
H EAT TRANSFER IN P ARALLEL PLATS o Here material F & G are in parallel. o This parallel connection is in series with E & H.
1) Tyre of vehicle In tyre multilayer are provided, because it’s continues friction with road so temperature will be increase.
2) H OUSE B RICK WALL To maintain inside temperature brick, plaster, colure use as composite material.
3) S PACE SHIP OUTER BODY When space ship is return to earth at a time due to gravitation force whole body will be burn. To decrease this effect its body is covering by low thermal conductivity material.
4) C OMPOSITE WALL IN NATURE All the tree & fruits are covered with bark which provides function of composite wall.
Light Weight High Strength Corrosion Resistance High-Impact Strength Design Flexibility Nonconductive Nonmagnetic Radar Transparent Low Thermal Conductivity
Composites are more brittle than wrought metals and thus are more easily damaged. Repair at the original cure temperature requires tooling and more costly. Polished surface micro cracking are generated.
(1)Book by Heat and mass transfer by D. S. KUMAR (2) Compositewall Compositewall (3) × 228Search by × 228Search by image