Why do you think that our system of government is designed? What are some of the freedoms that you feel we should have? Explain John Mellencamp - Pink Houses - YouTube
5 “W’s” The student will use the 5 “W’s” to summarize personal and historical events. He's been mostly dead all day - YouTube
Leviathan 1. A large sea mammal 2. Something large and formidable 3. The political state
New ideas in government and politics People begin questioning the need for all powerful kings › Can people chose leaders for themselves? › “All people are created equal” New (and potentially dangerous) concept Dangerous to who? Who do you think the “Enlightenment” political ideas would be dangerous to?
Notice the title of Hobbes’ book What is a Leviathan? What do you think Hobbes was trying to say about government based on the title of his book?
Hobbes From England Wrote Leviathan -Observation: People are generally bad Life without strong government is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, & short.” -Hypothesis: Absolute government is needed to control evil behavior Not the same as but not divine right People of the Enlightenment -1600s & 1700s
-Observation: gov’t exists to “preserve life, liberty, & property” -Hypothesis: people should be sovereign (rule) -Hypothesis: monarchs not chosen by God People of the Enlightenment -1600s & 1700s John Locke From: England Wrote: Two Treatises on Government
Montesquieu -Observation: “When the legislature & executive are united in the same person, there is no liberty (freedom)” -Hypothesis: Gov’t must have “ Separation of Powers ” -- 3 branches People of the Enlightenment -1600s & 1700s From: France Wrote: “The Spirit of Laws”
Rousseau -Observation: “man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains.” -Hypothesis: Gov’t is contract between people & rulers. People can break it (rebel) People of the Enlightenment -1600s & 1700s From: France Wrote: The Social Contract
Voltaire -Observation: Life is better with liberty -Hypothesis: Freedom of speech & religion, separation of church & state -“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. “ People of the Enlightenment -1600s & 1700s From: France
Reflection: On Back 1. All of these people… 2. To come up with their ideas, they all used… 3. All of their ideas dealt with...
People of the Enlightenment -1600s & 1700s Locke Hobbes Montesquieu Rousseau Voltaire Name From Wrote Main Ideas
People of the Enlightenment -1600s & 1700s Locke Hobbes Montesquieu Rousseau Voltaire England France -Observation: gov’t exists to “preserve life, liberty, & property” -Hypothesis: people should be sovereign (rule) -Hypothesis: monarchs not chosen by God -Observation: Life without gov’t is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, & short.” -Hypothesis: Absolute gov’t needed to control evil behavior (not divine right) -Observation: “When the legislature & executive are united in the same person, there is no liberty (freedom)” -Hypothesis: Gov’t must have “Separation of Powers” -- 3 branches -Observation: “man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains.” -Hypothesis: Gov’t is contract between people & rulers. People can break it (rebel) -Observation: Life is better with liberty -Hypothesis: Freedom of speech & religion, separation of church & state -“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. “ Name From Wrote Main Ideas Two Treatises on Gov’t Leviathan The Spirit of Laws The Social Contract
Why do you think that the men who wrote the Declaration of Independence and designed our system of government studied the works of the “Enlightenment” philosophers? Explain.
ABOUT WILL HOBBS: WILL HOBBS is the author of nineteen novels for upper elementary, middle school and young adult readers, as well as two picture book stories. Seven of his novels, Bearstone, Downriver, The Big Wander, Beardance, Far North, The Maze, and Jason's Gold, were named Best Books for Young Adults by the American Library Association. ALA also named Far North and Downriver to their list of the 100 Best Young Adult Books of the Twentieth Century. Ghost Canoe received the Edgar Allan Poe Award in l998 for Best Young Adult Mystery. In outdoor stories that appeal to both boys and girls, Hobbs has readers discovering wild places, sharing adventures with people from varied backgrounds, and exploring how to make important choices in their own lives. A graduate of Stanford University and former reading and language arts teacher, Will has been a full-time writer since l990. He lives with his wife, Jean, in Durango, Colorado. Will's books have won many other awards, including the California Young Reader Medal, the Western Writers of America Spur Award, the Mountains and Plains Booksellers Award, the Colorado Book Award, the Southwest Book Award, the Heartland Award, and nominations to state award lists in over thirty states.