COMBINING FORMS: Combining FormMeaning Aden/oGland Amni/o Amnion (sac of fluid surrounding the embryo Angi/oVessel (blood vessel) Arteri/oArtery Arthr/oJoint Ather/oPlaque (a yellow, fatty material) Axill/oArmpit (under arm) Bronch/o Bronchi/o Bronchial tube Carcin/oCancerous
COMBINING FORMS: Combining FormMeaning Cardi/oHeart Chem/oDrug or chemical Cholecyst/oGallbladder Chron/oTime Col/oColon (large intestine or bowel) Crani/oSkull Cry/oCold Cyst/oUrinary bladder, sac of fluid
COMBINING FORMS: Combining FormMeaning Electr/oElectricity Encephal/oBrain Erythr/oRed Esophag/o Esophagus (tube leading from the throat to the stomach) Hem/o Hemat/o Blood Hepat/oLiver
COMBINING FORMS: Combining FormMeaning Mening/oMeninges My/oMuscle Myel/oSpinal cord, bone marrow Necr/oDeath Nephr/oKidney Neur/oNerve Oophor/oOvary Oste/oBone
COMBINING FORMS: Combining FormMeaning Ot/oEar Pelv/oHip area Peritone/oPeritoneum Phleb/oVein Pneumon/oLung Radi/ox-rays
COMBINING FORMS: Combining Form Meaning Ren/oKidney (-al, -gram) Rhin/oNose Salping/oFallobian tubes Sarc/oFlesh Septic/oPertaining to infection
COMBINING FORMS: Combining FormMeaning Thorac/oChest Tonsil/oTonsil Trache/oWindpipe, trachea Ur/oUrine, urea, urinary tract Vascul/oBlood vessel
Suffixes and Terminology: o Suffixes are divided into two groups: 1. Diagnostic Suffixes: Describe diagnoses; they describe disease conditions or their symptoms. 2. Procedural Suffixes: Describe procedures used in patient care.
DIAGNOSTIC SUFFIXES: Noun Suffix MeaningMedical TermMeaning -algiaPain Arthralgia Otalgia Myalgia Neuralgia -emia Blood condition Leukemia Septicemia Ischemia Uremia
DIAGNOSTIC SUFFIXES: Noun Suffix MeaningMedical TermMeaning -iaCondition, diseasePneumonia -itisInflammation Bronchitis Esophagitis Laryngitis Meningitis -itisInflammation Cystitis Phlebitis Colitis
DIAGNOSTIC SUFFIXES: Noun Suffix MeaningMedical TermMeaning -megalyenlargement Cardiomegaly hapatomegaly -omaTumor, mass Adenoma Adenocarcinoma Myoma Myosarcoma -omaTumor, mass Myeloma Hematoma -osis Condition Abnormal condition Nephrosis necrosis Erythrocytosis Leukocytosis
DIAGNOSTIC SUFFIXES: Noun Suffix MeaningMedical TermMeaning -pathyDisease Encephalopathy Cardiomyopathy Nephropathy -rrheaFlow, discharge Rhinorrhea Menorrhea -rrhage or Bursting forth of blood Hemorrhage -rrhagiamenorrhagia -sclerosishardeningArteriosclerosis -uriaCondition of urineHematuria
DIAGNOSTIC SUFFIXES: Noun Suffix MeaningMedical TermMeaning -al or –ealPertaining to Peritoneal Inguinal -al or –ealPertaining to Renal esophageal Myocardial -arPertaining toVascular -aryPertaining to Axillary Mammary Pulmonary -icPertaining to Chronic Pelvic
PROCEDURAL SUFFIXES: SuffixMeaningMedical TermMeaning -centesis Surgical puncture to remove fluid Thoracentesis Amniocentesis Arthrocentesis -ectomyremoval Tonsillectomy Hysterectomy Oophorectomy Salpingectomy Cholecystectomy Mastectomy -gramrecordMyelogram -graphy Process of recording Electroencephalography
PROCEDURAL SUFFIXES: SuffixMeaningMedical Term Meaning -graphy Process of recording Mammography Angiography -lysis Separation, breakdown, destruction Dialysis Hemodialysis Peritoneal dialysis -plasty Surgical repair or surgical correction Mammoplasty Rhinoplasty Angioplasty -scopy Process of visual examination Bronchoscopy Laparoscopy Laryngoscopy
PROCEDURAL SUFFIXES: SuffixMeaningMedical TermMeaning -stomyopening Colostomy Tracheostomy -therapytreatment Radiotherapy Chemotherapy Cryotherapy -tomy Incision, to cut into Craniotomy Laparotomy Phlebotomy
INFLAMMATIONS: Medical Term Meaning Appendicitisinflammation of the appendix bursitisInflammation of a small sac of fluid (bursa) near a joint cellulitisInflammation of soft tissue under the skin dermatitisInflammation of the skin endocarditis Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart (endocardium) epiglottitis Inflammation of the epiglottis (cartilage at the upper part of the windpipe) gastritisInflammation of the stomach
INFLAMMATIONS: Medical TermMeaning hepatitisInflammation of the liver myositisInflammation of muscle. nephritisInflammation of the kidney osteomyelitisInflammation of bone and bone marrow OtitisInflammation of the ear pharyngitisInflammation of the throat thrombophlebit is Inflammation of a vein with formation of clots.
SARCOMAS: SarcomaMeaning chondrosarcomaCancer of cartilage tissue. fibrosarcomaCancer of fibrous tissue leiomyosarcomaCancer of visceral muscle osteosarcomaCancer of bone rhabdomyosarcomaCancer of skeletal muscle
MALIGNANT TUMORS WHOSE NAMES DO NOT CONTAIN THE COMBINING FORMS CARCIN/O AND SARC/O: TumorMeaning HepatomaMalignant tumor of the liver LymphomaMalignant tumor of lymph nodes mesotheliomaMalignant tumor of pleural cell. Multiple myeloma Malignant tumor of bone marrow cells ThymomaMalignant tumor of the thymus gland
DISEASE CONDITIONS (-PATHIES) DiseaseMeaning AdrenopathyDisease condition of adrenal gland HepatopathyDisease condition of the liver lymphadenopathyDisease condition of the lymph nodes MyopathyDisease condition of muscles NeuropathyDisease condition of nerves OsteopathyDisease condition of bones RetinopathyDisease condition of the retina of the eye
RESECTIONS (-ECTOMY): TermMeaning adenectomyExcision of a gland adenoidectomyExcision of the adenoids. appendectomyExcision of the appendix colectomyExcision of the colon gastrectomyExcision of the stomach laminectomyExcision of a piece of backbone myomectomyExcision of a muscle tumor pneumonectomyExcision of lung tissue splenectomyExcision of the spleen