By Hesham Amer Prof.General Surgery Cairo University Deputy General Manager Cairo University Hospitals
Number of potential patients in the population in its catchment area( affects inpatients, outpatients as well as Emergency department). Average length of stay for inpatients. Category of disease. Demand seasonability & variability. Operating theatre hours.
If health demands increase----hospital needs infrastructure expansion. If health demands relatively decreases---- alternatives must be implemented such as subletting (e.g. pharmacuetical research) to allow for best use of hospital infrastructure.
Demographic : age; foreign cliental. Epidemiologic changes : obesity trend & non smoking policy(life style changes). Advances in medical technology: Decrease length of hospital stay--- increase day case activity, shift from inpatient to outpatient treatment. Regulatory changes: patient choice or private practice.
Strategic : increase vertical or horizontal, decrease as subletting. Tactical : Shell spaces, flexible designs of operating theatres. Operational : rapid example wards can accomodate different types of patients.
Technological advances may mandate infrastructural changes. Alternatively it could improve value –for – money changes in infrastructure and its flexibility. Value is a benefit-cost ratio Technology can improve caregiver responsiveness & quality of care.
In todays competitive healthcare climate, hospital executives look to improve service delivery while meeting their budget targets. Increased efficiency of hospital processes is through integrating hospital systems vis: *Patient information systems. * Monitoring & tracking devices. * Communication systems ( wireless, telephone, bedside terminal,PC).
To avoid the drawbacks of the time consuming manual processes: * Delay information delivery. * Increase the risk of errors. * Raise costs.
More secure. Less costly,on long term. Retrievable. Eco-friendly. Accessibility. Less confusion.
Policy and procedure. Circulation management. Technical monitoring and Auditing. Managerial and administrative Auditing. Expert opinion. Telemedicine applications.
Patient Reports and legal issues. Record is retrievable by the ID Medical history Doctor Self assessment. Professional development. Research.
Administration HR management.(Objective evaluation )and professional development and career path management for young doctors. Quality management. Financial management.( decision making, budgeting, financial planning, cost assessment) Strategic planning.
Tracking (persons and equipment) Surveillance cameras.( performance monitoring and security) E- libraries and video-conference. Axis control. Safe tunnels for system access and levels of access.
قصر العيني
Kasr El-Aini in Numbers 9 Hospitals 36 Academic Departments 43 Units of Special Interest 3,802 Beds 426 ICU beds 76 Operating theaters 10,363 Employees 3,853 Nursing staff 3,161 academic staff member 17,000 pre & post-grad students 1,591,294 patients / year Kasr El-Aini
Very high cost. Shifting of customer sectors to the free service. Young patients. Unacceptable morbidity. Egypt is no.1 in mortalities from RTA. 50% preventable mortality.
Justification for the project: humanitarian grounds to provide integrated care for patients with emergencies and injuries resulting from accidents and burns. the proportion of vulnerability to accidents and burns are concentrated in the age of young people in any population segment produced in any country. the provision of health care are similar for all classes of people. reduce the burden on low-income. the expansion of service-line with the current census of the population and accommodate future growth
Hospital consists of: Basement: state of the art sterilization center, ambulance parking facility Ground floor: ER, Resuscitation area, Radio-diagnosis unit,blood bank, emergency labs,and Upper GIT endoscopy unit. Mezzanine: conference hall and hospital administration First floor: 6 emergency operating rooms with telemedicine capability and their recovery high dependency units. Second floor : surgical intensive care unit including pediatric trauma care unit. The third floor: surgery intermediate care unit and multiple trauma center.
fourth, fifth : include surgical specialties trauma inpatient centre and skill labs for under and post graduate doctors. sixth : Cardiac care unit and cardiothoracic surgery injuries. seventh: Medical ICU and respiratory care Unit The eighth floor: Burn center including the specialized 4 OR’s and physiotherapy areas and Burn ICU,Isolation areas and pediatric burn center
National Bank of Egypt is now a partner of Kasr Al Aini hospitals. New kasr Al Aini Emergency and Burns Centre. Partnership doesn’t only cover shortage of funds but also provides expertise of public relations and media management, fund raising campaigns,HR management, Engineering auditing consultants and planning. Donors (banks, individuals and organizations).
Canadian partners ; MOU signed with Sunny Brook In the fields of; Education and training. Research and development. Administration development. Quality management. Disaster management. IT establishment and management.