Verification Priority Project ‘Quantitative Precipitation Forecast’ Progress report Task 1.1 and 1.2 Silke Dierer and Francis Schubiger MeteoSwiss
Verification COSMO PP QPF Workshop, Langen, Outline Work in Task 1.1 Sources for cases with bad precipitation forecast Preliminary list of cases Further steps Work in Task 1.2 Verification for Winter 04/05 and Dec.05/Jan.06 Example of a characteristic period Further steps
Verification Task 1.1 Selection of single test cases
Verification COSMO PP QPF Workshop, Langen, Selection of test cases: sources I Information from forecasters about bad precipitation forecast Not objective For different forecast ranges Verification of precipitation by forecasters daily average for 15 regions in Switzerland forecast, model results and observations disadvantage: currently no automatic evaluation possible => Situations with bad precipitation forecast in Switzerland
Verification COSMO PP QPF Workshop, Langen, Selection of test cases: sources II SYNOP-Verification - surface verification for Europe with SYNOP data => Situations with bad precipitation forecast for the aLMo domain
Verification COSMO PP QPF Workshop, Langen, Selection of test cases Preliminary list of test cases includes periods that are reported by forecasters or have a bad forecast for several regions (forecasters‘ verification) and show high deviation in SYNOP verification
Verification COSMO PP QPF Workshop, Langen, Selection of test cases: Preliminary list for 2005 DateSourceUnder-/Overestimation classification (based on NCEP data) dd at 500 hPasurface pressure (high, low, flat) FV+NW/NW/NW/NWL/H/H/L FV+NW/NWL/L FV+W/W/NW/NW/NH/H/L/L/L 24.3.FV-SW H, flat 9.4.FV+NOL 16./17.4.FV-SO/OL,flat Fo/FV+/+W/W/SWH 16./17.5.Fo/FV?/+SWH FV-SWH 14.6.FV+SWH 25.6.FV+/-SWH,flat 2.7.Fo+WL 18.7.FV+SWH 29.7.FV+SWH,flat 2./3.8.FV+SW/SH->L, inbetween 6.8.FV+WH 11.8.Fo+WH Fo/FV?/+ (mainly)W/NW/N/N/N/W/SW/SO/O H/L/L/H,flat/H,flat/H/L/L/L 28.8.Fo+NWH,flat 2.9.FV+SH,flat Fo/FV-/- (mainly)S/S/?/SW/SWH,flat/H,flat/L,flat,/L/L 16./17.9.FV-, dann +W/SWL/L Fo/FV+, dann –/-N/W/WH/L/L Foerst -/dann +SWH 22./23.10.Fo-SW/SWL/L 3.11.Fo? SWL 6.11.Fo- SWH,flat
Verification COSMO PP QPF Workshop, Langen, ANETZ verification for 21 st January 05 full line: obs (ANETZ); dashed: black: aLMo, red: LM
Verification COSMO PP QPF Workshop, Langen, Selection of test cases: next steps Complete list for 2004 and 2006 Check if insufficient forecast is due to deviations of the synoptic situation Might be necessary to rerun simulations due to missing output plots that can be compared with analysis Possibly ANETZ verification => skip these cases Specify different kinds forecast errors (e.g. synoptic conditions) and select characteristic test cases
Verification Task 1.2. Seasonal verification
Verification COSMO PP QPF Workshop, Langen, Verification of aLMo Winter 04/05 SYNOP
Verification COSMO PP QPF Workshop, Langen, Verification of aLMo Winter 04/05 over Switzerland full line: obs (ANETZ); dashed: black: aLMo, red: LM
Verification COSMO PP QPF Workshop, Langen, Verification of aLMo: December 05 – January 06 full line: obs (ANETZ); dashed: black: aLMo
Verification COSMO PP QPF Workshop, Langen, February 2005 full line: obs (ANETZ); dashed: black: aLMo, red: LM
Verification COSMO PP QPF Workshop, Langen, ANETZ verification for 10 th -14 th February 05 full line: obs (ANETZ); dashed: black: aLMo, red: LM
Verification COSMO PP QPF Workshop, Langen, Seasonal verification: next steps Selection of characteristic days Based on scatter plots for winter 2004/2005 and 2005/2006 (measurement vs. simulation) 24h area averages for Switzerland, for different heights (0-800m, 800m-1500m and above 1500m) Selecting days with bad precipitation forecast Specifying synoptic situation Select characteristic periods