20th Health Fair, Vinkovci 15th - 17th of April 2016 WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION NTL DAYS AT THE 20th FAIR HEALTH & 12th Golden Apple Culinary Event 1st Meeting of the Organizing Committee and working team
SCHEDULE Primary about 20th Fair (organizers, sponsors…) Presentation of the recent results! What else do we have to make? Discussion…
20th Fair Health Organizers: – Vinkovci town, – Vukovar and Syrmia County – Croatian Network Healthy Cities Sponsor: The Ministry of Health In the Frame of the National Program: Days of the Prevention Prevention in the Community
INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION Bronte Natural Health Clinic, Oakville Ontario, Canada, Darlene Gustin, BSc ND (Naturopathic Doctor) -Lidija Martinković, Travel Agency Polet, Vinkovci, Croatia
Bronte Natural Health Clinic Darlene Gustin BSc ND, Naturopathic Doctor Oakville, Ontario, Lakeshore Rd W ?
Frank Vismeg, Managing Director Doubletree Hotel & Suites by Hilton, Oukville, Ontario, Canada (CRO)
Frank Vismeg, Managing Director Doubletree Hotel & Suites by Hilton, Oakville, Ontario, Canada (ENGL)
Hungary General Hungary Consulate in Osijek The Hungarian Minority of the Vinkovci Town ANTONIO GIOVANNI DE BLASIO - General Consul, Ekaterina Nadudwari - Wagner, Mirta Štrk, Tomislav Šarić Theme: Cooperation of the Developmnet Agency in EU projects (Danube Region, Europe for Citizens, Program URBACT III..)
Estonija Kuressaare town and a High school Kuressaare Ametikool, Estonia Anu Vares, Development Adviser of Kuressaare City Government / Member of The Executive Board of the Estonian Healthy Cities Network; Livija Pribanić Katarinić, Tomislav Šarić, Mirta Štrk, Theme: Cooperation of the Developmnet Agency in EU projects (Danube Region, Europe for Citizens, Program URBACT III..)
20th Health Fair Fair Expo - Exhibition Professional part – HEALTH AND HEALTH CARE SYMPOSIUM FOR NURSES SYMPOSIUM FOR PSYCHIATRICS FORUM OF HEALTH CITIES AND COUNTYS - FOR DISABLED PERSONS FORUM VINKOVCI FORUM FOR VETERINARIANS - VINKOVCI – HEALTH AND URBAN PLANNING ApolotikA - Excellence in Architecture Architecture and children The forest - health rules to health: Promotion of business and trade in the forestry and wood sector INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION – SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WITH REFUSE – ACTIVE FOR HEALTH - WORK SHOPS, EXHIBITIONS, PRESENTATIONS Professional Part MAIN THEME: The experience of the implementation strategy of equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities: Education Employment Health care Mobility, accessibility Social care Sports and Recreation Strategic use of Media
20th Health Fair Fair Expo – NTL Days – 12th Golden Apple - Culinary Show – Barun Trenk Hall, H. D. Genschera Street 22d Vinkovci Professional Part – Slavonija Hotel, Duga Street 1, Vinkovci
Tablica 1.:* Prices for the Exhibitors za fizičke osobe, nevladine udruge, predškolske i školske ustanove *1 m 2 u kn bez PDV-a *PDV za 1 m 2 u kn *1 m 2 u kn s PDV-om u nizu (1 strana otvorena), uređeni po 1 m 2 – TIP B: (npr.: 4m 2 =280 kn za 3 dana) 56,0014,0070,00 kutni (2 strane otvorene), uređeni po 1 m 2 - TIP A (npr.: 4m 2 =320 kn za 3 dana) 64,0016,0080,00 čelni (3strane otvorene), uređeni po 1 m 2 - TIP C (npr.: 4m 2 =360 kn za 3 dana) 72,0018,0090,00 vanjski štandovi, neuređeni vel. 9 m 2, cijena po 1 m 2 TIP V 24,006,0030,00
Tablica 2.: ** Prices for the Exhibitors - companies **1 m 2 u kn bez PDV-a **PDV za 1 m 2 u kn **1 m 2 u kn s PDV-om u nizu (1 strana otvorena), uređeni po 1 m2 – TIP B: (npr.: 4m 2 =680 kn za 3 dana) 136,0034,00170,00 kutni (2 strane otvorene), uređeni po 1 m 2 - TIP A (npr.: 4m 2 =1.000 kn za 3 dana) 200,0050,00250,00 čelni (3strane otvorene), uređeni po 1 m2- TIP C (npr.: 4m 2 =1.280 kn za 3 dana) 256,0064,00320,00 vanjski štandovi, neuređeni vel. 9 m2, cijena po 1 m2 TIP V 56,0014,0070,00
20th Health Fair Što je još ostalo? – Ostvariti bolju vidljivost (npr. članovi Organizacijskog odbora da stave logo na web stranicu!) – poboljšati sadržaj Sajma na štandovima vezano za mjerenje stanja organizma i udio zdravstvenog sektora – Npr. bolnički odjeli i ljekarne – više prezentirati aktivnosti koje se mogu odraditi na terenu – Animirati svoje dobavljače – Npr: NTL održava u sklopu Sajma Dane NTL-a na način da animira dobavljače (Nivea, Saponija, …) – obilježavanje 20 godina sajma zdravlja Npr: stalnim sudionicima dodijeliti priznanje, kako i gdje ili???
20th Health Fair DISCUSSION:
Info and Registration Form: www. zdravi-grad.vinkovci.hr