Unbridled Learning: CSIP Development and Delivery Targets November/December 2014 Middle School Kristi Miller, Principal
Delivery Target Areas – Middle Closing the Achievement Gap Increase the average combined reading and math proficiency ratings for middle school students in the non-duplicated gap group from 32.2% in 2012 to 66.1% in 2017 Proficiency Increase the averaged combined reading and math K-Prep scores for middle school students from 43.4% in 2012 to 71.7% in 2017
CSIP Goals #1 – Increase the average combined reading and math proficiency ratings for middle school students in the non-duplicated gap group from 32.2% in 2012 to 66.1% in 2017 #2 - Increase the averaged combined reading and math K-Prep scores for middle school students from 43.4% in 2012 to 71.7% in 2017 #3 - Increase the percentage of middle school students who are college and career ready from 16% to 50% by 2017.
Goal 1: Increase the average combined reading and math proficiency ratings for middle school students in the non-duplicated gap group from 32.2% in 2012 to 66.1% in 2017 Objective for School Year: Trigg County Middle School will increase the averaged combined reading and math proficiency ratings in the non-duplicated gap group from 34.7 % to 45.8% by 05/29/2014 as measured by KPREP. Result: Trigg County Middle School scored 38.9% for a combined reading and math proficiency score in the non- duplicated gap on the K-PREP Assessment. Our goal was a 45.8% which is 6.9% below the goal. GAP Students did meet the Reading goal of 46.2% with a 48.7% however only 29% met the math goal of 45.3%. Objective for School Year: collaborate to increase the averaged combined reading and math proficiency ratings in the non-duplicated gap group from 38.9% to 52.5% by 05/29/2015 as measured by KPREP. Strategies to be utilized: Innovation Work: Project Based Learning, Blended Learning, Online Learning, Individualized Learning, Roundtables, PBAT, POL Refine and revise formative assessments (common assessments) to the ensure that learning is achieved at the rigor level of the standard. Response To Intervention/Targeted Assistance and Growth—use MAP data to ensure that students who lack skills to perform at grade level are provided support to “catch up”.
Goal 2: Increase the averaged combined reading and math K-Prep scores for middle school students from 43.4% in 2012 to 71.7% in 2017 Objective for School Year: Increase the overall reading and math from 48.7% to 60.4% by 05/16/2014 as measured by K-PREP Result: Trigg County Middle School scored 49.3% for a combined reading and math proficiency on the K- PREP Assessment. Objective for School Year: Increase the overall reading and math from 49.3 to 60.4 by 05/29/2015 as measured by K-PREP Strategies to be utilized: Math Formative Assessment Lessons FLEX Remediation Targeted Assistance and Growth Blended Learning
Goal 3: Increase the percentage of middle school students who are college and career ready from 16% in 2013 to 50% by Objective for School Year: 24% of all students will demonstrate proficiency in Math, English, and Reading by 09/25/2014 as measured by Explore. Result: English:67.7 % Reading:42.4% Math:24.4% Objective for School Year: 33% of All Students will demonstrate a proficiency in Math, English, in Reading by 09/30/2015 as measured by Explore Strategies to be utilized: Explore Data Analysis Differentiate Measure of Academic Progress Data (MAP) Blended Learning Problem Based Learning
Digging Deeper in Gap Performance includes all types of student populations tracked: Disability, White, African-American, Hispanic, Asian, Limited English Proficiency, Free/Reduced Price Meals, and All students Describe the achievement gap that exists. TCMS is 5.6% behind the combined reading and math proficiency delivery target for all students and currently 6.9 % behind the combined reading and math proficiency delivery target for the non-duplicated gap group. Describe the barriers that prevented the school from closing the achievement gap. Need for additional research-based effective interventions, and core curricular reading and math resources aligned to the common core. TCMS needs to continue to refine and revise Common Assessments to ensure that all items are congruent back the full standard. Student engagement in daily instructional practices is limited and must be addressed. Describe the actions that will be taken to remove the barriers that prevented the school from closing the achievement gap. Innovation Work: Project Based Learning, Blended Learning, Online Learning, Individualized Learning Math Formative Assessment Lessons
Explore Results School Year Number of Students EnglishMathReadingScience # Meeting Benchmark % Meeting Benchmark State % Meeting Benchmark # Meeting Benchmark % Meeting Benchmark State % Meeting Benchmark # Meeting Benchmark % Meeting Benchmark State % Meeting Benchmark # Meeting Benchmark % Meeting Benchmark State % Meeting Benchmark
Explore Results Mean Scores School Year EnglishMathReadingScienceComposite TCMSKYNationalTCMSKYNationalTCMSKYNationalTCMSKYNationalTCMSKYNational
How does the CSIP address the Explore Results? The CSIP has a College & Career Readiness goal as mentioned on a previous slide: (See below) 33% of All Students will demonstrate a proficiency in Math, English, in Reading by 09/30/2015 as measured by Explore