The way we do business has changed forever.
Introducing ShiftOn With Johny O’Donnell & Roar Kristoffersen
We live in age where it’s easier than ever before to reach your customers but harder than ever before to command their attention.
Did you know the average person is exposed to 3,000 commercial messages every single day?
But we only notice 80…..
And we only respond to 10!
Traditional advertising is struggling.
51% of kiwis use Facebook while watching TV
Be Authentic It was the major trend in 2015 and it will carry on.
Old Advertising = Interruption
New Advertising = Attraction
If a picture tells a thousand words, a video tells a million. Well 1.3 million to be precise.
Why does it matter?
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
What is Google looking for in 2016 and beyond? 1.Time on site 2.Fresh content 3.Social media 4.Bounce rate 5.Return visitors
Responsive Design
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