CHAPTER 1 Introduction To Computer Hardware BCOMP0101 Introduction to Information Technology Noris Ismail Faculty of Information and Computer Technology Tel : (Ext 8408)
WHAT is a Computer? A Computer is a machine that manipulates information or "data." Type documents, send , and surf the Internet. Spreadsheets, accounting, database management, presentations, games, and desktop publishing. BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 2
Parts of Computer The computer case is the metal and plastic box that contains the main components of the computer. Computer cases come in different shapes and sizes. A desktop case lies flat on a desk, and the monitor usually sits on top of it. A tower case, is tall and sits next to the monitor or on the floor. BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 3
Parts of a Computer Central Processing Unit (CPU) The brain of a computer Oversees everything that a computer does. BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 4
Parts of a Computer Motherboard Main circuit board that all other internal components connect to (CPU and memory are usually on it) BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 5
Motherboard BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 6 Expansion Slots RAM Slots Intel Chipset
Storage Two Types of storage: Primary Secondary Primary Storage : RAM Secondary Storage : Hard Disk Removable Disk Floppy Disk CD / DVD BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 7
Parts of a Computer Memory Very fast storage media to save data. BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 8
Memory Several Types: Random Access Memory – Temporary stores info Read Only Memory – Permanent type of storage (CD-ROM) Basic Input Output System (BIOS) – Type of ROM that establishes a communication when the computer is first turned on. BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 9
Memory BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 10 BIOS ROM RAM
Parts of a Computer Hard Disk Large-capacity permanent storage Holds information like programs and documents BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 11
Hard Disk BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 12
Parts of a Computer Expansion Slots Sockets built into the motherboard Allow for expanded capabilities and components to be installed Examples include: –Video cards –Sound cards –Modems BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 13
Expansion Slots BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 14 Sound Card Internal Modem Video Card
The monitor, which resembles a television, is where the computer displays text and pictures. The keyboard lets you type information into the computer. It resembles a typewriter keyboard. BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 15 Parts of a Computer
The mouse is the hand-held device that lets you point, click, and move objects on the monitor screen. Have a ball underneath which allows you to easily move it on a flat surface. Has two or three buttons used to move a cursor around the screen BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 16 Parts of a Computer
A trackball, touchpad, and touch screen are alternatives to the mouse A trackball is similar to a mouse, but the ball that helps maneuver the cursor is on top instead of underneath. When using a touchpad or touch screen, you can use your finger or a tool called a stylus to move around the screen. BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 17 Parts of a Computer
The printer is a machine that prints a paper copy of what you see on the monitor. BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 18
INPUT DEVICES There are few types of Input Devices Keyboards, Scanners, Joysticks Digital cameras Microphone Mouse BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 19
SCANNER Allows you to copy an image into your computer. 3 main types : –Hand-held scanners work like scanning guns used at department stores. –Flatbed scanners look like a printer and can scan only loose, single pages. –Sheet-fed scanners look and act like a copy machine. BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 20
Scanners BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 21 Handheld Scanner Sheet fed Scanner Flat Bed Scanner
MICROPHONES AND JOYSTCKS Microphone = Connect the microphone to the computer and use the computer to record sound. Joystick = A lever used while playing a computer game. BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 22
DIGITAL CAMERA Capture a picture in digital (computer- readable) form. Transfer image directly from the camera to the computer. Uses an image sensor to capture hundreds of thousands of tiny squares called pixels. BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 23
OUTPUT DEVICES Computer monitors Speakers Earphones Printers BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 24
PRINTERS 3 main types : –Dot matrix printers produce characters and illustrations by striking pins against an ink ribbon. –Ink jet printers shoot tiny drops of ink onto paper. –Laser printer produces better quality black text documents and usually turns out more pages at a lower cost per page than inkjets. BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 25
Printers BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 26 DOT MATRIX LASERJET INKJET
MONITOR Allows you to see images / text. Sizes including 15, 17, 19 and 21-inch BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 27
Monitors BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 28 Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Monitor Touch Screen Monitor Flat Screen Monitor
SPEAKERS AND EARPHONES SPEAKERS are devices that connect to a computer and make sound and music audible. EARPHONES are output devices. Plug earphones into your speaker, monitor, or case to listen to music, movie clips and other media. BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 29
How Does a Computer Work ? BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 30 Press the “ON” button BIOS launches Operating System BIOS software does it’s thing (looks at system’s memory, software, etc…) OS takes over
How Does a Computer Work ? BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 31 Close program and click “Shut Down” All active programs closed by OS OS saves settings for next time
TERMINALS 2 types of personal computer : –IBM compatibles –Macintosh. BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 32
TYPES OF COMPUTERS Server Manages a network of computers. Laptop Sometimes called a notebook computer. Laptops users typically don't use a mouse to navigate around the screen. BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 33
Class Activity Perform a research on “How does a Computer and its hardware's Work? ” Start Date : Week 2 Submission Date : Week 4 Submission : Hardcopy & Softcopy (via ) Late submission will be penalized. Upon submission you are required to do a presentation. BCOMP0101 Introduction To Information Technology 34