In this documentation I’m going to analyse the price of inkjet printers within the last five years, with factors like, the environment, laws and legislation, fears of its disadvantages and a general overview of what really affects the sale boundary of this product. General facts In 2003 for every 100 consumer PCs sold, there were only 90 inkjet printers sold with it. 5 years down the line inkjet printer sales have reduced by 15% Laser printers cost more upfront than inkjet printers The cost per page is less for a laser printer but the prices have come down a lot in the past five years. Basically for every 100 consumer PCs sold, there were only 90 inkjet printers. In 2003, 136 inkjets were sold for every 100 consumer PCs. Whereas 5 years ago printer units grew by 15%. These are just a few factors that have affect the sales and the stunned growth in inject over the last 5 years.
General facts and what the cause is In 2007,printer sales in general rose by just 3% and that the biggest cause for the deviation comes from the inkjet printer market For A consumer PC growth of about 12%, an estimate in inkjet printers unit sales will grow 6% to 8% a year. which is higher than last year's rate, but still far below the previous sales. 47 printers (inkjet and laser), each costing under $500, and that a monochrome laser print was as low as 1.4 cents per page, while the colour inkjet was 5.7 cents per page. The traditional 1-to-1 Link between computers and printers are becoming less popular. This is due to the use of more notebook PC sales and the growth of wireless home networks that is reducing, as well as increases in sales of low cost, black and white laser printers.
Printers and other I.T equipments accounts for about 15% of the UK's total energy consumption, and this figure is expected to rise to 30% by The electronic products we buy are meant to be environmentally friendly. The are supposed to save energy to lower the rate of pollution. The United States Government set a standard that all major office equipment must meet energy conservation standards. This was because on average, up to 20% of the energy used in offices is wasted, much of which could be saved by purchasing more energy efficient I.T equipment and managing them more effectively. A few examples are : Turn of any electronic equipment we not in use to save energy Try to recycle This goes to show the more energy efficient your printer is, the less it would costs to run.
A law which came into place in 2006 by the European Parliament, aims to make it easier for consumers to refill pricey ink cartridges and reduce the amount of "electronic scrap" generated by the printers, PC and electronics industries. This is quit unfortunate for printer makers such as Hewlett-Packard, Epson, Canon and Lexmark. These companies depend heavily on sales of proprietary ink cartridges to subsidise the cost of their printers. These proprietary cartridges make up about 90 percent of the $30bn (£19bn) annual global printer market. How the law affects the companies printer cartridges would be redesign to suite this new standard Claims by the E.U says that “printer makers are increasingly building chips(smart chip) into their cartridges that prevent them from being refilled, forcing consumers to buy replacements”.
limits with using Inkjet ink The major problem is that inkjet printed paper is almost impossible to recycle The ink can't be separated from the paper, it leaves a dark shade, and is just used as a news paper. So the resulting recycled content paper wouldn't be bright and printable again. Most inkjet inks also release volatile organic carbons (not good for the environment). Some water based inks are available for inkjet printers, but that still doesn't make the printed papers recyclable.
The majority of large companies have yet to build "green IT" requirements into purchasing and using technology, according to a report by Forrester Research, a global analyst group The Olivetti JP 150, widely accepted in Europe as the most economical inkjet to run, is now available here. Its ink cartridges, according to the specifications, are rated at 400,000 characters. The local price is $12 per cartridge, representing a cost of cents per character (to which has to be added a cost for print head replacement).
Companies need to research and improve on ways to save ink and stop the massive flow of unwanted that printers are producing. printing in Draft Mode (to avoid wasting ink) Recycling and saving energy
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