By Gloria Barron
LanSchool is a software program designed to help teachers improve and control the learning environment in computer equipped classrooms
Learn how to remove distractions Learn how to remove distractions Learn how to use Teacher features Learn how to use Teacher features Learn how to use the Communication features Learn how to use the Communication features Learn how to assess student progress Learn how to assess student progress Learn how to save time Learn how to save time
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Console and Shortcut Menu Console and Shortcut Menu - Demo
Blank ScreensBlank Screens – Demo To get the student’s attention, blank screens at the beginning of class or during a lecture. You are able to display a message while simultaneously locking out the student keyboard and mouse.
Web LimitingWeb Limiting - Demo Although the internet can be a wonderful education resource if used properly, teachers have the option of limiting where students can go on the Internet. Application LimitingApplication Limiting - Demo Teachers can also restrict or allow applications the students can run.
Print LimitingPrint Limiting – Demo To control student’s impulse to print, LanSchool’s print limiting tool allows you to stop or start student printing. Mute SoundMute Sound – Demo Teacher has the control to turn off the sound on all or selected student computers. Restrict/Mute Student’s Speakers
USB Drive LimitingUSB Drive Limiting – Demo USB “thumb” drives look harmless but they can bring unwanted viruses, music, games, and pictures to class. Teachers can eliminate access to the “thumb” or “flash” drives. If the drives are in use, the computers may be rebooted.
Show Teacher ScreenShow Teacher Screen – Demo With LanSchool you don’t have to worry if the students can see the screen. With this feature, every student monitor displays exactly what the teacher sees in crisp, high color. Two modes are available: students will either be locked out of their computers or allowed to resize the teacher’s broadcasted screen. Right click/show teacher’s screen. To show full screen: Right click/console/Show/Full Screen (select one or all student computers)
Show Student ScreenShow Student Screen – Demo If a student has a solution to a problem or just a pretty picture, select that student and click the show student button. Immediately, all students will see in real time that particular student’s screen in their own computer monitors. Select one student. Find Console/Show Student (This is an on/off button to start and stop showing one student’s screen)
Remote ControlRemote Control – Demo LanSchool allows teachers to remotely help a student with a question. Take control of a student’s video, keyboard, and mouse. Teacher can optionally lock out a student or give them control. (view –vs.- remote) Go to the Console/select machine/Control/Remote Control or View Only. RunRun – Demo Gives teachers remote run line access to the student’s computers. Run an application, open a file or folder, or open a website on the student’s computers.
Send a Message to a StudentSend a Message to a Student – Demo Teachers are able to send a message to keep a student on task. Messages can be sent to one or all students in the class. Chat With One of Your StudentsChat With One of Your Students – Demo From console, select one or more students. Click Message/Send message or Chat Answer Student QuestionsAnswer Student Questions – Demo LanSchool allows students to raise their hand by typing in a question to their teacher. The teacher can respond through a chat session and respect the student’s desire not to be recognized.
TestingTesting – Demo Electronic testing and grading is now a simple task. LanSchool test builder easily creates true/false and multiple choice questions that can include graphics. When test is sent out to students, the teacher can watch in real- time where and how they are doing on the test. The test questions can optionally be randomized and timed. VotingVoting – Demo Voting replaces the need for the traditional “clicker” classroom response system. Teachers can get a quick pulse on whether or not students understand a concept. A True/False or Multiple Choice question can be answered and the results shown immediately to the teacher.
Send/Collect filesSend/Collect files – Demo Fastest way to send out homework or test to students and get them back at the end of class. Power on, Power off, RestartPower on, Power off, Restart – Demo Power features can help teachers save a significant amount of time, each morning and evening turning the computers on and off.