5-U1.3.1 Use maps to locate the major regions of Africa (northern Africa, western Africa, central Africa, eastern Africa, southern Africa). (G) 5-U1.3.2 Describe the life and cultural development of people living in western Africa before the 16 th century with respect to economic (the ways people made a living) and family structure, and the growth of states, towns, and trade (G, E, C)
THE MESH We have come to the cross- roads And I must either leave or come with you I lingered over the choice But in the darkness of my doubt You lifted the lamp of love And I saw in your face The road that I should take J.P CLark
v=68-nseZikdc From 1000 to 1500 religion brought much change to west Africa. Brought a lot of political and economical changes. 9LkpJdll9A&list=PL82579A2BEBEC2F7 A Shows the trade route, how people got from one spot to another, ate fish,
atch?v=qEwnHf9Q23k Wedding music
The word Mancala means "to transfer” in Arabic
empire-15-16th-century urriculum/m17/activity3.php
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