Antalya Republic Attorney General Probation Board Presidency
EU, 2012 call for proposal Grundtvig Learning Partnership Project: “European perspectives on raising social competencies of offenders”
Photos at Antalya Meeting...
France - Paris Meeting March 2014
Working Systematic Method of totalitarian approach will be applied, Effecting all systems of individual will be analyzed, Psycho-social support for each individual will be provided. The program will be developed upon based on individual needs.
Completed Works April 2012 – February 2014 For children; Individual interviews, Completing of formal and non formal educations, Vocational guidance, Social activities, Supporting family relations. For women; Individual interviews, Supporting family relations, Providing craft/job courses, Supporting of taking part in the working life, Social activities. A craft/job to be provided.
Project Target Group at Now 23 women in project * 10 women are still at prison. * 8 women went to open style prison another city. * 1 woman went to another closed prison. * 4 women released.
20 children in project * 5 children are still in our prison. * 1 child went to open style prison at Ankara. * 14 children released.
Applicated Works with Project Partners *** We worked with 18 women prisoners. Employment Program *Guide On Contract Jobs And Self-employment *Core Of The Business Project And Its Importance *Guide On Job Hunting Hints Training Program *Strengthening of Self-Confidence *Strengthening of Interpersonal Skills *Development of Communication Skills
ASSESSMENT * 18 Women completed Employment Program and 10 Women completed Training Program. * We applicated feedback survey to 8 women. And we want them to give points between 1-10 for each program. * And we asked to them 2 question for each prisoner. 1- Which topic is more useful for you? 2- Which topic is least useful for you?
Employment Program *Guide On Contract Jobs And Self-employment 9.00 *Core Of The Busıness Project And Its Importance 8.04 *Guide On Job Hunting Hints 8.24 General 8.43
Most Useful Topics at Employment Program for Participants * Self-employment * Contract Jobs * Business Plans * Main rules and requirements in job search
Strengthening Social Competencies of Offenders Strengthening of Self-Confidence Strengthening of Interpersonal Skills Development of Communication Skills Social Traning Program *Strengthening of Self-Confidence 6.42 *Strengthening of Interpersonal Skills 7.25 *Development of Communication Skills 9.25 General 7.71
Most Useful Topics at Training Program for Participants * Self-esteem * Self-confidence * Better Understanding Myself * Development of Communication Skills
After Completed Employment Program Certification Ceremony
Probation Board President Ertan Ünsal Contact Person Sabri Hatipoğlu Project Executive Team Sabri Hatipoğlu Güngör Çabuk Burcu Kaya
Thanks for your attention…. KONYAALTI/ANTALYA