M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Working Group for Chapter 2– Freedom Movement for Workers Bilateral screening: Chapter 2 PRESENTATION OF MONTENEGRO Brussels, 7 June 2013
Chapter 2: Freedom Movement for Workers M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 2: FREEDOM MOVEMENT FOR WORKERS EURES Ms Gordana Vukčević Senior Advisor – EURES Manager Employment Agency of Montenegro
Chapter 2: Freedom Movement for Workers M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 2: FREEDOM MOVEMENT FOR WORKERS CONTENTS : Employment Agency of Montenegro Migration Service Centres IT sector Reporting Administrative capacities
Chapter 2: Freedom Movement for Workers M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 2: FREEDOM MOVEMENT FOR WORKERS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY OF MONTENEGRO Public service having the status of legal entity Managing bodies: Administrative Board and Director EAM performs own activities within the Head Office, 7 Regional Employment Centres and 14 Employment Offices 335 employees out of which 206 (62.5%) have completed higher education 245 (73.1%) are women
Chapter 2: Freedom Movement for Workers M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 2: FREEDOM MOVEMENT FOR WORKERS LEGAL FRAMEWORK Labour Law (”Official Journal of Montenegro”, No. 49/08, 26/09 & 59/11) Law on employment and exercising the rights from unemployment insurance (“Official Journal of Montenegro”, No. 14/10 & 45/12) Law on employment and work of foreigners (“Official Journal of Montenegro”, No. 22/08 & 32/11) Law on professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities (“Official Journal of Montenegro”, No. 49/08, 73/10 & 39/11) Laws in the area of education National Strategy for Employment and Human Resource Development 2012 – 2015
Chapter 2: Freedom Movement for Workers M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 2: FREEDOM MOVEMENT FOR WORKERS Unemployed person is a person in the age between 15 and 67, who is Montenegrin citizen, or a foreigner having personal work permit, who is registered at the EAM register, who is capable or partly capable for work, not employed and actively searches an employment. Obligations of the unemployed persons who are actively searching an employment are: to fulfil obligations set in the individual employment plan; to participate in the active employment policy measures; to accept adequate employment; to report personally at the EAM in order to obtain information related to possibilities and conditions of employment and job mediation and, at the call from the EAM, at least once in two months and an unemployment benefit user once a month, etc.
Chapter 2: Freedom Movement for Workers M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 2: FREEDOM MOVEMENT FOR WORKERS EAM ACTIVITIES informing about possibilities and conditions of employment job mediation professional orientation and counselling on career planning adult education and training professional rehabilitation of hard-to-place persons public works job mediation for Montenegrin citizens abroad issuing work permits to foreigners implementation of other active employment policy measures providing rights from the unemployment insurance and other rights in line with the Law keeping registers in the areas of employment, researches of the labour market trends cooperation with employers, educational institutions and other legal and physical entities in realising employment activities cooperation in the areas of employment on the international level and realisation of international employment contracts
Chapter 2: Freedom Movement for Workers M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 2: FREEDOM MOVEMENT FOR WORKERS SERVICES TO THE UNEMPLOYED Open system – accessible to everyone – providing information, issuing documents, registering, noticeboards job clubs – informing, self-service computers, duty counsellor for work with the unemployed persons assists to the unemployed while using computers for job searching, creating CV, obtaining information, etc. educationalTV and radio programs, newspapers, brochures, handbooks, website counsellors for work with the unemployed persons o main goal: INFORMING, COUNSELLING, MOTIVATING, TRAINING o individual work – interviews – individual employment plans o group work – informative-motivational workshops
Chapter 2: Freedom Movement for Workers M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 2: FREEDOM MOVEMENT FOR WORKERS JOB MEDIATION Providing professional assistance in connecting job searching persons i.e. persons who want to change a job, with the employers, in order to make them to sign an employment contract. Employment Agency of Montenegro performs job mediation activities in direct cooperation with the employers, based on the registers of the unemployed persons and persons who want to change a job, as well as on the basis of assessment of needed knowledge, skills and capabilities for work at certain job positions.
Chapter 2: Freedom Movement for Workers M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 2: FREEDOM MOVEMENT FOR WORKERS ACTIVE EMPLOYMENT POLICY MEASURES Preparation for employment Seasonal employment Employment of trainees Professional training of graduates from higher education Work practice for graduates from higher education Employment programs for hard-to-place persons Projects for the employment of Roma and Egyptian nationals Public works Crediting self-employment Subsidies to the employers for new employments of young persons at seasonal jobs
Chapter 2: Freedom Movement for Workers M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 2: FREEDOM MOVEMENT FOR WORKERS PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION Professional orientation is being realised through the activities of individual and group professional informing, individual and group professional counselling, professional selection and other activities aimed to enable selection of proper occupation, to change an occupation and to bring decision related to the career development of an individual Professional counselling for the career development; Workshops for stimulating career development; Psychological testing for selecting occupation and afinities; Development of the Informative publications for enrollment in secondary schools and on the faculties; Informing on educational possibilities in Montenegro and in surrounding countries; Informing about the labour market.
Chapter 2: Freedom Movement for Workers M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 2: FREEDOM MOVEMENT FOR WORKERS CENTRES FOR INFORMATION AND PROFESSIONAL COUNSELLING (CIPS) The main purpose of CIPS is to provide conditions for career development of pupils school youth, students, employed and unemployed persons. In CIPS facilities could be found information on: – Educational programs in secondary schools, at colleges and on the faculties; – Demands for inclusion in particular training programs; – Conditions for enrollment in schools and on the faculties, about standard in pupils’ and students’ dormitories – Financial assistance during education; – Possibilities for employment, about occupations, situation on the labour market and possible employers; Programs for stimulating career development: – Programs for pupils in primary schools; – Programs for pupils in secondary schools: Those who are entering the labour market; Those who continue education. – Programs for students; – Programs for the unemployed. CIPS centres exist in 8 Montenegrin cities: Podgorica, Bar, Herceg Novi, Nikšić, Berane, Bijelo Polje, Mojkovac and Pljevlja. CIPS is opened at the University of Montenegro, as well. In the stated 8 municipalities live 72.69% of Montenegrin citizens.
Chapter 2: Freedom Movement for Workers M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 2: FREEDOM MOVEMENT FOR WORKERS SERVICES TO EMPLOYERS Publishing vacancies; Direct job mediation for vacancies according to the demands of employers, so called recruitment of workers from the job seekers’ database, an professional selection of candidates; Informing and job mediation for seasonal employment; Subsidies for youth employment through contracts on reimbursement of trainees’ salaries; Credit support to small and medium enterprises; Organised training programs for the labour market and for particular employer; Issuing work permits for foreigners; Visits to employers, so called mobile teams (whether employers need to employ or train new workers, or possibly lay off existing workers); Offer of qualitative workers from the database of those who want to change a job; Informing and support in the case of employment of persons with disabilities; A free legal and technical assistance in employment and, if needed, EAM gives space for interviews with unemployed persons; Electronic information about EAM activities and current events - INFO LINK
Chapter 2: Freedom Movement for Workers M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 2: FREEDOM MOVEMENT FOR WORKERS MIGRATION SERVICE CENTRES (MSC) 1. MSC was established in Podgorica in 2008 Later on MSC were established in Bar and Herceg Novi (southern part of Montenegro) and in Berane (north of Montenegro) Established through the Project “Migration for Development in the Western Balkans (WB)” (MIDWEB) in cooperation with the International Migration Organisation (IMO), leading Agency in the Project Project goal – strengthening and increasing capacities of MSC network on the WB in order to provide efficient distribution of information about legal migration channels and to provide possibilities for return of skills and human capital and its contribution to the WB development.
Chapter 2: Freedom Movement for Workers M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 2: FREEDOM MOVEMENT FOR WORKERS MSC does not offer job mediation, but provide information MSC role – providing basic information about living conditions, studyng abroad, recognition abroad – guidebooks through 40 countries, informative booklets on studying abroad for 7 countries and informative booklets for recognition of foreign diplomas and certificates for 5 countries website: – 40 countries with links to the relevant institutions (for issuing visas, employment services, Embassies)
Chapter 2: Freedom Movement for Workers M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 2: FREEDOM MOVEMENT FOR WORKERS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IT Sector within the EAM Head Office Complete IT coverage All employees have PC (except support staff) Regional Employment Centres and Employment Offices have local networks – LAN LAN networks are connected through VPN technology into joint network – WAN Unique database – automatic connection, if there is no communication towards the database, it is automatically disconnected on-line connection system – a change made in one place is immediately apparent to anyone who has an access to this information in accordance with data access authorisation
Chapter 2: Freedom Movement for Workers M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 2: FREEDOM MOVEMENT FOR WORKERS REPORTING EAM keeps registers on the unemployed persons (ENL) Statistical reports – weekly statistical reports a and monthly statistical buletin Activity report – 3-month, 6-month, 9-month and 12-month website ENL by gender, age, qualification level, by job seeking period, by working experience, etc. Survey of employers Survey on employers about needs for seasonal jobs Statistical Office of Montenegro – – conducts and publishes data on unemployment, employment in accordance with the Labour Force Survey (LFS), as well as on data about working and living conditions in Montenegrowww.monstat.org records on job vacancies – employers are obliged to submit to the EAM application on job vacancies, but, published are only those requested by an employer.
Chapter 2: Freedom Movement for Workers M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 2: FREEDOM MOVEMENT FOR WORKERS ADMINISTRATIVE CAPACITIES Counsellors for work with the unemployed persons Employees responsible for the implementation of international projects in 2012 – realised training about EURES – Expert mission organised by EU Delegation in Montenegro – Expert from the Republic of Slovenia – EURES manager in Slovenia Appointed EURES manager for Montenegro Study visit to the Croatian Employment Office To be implemented Harmonisation with the EU acquis communitaire in order to implement EURES Training of employees – linguistic training, training on the EURES technology of work, training for offering EURES services Development of software necessary for inclusion in the EURES network
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