Setting your tuition fees: some tips from the ISM Caroline Aldred Business Support Officer ISM Know your market value. Don’t charge too much – you’ll lose pupils Don’t charge too little – you’ll lose money Do be aware of what other music teachers are charging – our surveys Our teachers’ fees surveys Commissioned annually Teachers tell us what they were charging in September of each year Unique in the UK The high response rate makes them an authoritative indicator of rates Most music teachers' rates have not kept up with the pack Our survey results Self-employed VMT rates September 2015 £ per hour Mid- point Central range London independent schools state-funded schools music services and hubs Rest of UK independent schools state-funded schools music services and hubs Private music tuition rates September 2015 £ per hour Mid- point Central range Central London Greater London Rest of UK Half survey respondents charged the mid-point amounts or more and half charged these amounts or less. Most survey respondents charged fees within the central range. (Only 20% charged more and 20% charged less.) The ISM’s recommended rates for employed VMTs Employed VMTsRecommended rates for 2016/17 £ per hourLondonRest of UK independent schools & specialist music schools –35 all other schools, music services & hubs 29– Employed VMTsRecommended rates for 2015/16 £ per hourLondonRest of UK independent schools & specialist music schools all other schools, music services & hubs Important points about our recommendations They do not include employer’s National Insurance pension contributions or statutory holiday pay They are gross, before deducting your tax National Insurance and pension contributions Using the results & recommendations Think about where your particular locality sits within the overall fee range where your school is placed within the overall range of fees where you yourself fit the general economic situation and its impact upon demand for music tuition inflation since the survey date Where do you fit ? You should allow for your particular locality within your region your skills and qualifications your teaching experience and how much you want/need to attract new pupils Negotiating rates with pupils/parents Keep things on a business-like footing Give plenty of notice if you intend to increase your rate Refer your clients to our survey results as an indicator of what music teachers are charging You do not have to increase your rates every year Negotiating school rates If the school specifies a uniform rate you will probably not want to insist on a higher fee Keep your rates under review to make sure you are not falling behind the pack Tell the school if their rates are below our survey/recommended rates You could raise this in a group representing the VMTs as a whole Or your Head of Music might be prepared to negotiate for you ISM members can get advice and representation from the ISM staff team Offered a lower rate for employed work ? Remember: statutory holiday pay in addition your employer pays pension contributions for you you are entitled to sick pay and maternity/paternity pay and you have the protection of statutory employment rights Always have a contract You should have a written contract with every pupil/parent You should also have a written contract with every school where you teach Whether employed or self-employed
Zero / variable hours Can be mutually beneficial for schools and VMTs Unlawful for an employer to restrict the employee’s ability to work elsewhere at other times Sensible for working hours to be fixed termly by mutual agreement at the start of each term Room hire charges Most schools make no charge Some others charge only a small amount, perhaps as little as £1 per pupil per term It is not true that schools have to charge VMTs a room hire fee in order to demonstrate that the teachers are self-employed Some VMTs simply add the room hire charge to their fees to parents Group lessons Some rough and ready guidelines: The larger the group the more you charge but the fee per pupil falls Two pupils sharing a lesson would each pay perhaps two-thirds of the fee for individual tuition For three to four pupils, the total fee might be one and a half times your individual tuition fee For five to six pupils, the total fee might be twice the individual tuition fee Any questions ? OR to get your copy of our Teachers Pack Come to stand E1