Introduction to Uwezo Fund TOT Training of CUFMCs (County Youth Directors and Sub County Youth Development Officers )
History of Uwezo Fund UWEZO Fund is an initiative of H.E the President of Kenya, Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta. The Fund was established in fulfillment of a pledge by H.E the President that the government would direct Ksh. 6 Billion previously allocated for the election run-off towards establishing a new youth and women fund that would be open to the youth and women from every part of this country.
Current status of Uwezo Fund Uwezo Fund was launched on 8 th of September 2013 by His Excellency the President, who is also the National champion and Patron of the Fund. The legal framework, known as the Public Finance Management (Uwezo Fund) Regulations 2014, was approved by the National Assembly and gazetted on 21 st February Uwezo Fund is now considered a revolving fund and flag ship project that is anchored in the Social Pillar of Vision 2030.
Objectives of Uwezo Fund 1.Expand access to finances by promoting enterprises owned by youth, women and persons with disabilities at the constituency level for economic growth towards the realization of the goals of Vision 2030; 2.Generate gainful self- employment for the youth and women; and 3.Model an alternative framework in funding community driven development.
Key Focus Areas The objectives will be achieved by focusing on four key areas, namely: 1.Disseminating information on Uwezo Fund; 2.Leveraging the table banking concept 3.Providing business development services and mentoring opportunities; and 4.Promoting access to 30% public procurement opportunities at the county level.
Uwezo Fund Business Model 1. Dissemination of information on UWEZO Fund Uwezo Fund is a flag ship project that seeks to expand access to finances by promoting enterprises owned by youth, women and persons with disabilities at the constituency level. The Fund was launched by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Kenya, Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta, on 8 th of September The legal framework, Public Finance Management (Uwezo Fund) Regulations 2014, was gazetted on 21 st February Uwezo will disseminate general information on UWEZO Fund on: – Objects and purpose of the Fund – Framework for implementation at the Constituency level – Eligibility Criteria for Applicants
Uwezo Fund Business Model 2. Provision of Business Development Services (BDS) & Technical Skills Training (value chains, etc) Uwezo will offer a broad range of business development services to entrepreneurs at various stages of their business development journey, from business idea development all the way to growth and maturity of the business. Target groups will receive one-on-one support to address internal constraints (lack of business knowledge, skills, and abilities) and external constraints (enabling environment, technology, financial and legal issues). Specific activities include: – Support to develop memorandum, articles of associations, partnership deeds – Support to register groups, business names and companies – Guidance on the development of business plan for the targeted groups – Training for groups and their members in various relevant skills in entrepreneurship
Uwezo Fund Business Model 3. Access to 30% Public Procurement Opportunities Uwezo will disseminate information to youth, women and person with disability groups on how to access 30 per cent procurement share in government tender opportunities at the county level. Specific activities include: – Training on procedures and requirements for accessing the 30% public procurement opportunity. – Raise awareness for both the demand and supply side of the equation on the existing opportunities in public procurement at the county level; – Train and build capacities of disadvantaged group [women, youth, persons with disabilities] to enable them to meaningfully participate in and benefit from government contracts in a devolved context.
Uwezo Fund Business Model 4. Table Banking Concept The backbone of Uwezo Fund is the table-banking concept, which relies on the group based lending modality to disburse loans to eligible youth, women and PWD groups as well as registered institutions with listed youth and women groups in all 290 constituencies in Kenya. Eligible fund loan applicants (groups and institutions) must meet a mandatory criterion that requires them to “operate a table banking structure or any other group fund structure where members make monthly contributions according to the group’s internal guidelines (evidence of monthly contributions shall be a requirement)”.
Uwezo Fund Business Model For purposes of Uwezo Fund, a Youth, women and PWD group is defined as a democratic and viable entity at the grassroots level, which involves all members in the formation. Projects meant for their development and empowerment are implemented and monitored through the resources raised on their own strength. Specific activities include: – Disseminate information on Table Banking concept – Encourage and promote a culture of group savings
Uwezo Fund Business Model 5. Mentoring Opportunities Uwezo will provide youth and women groups with mentoring opportunities by linking business enterprises with less entrepreneurial business experience with those who do, at the constituency and county level, and preferably in the same industry. The mentors will serve as trusted confidants over an extended period of time. Specific activities include: – Help and guide youth and women groups to design and promote fundraising – Networking – Promote business partnership with retailers, distributors and other stakeholders in the value chain.
Structure of the Fund National Champion and Patron of the Fund: County and Constituency Patrons National Oversight Board National Secretariat Constituency Uwezo Fund Management Committees (CUFMCs) Constituency Secretariat
Training of Training of CFMUCs Uwezo Fund is undertaking a Training of Trainers (TOT) process for CUFMCs members of the 290 Constituency Uwezo Fund Management Committee (CUFMCs), and more specifically County Youth Directors and Sub County Youth Development Officers ). Youth & gender officers shall be an ex- officio member and the secretary to the Committee.
Goal and Objectives of the TOT Goal of the TOT: To train members of the Constituency Uwezo Fund Management Committee (County Youth Directors and Sub County Youth Development Officers) on their functions as per the Public Finance Management (Uwezo Fund) Regulations, Specific objectives of the TOT are to: Conduct a Training of Trainers program for Constituency Uwezo Fund Management Committees (County Youth Directors and Sub County Youth Development Officers) to gain a deeper understanding of Uwezo Fund’s Capacity Building Programme to be rolled out; Support applicant groups/institutions on the process of filling out proposed business plans for the loans applied as required by the Regulations To agree on the processes and procedures to be used to manage and oversee the implementation of the Fund at the Constituency level, particularly with regard to M&E functions; and To gain a broader understanding of how to manage and oversee the implementation of the Fund at the constituency level
Functions of the CUFMCs Identify the groups within the Constituency using guidelines as provided; Receive applications from the groups; Evaluate applications based on the guidelines for evaluation of applications Receive project proposals from institutions and consider the same for funding; Make a decision on the groups that will receive funds; Recommend disbursement of funds to qualified groups and institutions; Undertake monitoring of the activities including making official impromptu visits to the beneficiary groups and institutions; Manage and oversee the implementation of the Fund at the constituency level; Compile, update and forward progress reports to the Board on a quarterly basis; Provide oversight to the disbursements in their respective constituencies.
Outcomes and Impact of the TOT TOT Output It is expected that participants will learn and appreciate the process of receiving project proposals from applicants (groups and institutions) that are interested in being considered for funding. Participants will also get a better understanding of the process of evaluating applications in order to make a decision on the groups and/or institutions that will receive funds and recommend disbursement of funds to qualified groups and institutions. Participants will be able to undertake monitoring of the activities including official impromptu visits to Fund recipients. After the training, participants are expected to train applicant groups/institutions on Uwezo Fund when they return to their constituencies. TOT Impact After CUFMC members are trained, it is expected that Support applicant groups/institutions on the process of filling out proposed business plans for the loans applied as required by the Regulations