ENERGY SECTOR Smart Grids, DA (Distribution Automation) Need of more functions, more intelligence Increasing amount of information requires high reliability and availability in wireless communication networks Shorter Grid down times with faster fault localizations and isolation Development towards IP based protocols (IEC-104) requires more speed (and/or more bandwidth) Typical size of the new radio network: –Small and mediumsize 1-5 base station (Master), slaves –Big systems; base station (Master), slaves (up to 3000 slaves) 2
Recloser stations Distribution substations Disconnectors Secondary substations Transformers (AMR, street lights etc.) Power plants and heat distribution Points of Use
WATER Moving towards TCP/IP based protocols (More speed, More Bandwidth) Remote configuration of PLC SW update of PLCs remotley AC/DC drives configuration and changing parameters remotley (Over The Air) Typical size of the new radio network: –Small and mediumsize 1-5 base station (Master), slaves –Big City wide systems; base station (Master), slaves 4
ITS Moving towards TCP/IP based protocols (More speed, More Bandwidth) VMS (Variable message Sign), allows more data for example; pictures TLP (Traffic Light priority), more functions, more intelligence Parking systems; increased amount of systems in the same network Typical size of the new radio network: –Small and mediumsize 1-5 base station (Master), slaves –Big City wide systems; base station (Master), slaves –Nation wide systems over in total (for example the Netherlands) 5
SATELLAR-15DS Frequency range: MHz (in future MHz) Tuning range: 45Mhz Bandwidths: 12,5kHz - 150kHz Modulations: FSK (in future QAM) Output power: Up to 5W Compliance: 12,5kHz and 25kHz: ETSI EN 150kHz: ETSI EN Notified Body statement provided by SGS
Receiver parameters in a 25kHz channel 8
9 Receiver parameters in a 150kHz channel