Overview of the State of California Group Legal Services Insurance Plan from ARAG® April 27,
1-Agenda What is Legal Insurance5 A Life-Long Benefit6 Member Chooses Service Delivery7-8 Plan Details9-12 ID Theft Protection Benefit Overview13-16 Eligibility17-18 Available Plans19-20 Open Enrollment21 How to Enroll – Active Employees22 2
2-Agenda How To enroll – Newly Eligible Active23 Family Status Changes/Permitting Events24 How to Enroll – Newly Retired25 How to Enroll – Retiree at Open Enrollment26 How to Enroll – Separated Employees27 Unpaid Leave Process28 Waiver of Premium Due to Death of a Plan Member29 3
3-Agenda Waiver of Premium Due to Active Military30 How to Request Enrollment Materials31 Contact Information – Plan Member32 Contact Information – Personnel Specialists33 4
What is Legal Insurance? Legal insurance provides you with affordable and reliable legal counsel for everyday life matters. 5
A Life-Long Benefit Legal Matters Throughout Life include: Buying or selling a car, Dispute with a landlord, Traffic tickets, Contractor disputes, Buying a home, Adoption, Creating a Will, Divorce, Child Custody, Updating a Will, Retirement Planning, Identify Theft. 6
1-Member Chooses Service Delivery In-Person Legal Services Attorney Services – Advice, Representation, Follow-Up Calls, Preparing Docs With a Network most attorney fees are paid 100% by ARAG 7
2-Member Chooses Service Delivery Telephone Services Talk to an Attorney – Advice or Document Preparation Identity Theft Services/Protection Online Resources DIY Docs Education Center LawExpresso ® E-newsletter 8
1-Plan Details What costs are covered? Network Attorney Fees are 100% Paid-In-Full for most covered matters. Members only pay court filing fees, recording costs, postage, etc. How many Network Attorneys are in the area? Over 1,500 in California and 11,000 across the United States. 9
2-Plan Details Are there waiting periods? There is a six month waiting period to use Divorce, Motions to Modify, Bankruptcy, and Defense of Civil Damage benefits. How often can a member use a benefit? In-office services are limited to one use per year for each covered service (i.e. Will, divorce, consumer action, adoption, etc.). 10
3-Plan Details Can a member use any attorney they want? Yes, but similar to a PPO medical plan, they will get the most value if they use a Network Attorney. When a member uses an out-of- network attorney they will pay the attorney directly and be reimbursed by ARAG up to the indemnity amount. Details for indemnity amounts are in the Certificate found at ARAGLegalCenter.com when you login as a member. 11
4-Plan Detail What’s excluded? Primarily employment and business related legal events, e.g. if you have rental property, as a landlord you are not covered; or using the plan for your spouse’s business. What happens if an issue is not covered? If it is not excluded, a member can work with a network attorney at a 25% discount from their normal hourly rate. 12
1-ID Theft Protection Benefit Overview Added in 2015! Online Monitoring member ACTIVATION required. Credit Monitoring - Monitors and informs members of changes to their credit report. Internet Surveillance - Monitors websites and other data points to alert you if your personal information is being traded and/or sold. 13
2-ID Theft Protection Benefit Overview Online Monitoring member ACTIVATION required. Child Identity Monitoring - Monitors your minor’s identity to alert you if their personal information is being traded and/or sold. 14
3-ID Theft Protection Benefit Overview Restoration Services members are automatically covered Identity Theft Restoration (Full-Service) - Specialists will guide you to help clear your name and restore your identity. With a limited power of attorney they will work on your behalf with banks, credit card companies, government agencies, etc. 15
4-ID Theft Protection Benefit Overview Restoration Services members are automatically covered Lost Wallet Services - Specialists will help you cancel and reissue credit cards, driver’s license, etc. Identity Theft Insurance ($1,000,000) - Coverage up to $1 million for expenses associated with restoring your identity. 16
1-Eligibility Eligible persons: Active employees - Permanent employees who work half-time or greater, including Permanent Intermittent (PI). PI employees who worked a minimum of 480 paid hours during a control period. Retirees - All State of California Retirees with either CaIPERS or JRS/LRS. 17
2-Eligibility Dependent Eligibility A lawful spouse or domestic partner. Any unmarried, dependent children under the age of 26 who have never been married. Any economically dependent child, 26 years of age or over if she or he is incapable of self- support because of a physical disability or mental incapacity who has never been married. 18
1-Available Plans There are three plans available from ARAG. 1.Active Employee Plan (same benefits & rates as Retiree Plan) Individual: $10.19 per month Family: $17.74 per month 2.Retiree Plan (same benefits & rates as Active Plan) Individual: $10.19 per month Family: $17.74 per month 19
2-Available Plans 3.Conversion Plan (separate from state’s sponsored plan) Family: $20.96 per month 20
Open Enrollment Open Enrollment dates are: 3/2/16 – 4/30/16 Forms requesting to be processed after the end of OE need to be sent to CalHR along with an appeal Active employees and Retirees not currently enrolled receive marketing and enrollment materials at their home address. 21
How to Enroll – Active Employees Complete and submit the “State of California GROUP LEGAL SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN Enrollment Authorization Form”: 1.Have employees complete Sections A & B. 2.The agency personnel office completes Section C. 3.Send the original and a copy to SCO, one copy goes in the Employee’s Personnel File, and one copy to the employee. Link to Active Enrollment FormActive Enrollment Form 22
How to Enroll – Newly Eligible Active Newly eligible employees have 60-calendar days from their effective date of eligibility/hire to complete a Plan Enrollment Authorization Form and submit to their personnel office for processing. Permanent Intermittent employees may enroll in the Plan as newly eligible upon completion of the 480 paid hours in a qualifying control period. Enrollment forms are included in the annual enrollment packets available from ARAG or at ARAGLegalCenter.com, Access Code 10202soc. 23
Family Status Changes/Permitting Events The employee must submit an enrollment form within 60-calendar days of the qualifying event (e.g., divorce, legal separation, marriage, child losing eligibility due to age or marriage, death of a spouse or child, primary member leaves state service, or a new Domestic Partner Certification). 24
How to Enroll – Newly Retired Complete and submit the “State of California RETIREE GROUP LEGAL SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN Enrollment Authorization Form.”: 1.Have employee complete Section A & B. 2.The agency personnel office completes Section C. 3.Retiree/employee mails or faxes completed form to ARAG. 25
How to Enroll – Retiree at Open Enrollment 1.Mail: Complete Sections A & B of the “State of California RETIREE GROUP LEGAL SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN Enrollment Authorization Form” and mail to ARAG. 2.Phone: Call the ARAG Customer Care Center at and enroll via phone. 3.Online: Visit and enter access code 17642ret and follow the instructions under How to Enroll or Enroll Now. 26
How to Enroll – Separated Employees If an existing plan member separates from the State they are eligible for the ARAG Conversion Plan at a cost of $20.96 per month. They can enroll by: 1.Phone: Call the ARAG Customer Care Center at Online: Visit and enter access code 10014ult and follow the instructions under How to Enroll or Enroll Now. 27
Unpaid Leave Process A legal plan member who is taking an unpaid leave and wishes to continue coverage must contact ARAG within 45 days of their leave to make arrangements for direct payment. Call ARAG at ; or Mail a notice to: ARAG Insurance Company Billing Coordinator P. O. Box Des Moines, IA
Waiver of Premium Due to Death of a Plan Member If a plan member that has family coverage passes away, ARAG will waive the premium for the next 12 months providing their covered dependents (i.e. spouse, children) with group legal benefits at no charge. Notify ARAG by ing our Client Support Team at include the name of insured/deceased and date of 29
Waiver of Premium Due to Active Military If a plan member who’s in the Military Reserves or National Guard is called to active duty, ARAG will waive the premium while they’re on active duty providing their covered dependents (i.e. spouse, children) with group legal benefits at no charge. Contact ARAG Client Support Team at 30
How to Request Enrollment Materials request to or Call ARAG at x259 The request must include : Department name Name of the contact person Actual physical address Zip code Room number or mail station Telephone number and extension Quantity of Active or Retiree kits needed 31
Contact Information – Plan Member Phone - Talk to a Customer Care Specialist at Monday through Friday, 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PT. Online - Visit ARAGLegalCenter.com and enter Access Code 10202soc for information on enrolling, Frequently Asked Questions and Network Attorney information.ARAGLegalCenter.com – Customer Care at 32
Contact Information – Personnel Specialists Contact CalHR regarding questions and appeals Patty Rosales-Abila at or For more information refer to: Benefits Administration Manual - Section 1500, Group Legal Services Insurance Plan Go to ARAGLegalCenter.com and login as a member or use Access Code 10202soc or 17642ret 33