OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program Gateway Training Workshop Module Two Advanced Gateway Operations Audio Control Units (ACU) Patrick Kempker Gateway Instructor OEC/ICTAP (619)
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 2 Glossary COR/COSCarrier Operated Relay/ Carrier Operated Squelch - A receiver signal that gives a positive indication a carrier or signal is being received and the receiver is unsquelched. CPM-2/4/6Control Processor Module - This ACU module controls all aspects of system operation. DTMFDual Tone Multi Frequency - The standard touch-tone telephone dialing method sends DTMF characters over the Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN) line. DSPDigital Signal Processing (or Processor). DSP-1/2/2IP The Digital Signal Processor Module, the main radio interface of the ACU-1000 system. DSP algorithms provide Voice Operated Transmit (VOX), Voice Modulation Recognition (VMR), Audio Delay, Noise Reduction, and Tone Keying functions. ExtensionEach interface module in the ACU-1000 system is given an extension number. A user enters this extension number to make a communications link through the selected module.
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 3 Glossary Cont. HSP-2/4/2IPThe ACU-1000 Handset/Speaker/Prompt Module provides a local operator interface and the system voice prompt circuitry. INMARSATInternational Marine/Maritime Satellite PSTN-1/1IPPublic Service Telephone Network module to interface to the Public Switch Telephone Network PTTPush to Talk RXReceive or Receiver SIP Session Initiation Protocol SCM-1/2SIP Channel Module SquelchA means of detecting audio and causing some action when it is present, such as keying a transmitter or unmuting an audio path. TXTransmit or Transmitter. VMRVoice Modulation Recognition. A type of squelch, which is activated only by spoken words and not by tones, noise, or other audio information. VOXVoice Operated Xmit (Transmit). A circuit or algorithm, which causes a transmitter to key or some other action when voice is present. This squelch type is activated by any audio signal, and is not restricted to voice only.
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 4 Advanced Gateway Operations Overview Requirement & Capabilities Setup & Configuration Creating & Breaking Patches
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 5 Requirements & Capabilities ACU Family – Raytheon JPS Four (4) to twenty-four (24) interconnected communications devices (only 16 active at one time) Patch Up to seven (7) new networks Five (5) Patch Types Normal, Vertical, Priority, Monitor, Permanent Individual Module/Port Adjustments Password Protection (PINs, Permanent Connections, and Module Settings) ACU-1000 TRP-1000 ACU-M ACU-T ACU-2000IP
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 6 Requirements & Capabilities ACU Family Power AC 110 – 220 V DC power Computer Controllable Free ACU Controller Software R/S-232 connection Network RJ-45 interface Optional WAIS software for multiple ACU Control VOIP – Free PCNXU software
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 7 Requirements & Capabilities Control Console Software User-friendly graphical interface that is mouse-driven Allows operators to Quickly make and break inter-connections Modify setup Save and load configurations
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 8 Requirements & Capabilities Control Console Software Computer Requirements for Version 5.42 OS Windows 95, 98 Me, NT, 2000, XP, or Vista The ACU Controller’s native screen resolution is 1280x1024, where it looks best and runs fastest; however, it will automatically adapt to fit any screen resolution. 64MB RAM minimum 50 MB free hard drive space Serial port dedicated to communicate w/ACU or Ethernet Card (if using Ethernet control for ACU) Mouse is recommended but not required Note: Proper operation of the ACU Controller with a CPM-2 module requires that the CPM-2 module has firmware revision 1.16 or higher.
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 9 Connection Indicator Net Area Module Grid Shows which modules belong to which nets Message Area Installed Modules (Generic Display) Column Heading Shows which ACU slots contain modules Setup & Configuration Control Console Generic Screen Title Pull Down Menu
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 10 Setup & Configuration Control Console Generic Screen Pull down menu
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 11 Setup & Configuration Pull Down Menus There are six pull down menus Sites ACU Tools Interface PermConn Help Each grouped into specific types of operation
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 12 Setup & Configuration Sites Menu Select Network Site – Allows users to control the ACU through an Ethernet port. Note: You require both IP address and port number for the ACU you want to control Select Serial Port – Used when controlling the ACU through the RS- 232 connector P13. CPM-2 connects using a 9600 baud rate, CPM-4 uses baud rate. Note: The middle of the menu is a connection history Auto Connect On Startup – When on the ACU controller attempts to restore its last successful connection on startup Exit - Exits the controller software
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 13 Setup & Configuration ACU Menu Save Configuration - lets users store the present configuration Load Configuration – Sets the ACU to a previously saved configuration Retrieve Current Configuration – interrogates the ACU regarding it’s current configuration Restore Last Configuration – reverts the ACU Controller to the state it was in last time it was powered down. COR Reporting Displays the current COR status of each module PTT Reporting – Displays the current PTT status of each module Voice Prompts – Controls the ACU voice prompting to external users gaining access via DTMF
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 14 Setup & Configuration Tools Menu Password Protection – Sets which (if any) attributes require password: ACU PIN settings DB, Permanent Connections, Module Settings ACU Security Settings – provides access to DB that sets PIN #s, User IDs & security levels Module Web Pages – Stores IP addresses for the various VoIP modules View Recent Log – Views the last 30 entries View Entire Log – Open the whole log New Log – Starts a new log
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 15 Setup & Configuration Tools Menu (Continued) Connect All – Connects all modules except unconnected PSTN-1 modules Revert – Returns the modules to there original position before the connect all Disconnect All – dissolves all current interconnections (nets) Revert – All modules (other than PSTN-1 modules) are returned to whatever nets they were in prior to the Disconnect all
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 16 Setup & Configuration Interface Menu Sound – Turns sound on or off Allow ACU M-Style Interface – When checked, the ACU Controller will use its special ACU-M interface when connected to an ACU-M Show Hover Icon Description – full module descriptions that appear near the mouse cursor when the cursor hovers over a module icon Right Mouse Button – set either to disconnect the module, or to view the module settings Connection Indicator - Select between disconnect or enter module’s setting screen Animation – Sets the Icon movement speed when a patch is made or broken Window Title – Sets the title on the Main ACU Controller screen Change Colors – Change background and grid colors
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 17 ACU-M Interface
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 18 Setup & Configuration PermConn Menu One of the five types of patches covered later in the practical demonstration Acts as a toggle (On/Off) After a patch or patches are made forming new nets, any of the nets (1 through 7) selected via this pull-down menu will become a Permanent Connection
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 19 Setup & Configuration Help Menu About – Gives you the information about your ACU Controller software Name and version number Manual – Gives you access to the “ACU-Controller Control Software for the ACU-1000 and the ACU-T Software Installation and Operation Manual”
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 20 Setup & Configuration Personalized Screen Personalized Icons
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 21 Creating & Breaking Patches Keyboard Operations Making and breaking connections with the keyboard consists of the same operations that would be used with the mouse, except each mouse click has a corresponding keystroke series: The “##” symbol represents a two-digit module and the # represents the one-digit net number in each command. Click on module icon (left-click or Connect):c## Right-click (Disconnect) on module icon:d## Click on net number icon (Vertical Connection):n# Right-click on net number icon (Break VC.): b# Click on column heading (enter/exit Monitor Mode):m## Toggle Connect/Disconnect Mode Modules to Mon:t These commands are case-sensitive; all must be lower-case
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 22 Creating & Breaking Patches Connection Types Five types of connections Normal - form new nets Vertical - join existing nets together Priority - temporarily patch members of existing nets together, removing them from their original nets for the time being Permanent – add protection to existing nets Monitor – one-way connection – listen, but not speak
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 23 Creating & Breaking Patches Normal Connections Each connection takes two left clicks of the mouse to make or one right click to break Create a net – left click on one idle module then left click on another one, to create additional nets - repeat step To add more than two modules to net left click on the desired idle module then left click on the net number or one of the module already on the net To break a module from a net right click the module to break an entire net right click the net number
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 24 Creating & Breaking Patches Vertical Connections Connect two or more nets together – These are temporary connections intended to allow communications between nets for a short time To join – left click on a net number and then left click on the net number you want to join it To disconnect - right click on a net number you want to remove
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 25 Creating & Breaking Patches Priority Connection NOTE: This is to temporarily patch active members of existing nets together, temporarily removing them from their original nets To join – left click on one active module in a net then left click on the desired module in a different net To disconnect - right click on the red number in the module icon
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 26 Creating & Breaking Patches Permanent Connection Adds protection to nets so you can not accidentally disconnect the modules in them - Permanent Connection. To create – Make normal net as shown on the normal connection slide. Next on the dropdown tool bar select PermConn. Select the net number you want to make permanent. The letters “PC” appear in the connected modules. To remove – PermConn is a toggle switch. On the dropdown tool bar select PermConn then select the net number you no longer want protected the letters “PC” disappear. The net can now be deleted in the normal fashion.
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 27 Creating & Breaking Patches Monitor Mode Monitor works differently than all the other connections To start monitoring - Enter monitor mode by left clicking on the column heading of module you want to do the monitoring, the screen changes Left click on the modules you wish to monitor Left click on the column heading again to return to the normal screen
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 28 Creating & Breaking Patches Monitor Connection The M in the module’s icon shows who is doing the monitoring and the numbers below shows which modules are being monitored To remove monitor - enter monitor mode by left clicking on the column heading Left click on the modules you no longer wish to monitor Left click on the column heading again to return to the normal screen Note: The M disappears from the module’s ICON
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program 29 Questions ????
OEC/ICTAP Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program