Nanotechnology Standardization, National and International In the Name of God Nanotechnology Standardization, National and International Activities, Challenges Ahead Ali Beitollahi1,2 1 Director of Nanostandardization and International Collaboration Committee, Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council (INIC). 2Center of Excellence for Ceramics in Energy and Environment, School of Materials, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Farjam, Tehran, Iran.
Contents of my Talk Nanostandardization International Activities Iran’s Activities Iran Nanosafety Network, Structure and Activities. Nano Mark Scheme.
Why Nanostandardization? To support commercialisation and market development. To provide a basis for procurement through technical requirements, and quality and environmental management. To support voluntary governance structures and appropriate legislation and regulation. Current Challenges -Lack of internationally agreed terminology/definitions. -Lack of internationally agreed protocols for toxicity testing. -Lack of standardized protocols for evaluating environmental impact. -Existing “methods of test” might not be suitable for nanoscale devices and nanoscale dimensions. -Measurement techniques and instruments need to be developed and/or standardized. -New calibration procedures and certified references materials are needed for validation of test instruments at the nanoscale. -Multifunction nanotechnology systems and devices will need new standards. Partial solutions -Some existing standards are or might be applicable
International Activities ISO/TC 229 - Nanotechnologies Established in June 2005 46 members – 35 “P” and 11 “O” P members: Australia ( SA ), Austria ( ON ), Belgium ( NBN ), Brazil ( ABNT ), Bulgaria(BDS), Canada ( SCC ), China ( SAC ), Czech Republic ( UNMZ ), Denmark ( DS ), Finland ( SFS ), France ( AFNOR ), Germany ( DIN ), Greece(ELOT), India ( BIS ), Indonesia(BSN), Iran, Islamic Republic of ( ISIRI ), Irland(NSAI), Israel ( SII ), Italy ( UNI ), Japan ( JISC ), Kenya ( KEBS ), Korea, Republic of ( KATS ), Malaysia ( DSM ), Mexico ( DGN ), Netherlands ( NEN ), Norway ( SN ), Poland ( PKN ), Russian Federation ( GOST R ), Singapore ( SPRING SG ), South Africa ( SABS ), Spain ( AENOR ), Sweden ( SIS ), Switzerland ( SNV ), USA ( ANSI ), UK (BSI), O members: Argentina ( IRAM ), Egypt ( EOS ), Estonia ( EVS ) , Hong Kong, Kazakhstan ( KAZMEMST ), Morocco (IMANOR ), Romania ( ASRO ), Serbia ( ISS ), Serilanka(SLSI), Thailand ( TISI ), Liaisons with 16 other ISO TCs and 9 external bodies – IEC/TC 113, CEN/TCs 137 and 352, Asia Nano Forum, BIPM, EC JRC, OECD , IUPAC and VAMAS Exploring additional external liaisons for other groups (e.g. International Alliance for Nano EHS Harmonization) and for emerging economies
Liaisons MATERIALS BIOMEDICAL ENERGY EXTERNAL LIAISONS RISK/HS&E ISO/TC 107 Metallic and other inorganic coatings ISO/TC 38 Textiles ISO/TC 206 Fine ceramics ISO/TC 122 Packaging ISO/TC 119 Powder metallurgy ISO/TC 91 Surface active agents ISO/TC 84 Devices for administration of medical products and intravascular catheters MATERIALS BIOMEDICAL ISO/TC 61 Plastics Liaisons ENERGY ISO/TC 168 Prosthetics and orthotics ISO/TC 212 Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostic test systems ISO/TC 215 Health Informatics ISO/TC 225 Market opinion and social research Environmental management ISO/TC 28 Petroleum and petroleum products ISO/TC 180 Solar energy ISO/TC 203 Technical energy systems ISO/TC 184 Industrial automation systems and integration ISO/TC 172 Optics and photonics ISO/TC150 Implants for surgery ISO/TC 217 Cosmetics ISO/TC 34 Food products ISO/TC 48 Laboratory equipment NANO-PARTICLES METROLOGY AND CHARACTERIZATION EXTERNAL LIAISONS RISK/HS&E BIPM ISO/TC 142 Cleaning equipment for air and other gases ISO/TC 59 Building construction ISO/TC 35 Paints and varnishes ISO/TC 45 Rubber and rubber products
TC 229 – Structure/working areas Material Specifications (WG4) (Convened by China) Terminology and Nomenclature (JWG 1) “what you call it” - Convened by Canada Measurement and Characterization (JWG 2) “How you measure/test it” – Convened by Japan Health, Safety and Environment (WG 3) “what effect it might have on health and the environment” – Convened by USA
ISO/TC 229 JWG1: Current Work Programme Framework and core terms Base Definitions Terminology for the bio-nano interface Nomenclature model Nano-processes Nanomaterials Terminology and definitions for nano-objects – nanoparticle, nanofibre and nanoplate – published August 2008 Nanotechnologies Terminology for carbon nanostructures Nano-production Terminology for nanostructured materials Terminology - nanofabrication Nanomaterials classification Devices and applications Nanomeasurement Terminology for medical, health and personal care applications of nanotechnologies Terminology for nanoscale measurement and instrumentation
ISO/TC 229 JWG1: Some of the published standards Base definitions: ISO/TR 12802:2010 Nanotechnologies -- Model taxonomic framework for use in developing vocabularies -- Core concepts ISO/TS 80004-1:2010 Nanotechnologies -- Vocabulary -- Part 1: Core terms Nanomaterials: ISO/TS 27687:2008 Nanotechnologies -- Terminology and definitions for nano-objects -- Nanoparticle, nanofibre and nanoplate ISO/TS 80004-3:2010 Nanotechnologies -- Vocabulary -- Part 3: Carbon nano-objects ISO/TS 80004-4:2011 Nanotechnologies -- Vocabulary -- Part 4: Nanostructured materials ISO/TR 11360:2010 Nanotechnologies -- Methodology for the classification and categorization of nanomaterials
ISO/TC 229 JWG2: Draft Roadmap 2005 2010 2015 Carbon Nano-Materials Basic Character set Purity Geometrical property Morphology Dispersability Tube type Advanced Character set Electrical, Magnetic, Mechanical , Optical properties Engineered nanoparticles Basic Character set Purity Composition, Geometrical property, Sampling method. Advanced Character set Elemental structure, Chemical functionality, Electrical, Magnetic, Mechanical , Optical properties Coatings/ Nanostructured materials Basic Character set Geometrical property, Composition, Density Advanced Character set Electrical, Magnetic, Mechanical , Optical properties Basic Metrology Length, Depth, Force, Traceability, Definition of Measurand, Uncertainty Interoperability Support for WG3 activities
JWG2 : Some of the published Standards ISO/TS 10797:2012 Nanotechnologies -- Characterization of single-wall carbon nanotubes using transmission electron microscopy ISO/TS 10798:2011 Nanotechnologies -- Characterization of single-wall carbon nanotubes using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry analysis ISO/TS 11308:2011 Nanotechnologies -- Characterization of single-wall carbon nanotubes using thermogravimetric analysis ISO/TS 10867:2010 Nanotechnologies -- Characterization of single-wall carbon nanotubes using near infrared photoluminescence spectroscopy ISO/TS 10868:2011 Nanotechnologies -- Characterization of single-wall carbon nanotubes using ultraviolet-visible-near infrared (UV-Vis-NIR) absorption spectroscopy
TC 229/WG3: Some of the published standards ISO 10801:2010 Nanotechnologies -- Generation of metal nanoparticles for inhalation toxicity testing using the evaporation/condensation method ISO 10808:2010 Nanotechnologies -- Characterization of nanoparticles in inhalation exposure chambers for inhalation toxicity testing ISO/TR 12885:2008 Nanotechnologies -- Health and safety practices in occupational settings relevant to nanotechnologies ISO/TR 13014:2012 Nanotechnologies -- Guidance on physico-chemical characterization of engineered nanoscale materials for toxicologic assessment ISO/TR 13121:2011 Nanotechnologies -- Nanomaterial risk evaluation ISO 29701:2010 Nanotechnologies -- Endotoxin test on nanomaterial samples for in vitro systems -- Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) test
TC 229/WG3: Some of the Published Standards. ISO/NP TR 16197 Nanotechnologies - Guidance on toxicological screening methods for manufactured nanomaterial ISO/TS 12901-1:2012 Nanotechnologies -- Occupational risk management applied to engineered nanomaterials -- Part 1: Principles and approaches ISO/NP TS 12901-2 Nanotechnologies - Occupational risk management applied to engineered nanomaterials -- Part 2: Use of the control banding approach ISO/TS 13830 Guidance on the labeling of manufactured nano-objects and products containing manufactured nano-objects ISO/TR 13329:2012 Nanomaterials -- Preparation of material safety data sheet (MSDS)
TC 229/WG4: Some of the published standards ISO/TS 12805:2011 Nanotechnologies -- Materials specifications -- Guidance on specifying nano-objects ISO/TS 11931-1 Nanotechnologies -- Nano-calcium carbonate -- Part 1: Characteristics and measurement methods ISO/TS 11937-1 Nanotechnologies -- Nano-titanium dioxide -- Part 1: Characteristics and measurement methods ISO/TS 17200 Nanotechnology -- Nanoparticles in powder form -- Characteristics and measurements
International Electrotechnical Commission committee IEC/TC 113 – “Nanotechnology standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems Established June 2006 with US chair and German secretariat 29 members - 15 “P” and 14 “O” Agreed to establish two Joint Working Groups with ISO TC/229: JWG 1 – Terminology and nomenclature JWG2 – Measurement and characterization Together with a third Working Group: WG3 – Performance assessment Work Item: There are 17 underdevelopment projects in this committee which are related to electrical and electronic products and systems
European Committee for Standardization committee CEN/TC 352 - Nanotechnologies Established November 2005 following a recommendation from CEN/BTWG 166 All 30 members of CEN are notionally members Works closely with ISO/TC 229 using the ‘Vienna Agreement’ for cooperative working. Developing a work programme to include areas of specific interest to Europe and areas that will be relevant to European legislation.
IEEE Nanotechnology Council A multi-disciplinary group whose purpose is to advance and coordinate work in the field of Nanotechnology carried out throughout the IEEE in scientific, literary and educational areas. The Council supports the theory, design, and development of nanotechnology and its scientific, engineering, and industrial applications such as: Aerospace & Electronic System Society (AES) Antennas & Propagation Society (AP) Circuits & Systems Society CAS) Communications Society (COM) Components, Packaging, & Manufacturing Technology Society (CPMT) Computational Intelligence Society (CI) [Formerly Neural Networks (NN) Society] Computer Society (C) Control Systems Society (CS) Electron Devices Society (ED
ASTM E56 Committee Formed in 2005. This Committee addresses issues related to standards and guidance materials for nanotechnology & nanomaterials, as well as the coordination of existing ASTM standardization related to nanotechnology needs. Published Standards by the Committee: E2456-06 Standard terminology Relating to Nanotechnology E2524-08 Standard Test Method for Analysis of Hemolytic Properties of Nanoparticles. E2525-08 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of the Effect of Nanoparticulate Materials on the Formation of Mouse Granulocyte- Macrophage Colonies.
Iran’s activities in nanostandardization ISIRI/TC 229 mirror committee was established by INIC with cooperation of ISIRI (Institute of Standard & Industrial Research of Iran) in December 2006 comprised of 3 mirror working groups . 50 experts are member of the committee who are from various Universities, industry, research centers, ministry of health, ministry of agriculture and ISIRI.
Iran’s activities in nanostandardization Published 15 national standards in the field of nanotechnology: 1- ISIRI 12963: Nanotechnologies-Analysis of hemolytic properties of nanoparticles. 2- ISIRI 12325: Nanotechnologies: Health and Safety in nano occupational setting-code of practice. 3- ISIRI 13566: Nanotechnologies- Evaluation of the effect of nanoparticulate materials on the formation of mouse granulocyte macrophage colonies-test method.
Iran’s activities in nanostandardization 4- ISIRI 14095: Nanotechnologies -- Characterization of single-wall carbon nanotubes using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry analysis 5- ISIRI 14152Nanotechnologies -- Generation of metal nanoparticles for inhalation toxicity testing using the evaporation/condensation method 6-ISIRI 14153 Nanotechnologies -- Endotoxin test on nanomaterial samples for in vitro systems -- Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) test
Iran’s activities in nanostandardization 7- ISIRI 13731:Nanotechnologies -- Characterization of single-wall carbon nanotubes using near infrared photoluminescence spectroscopy 8- ISIRI 12098: Nanotechnologies- Vocabulary and main definitions 9- ISIRI 14564:Nanotechnologies -Characterization of single- wall carbon nanotubes using thermo gravimetric analysis 10- ISIRI 13736: Nanotechnologies-Safe packaging and transport of nanomaterials-code of practice
Iran’s activities in nanostandardization 11- Nanotechnologies -- Characterization of single-wall carbon nanotubes using ultraviolet-visible-near infrared (UV-Vis- NIR) absorption spectroscopy 12-Nanotechnologies-Methodogies for classification and categorization of nanomaterials 13- Guide to scanner and tip related artifacts in scanning tunneling microscopy and atomic force microscopy 14- nanotechnologies- Materials specification- Guidance on specifying nano-objects 15- Nanotechnologies – Characterization of multiwall carbon nanotubes– Mesoscopic shape factor
Iran’s activities in nanostandardization (Published 2 in ISO/TC229) Iran acted as project leader of 3 international standard: 1-Nanotechnologies –Methodology for the Classification and Categorization of Nanomaterials (ISO/TR 11360) . 2- Nanotechnologies- Determination of muramic acid as a biomarker for silver nanoparticles activity (In Publish Process) 3-Nanotechnologies: Vocabularies for Science, Technology and Innovation indicators (Under progress).
Aims/Activities: Established in 2012 Networking researchers, experts, research institutes and industrial units which are active in the field of EHS-related issues of nanotech . Defining national priorities in direction with mission of nanosafety network with cooperation of other related national organization and centers. Drafting national and international standards, Guidelines and Regulation in the filed of nano EHS. Supporting the necessary hardware and software of the active member centers. Supporting workshops, conferences in the relevant areas of activities.
Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council INSN Structure INSN Chairman of INSN secretariat Strategic committee Occupational safety WG Human Health WG Environmental Safety WG Nanoethics WG
Strategic committee Strategic committee includes: 7 experts who are representatives from INIC, ministry of health, ministry of agriculture, ISIRI and universities, Main tasks: Compiling strategic program and developing policies for INSN. Devising internal regulations Supervising WGs activities Reviewing proposals of WGs
Human Health WG: 12 experts, university professors and representatives from ministry of health Occupational safety WG: 7 experts from universities and research institutes active in the field of occupational health. Environment Safety: 12 experts who are representative from Department of Environment, ministry of Agriculture and from universities and research institutes in the filed of environmental-related aspects of nanotechnology. Nanoethics WG: 5 experts in the field of ethics and law and socio economic aspect on emerging technologies.
Some of the INSN Activities Surveying national and international activities in the field of nanosafety, and other similar networks. Capacity Building Activities: training and holding workshops and congress Held the first national seminar “ safety and standardization in nanotechnology” on June 2012 Held a workshop on the safety of nanomaterial in human health and environment workshop. Aug. 2012. Supported 2 workshops held on “Nano safety issues in agriculture” Dec. 2012. Held training workshops: “Health and safety practices in laboratories working in the field of nanotech” Oct. 2013
Nano Mark Scheme To foster consumer trust and confidence. Aims: To foster consumer trust and confidence. To boost market development. To Facilitate marketing and trade.
Advantages Supporting sustainable growth of nano market. Improvement of the quality of the products Preventing frauds and misleading consumers. Detecting local nanoproduct manufacturers and importers.. Implementing labeling regulations.
Nanomark system Standard Institute Iran Nanosafety Network Property/Specifications assessment Standard Institute Iran Nanosafety Network Nanolab network Nanoscale Audit Nanomark Ministry of Agriculture Tech-Market service corridor INIC Standard Committee Department of Environment Custom Duty Ministry of Health
Acceptance Criteria: Nanomaterials/nanoproducts: Size range of 1-100 nanometers Showing improvement of properties Reproducibility Note 1: Naturally occurring nano materials are not certified as nano products. Note 2: Currently “Nano Mark” does not deal with environmental, health and safety (EHS) issues.
Assessment Body Currently, department of inspection and examination of nano materials and nanoproducts unit is currently in charge of the entire assessment procedures and issuance of Nano Mark. Annual review and inspection is also carried out for the re-issue of the certificate. In 2014, this scheme is expected to be formally approved as a nationwide standard Mark. Mandatory Aspects The scheme is currently voluntary based. However, all of the start-ups, SMEs and large-scale manufacturers active in the field of nanotechnology to take advantage of various incentives, supports and services of INIC should apply for Nano Mark. Costs At the moment, INIC supports all of the related charges regarding the issue of Nano Mark.
Total No. of applications: 268 Total No. of approved products: 78
Future Plans 1- Implementing safety issues in Nano Mark subject to the development of the necessary standards. 2- Further development of a comprehensive labeling strategy in harmony with internationally agreed standards. 3- Fostering international collaboration to develop bilateral/multilateral joint Nano Mark scheme to boost mutual trade in our region and worldwide. 4- Planning for legal aspects of the Nano Mark.
Thank You for your Attention
ISO/TC 229 JWG1: Current Work Programme Base Definitions Nanomaterials Devices and applications Nanotechnologies Nanoprocesses Nanomanufacturing Nanomeasurement
Standards for nanotechnologies Further development of nanotechnology and commercializsation in an open, safe and responsible manner by supporting: safety testing, legislation and regulation worker, public and environmental safety commercialisation and procurement patenting and IPR communication about the benefits, opportunities and potential problems associated with nanotechnologies This will be possible by agreed ways of: Naming, describing and specifying things Measuring and testing things Protocols for health and environmental safety testing, risk assessment and risk management
TC 229 published standards JWG2 (SWCNT work) SEM + EDXA TEM UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectroscopy NIR-PL Spectroscopy TGA EGA-GCMS
JWG2 – published standards in MWCNT Electrical characterization of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) Using 4-Probe Measurement (TS) Measurement Methods for the Characterization of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (TS) Determination of meso-scopic shape factors of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (TS)
Dept. of Inspection (Nanoscale Audit Unit) . INIC Iran Nano FDA Committee ISIRI/TC229 Dept. of Inspection (Nanoscale Audit Unit) . Iran Nanolab Network Custom Duty Nano Standardization Committee, Ministry of Agriculture
History: Nano Tech Promotion in Iran : 2001 Approval of National Plan: 2005 Establishment of Nanostandardization Committee: 2006 Establishment of Department of Inspection and Examination of Nano Materials and Nano Products: 2007
Standards Types of standards: Metrological standards Written standards Written Standards provide agreed ways of: Naming, describing and specifying things Measuring and testing things Managing things e.g. quality and environmental management: ISO 9001 and ISO 14000 To: Support commercialisation, market development and established markets Provide a basis for procurement Support appropriate legislation/regulation NORMATIVE, defining what MUST be done in e.g. a specific test method, or INFORMATIVE, providing information only. Standards are VOLUNTARY unless called in a contract or regulation. Standards are based on CONSENSUS not necessarily unanimity
Standardization Standards can be: FORMAL – developed by independent experts working under the auspices of a National, Regional or International standards body AFNOR, BSI, DIN, JIS, ………………… (NSBs) CEN, CENELEC, ETSI….. ISO, IEC & ITU INFORMAL – developed by a SDO (Standards Development Organisation) ASTM, IEEE, SAE, SEMI, VDI PRIVATE – developed by a company or trade association FORMAL standards are: PROPOSED, DEVELOPED AND APPROVED by the members of the standards body (or an accredited organisation) Based on CONSENSUS (i.e. no sustained opposition), not necessarily unanimity.
Human Health WG priorities and main programs Scope of this WG includes: safety and health of naoproducts in the filed of foods, cosmetics, drugs, healthcare , medical devices and instruments. Main programs: In vivo and in vitro researches for evaluating the effects of nanomaterials in human and body response to these materials Characterization and measurement of nanomaterials in biological media. Studying the relation between physico-chemical properties of nanomaterials and some factors such as absorption, metabolism, distribution and excretion in human body. Studying the relation between physico-chemical properties of nanomaterials and diffusion of naomaterials to tissue and organs in the human body. How the human body responses to namaterials in molecular scale Studying the effects of nanomaterials on human health in different life stages.
Occupational safety priorities and programs Scope of this WG includes: Human resources training, compiling standards and providing infrastructures in the field of occupational safety for laboratories and companies which are active in nanotechnology Main program and activities: Identifying groups who can be exposed to nanomaterials Studying the effects of exposure on human with different types of nanomaterials. Surveying risk and hazard evaluation, exposure assessment and designing new model and methods for risk assessment of nanomaterials. Identifying and control the level of exposure with nanomaterials in deferent groups and media.
Environmental Health WG priorities and programs: Scope of this WG includes: compiling standards, regulation and guidelines for environment and agriculture in the filed of nanotechnology: Main programs: life cycle analysis of nanomaterials. Fate of nanmoaterials in environment. Determining the factors which affect in transfer of nanomaterial to environment. Risk management and developing new working framework Effects of nanomaterials on ecosystems.
Nano Ethics WG Scope of this WG includes: legitimating regulation and law, social acceptance of nanotechnology, ethics
Tech-Market Services Corridor Nanoscale Nanoscale Audit Nanoscale Global Marketing Global Marketing Technology level Technology level Technology level Legal Advisory Legal Advisory Documentation Documentation Documentation Local Marketing Local Marketing Patenting Patenting Patenting Financing Financing Financing Technology Monitoring Technology Monitoring Production Advisory Technology Monitoring Production Advisory Production Advisory Technology Transfer Technology Transfer Technology Transfer Venture Capital Venture Capital Venture Capital Technology Guaranty Fund Technology Guaranty Fund Standards & Certificates Standards & Certificates Technology Guaranty Fund Standards & Certificates Market Requirement & Monitoring Market Requirement & Monitoring Market Requirement & Monitoring Business Planning Business Planning Business Planning
Inspection of Nano Materials and Products Transparency of the Market Higher Quality Consumers’ Trust Market Expansion Transparency of the Market
Technical Evaluation Unit Referees and consultants Structure of Department of Inspection INIC Steering Committee Technical Manager Technical Committee Documentation Unit Analysis and Inspection Unit Technical Evaluation Unit Referees and consultants
Other Activities: Cooperation and close contacts with authoritative organizations involved in other areas such as healthcare (Iran Nano FDA) and agriculture. Implementing quality management standard: ISO 9001. Offering supportive services to certificate holders. Preparing instructions for examining some nanoproducts for collaborating labs. Offering the list of approved laboratories to manufacturers.