REFLECTIONS | Session I | August 2015
What is Reflections? A National PTA arts recognition and achievement program where students create original works of art, based on a theme. The theme is “Let Your Imagination Fly” Reflections may only be conducted through a PTA or PTSA
Art categories: Dance Choreography Film/Video Production Literature Musical Composition Photography Visual Arts (includes 3D) Students may enter as many times as they wish, in any or all categories. Age Categories Primary: Grades K-2 Intermediate: Grades 3–5 Middle/Junior: Grades 6-8 Senior: Grades 9-12 Special Artist: Ungraded “Let Your Imagination Fly”
Where can I find important information and forms? The NEW District 23 PTA WebPage! Guidelines for each category Posters Entry Forms Timeline Packaging & Coding Instructions Reflections Local Leader Guide “Let Your Imagination Fly”
TIMELINE AugustStart / Kick-of – START ADVERTISING NOW Did you put the flyers in your registration packet? SeptemberSet your school deadline for entry turn-in & have your entries judged (line up judges now-get date set) December 8thDistrict Turn-In – Oakbrook Elementary School (during Roundtable meeting February 6 th State Turn-in (entries will be delivered collectively by District) February 27 th District Award Program FDHS February 28 th Award FDHS April 2016SCPTA State Convention/Reflections Awards Ceremony Week of April 25 th Distribute all certificates, trophies, and entries not picked up by representative at state conference Mid-MayNational PTA winners announced and District 2 winners will be recognized at District Spring Awards Program “Let Your Imagination Fly”
Promote the Reflections program in your school Meet with your principal and PTA president to help plan your program Come up with a deadline NOW Know your Reflections budget Meet with teachers in the school and encourage their support Put up posters in high traffic areas Publicize in the school newsletter, on the school or PTA website, on the morning announcements Give a presentation at a PTA meeting Have entry forms and rules in a prominent place in the school and on the school website Ask principal to do weekly reminders to students Come up with incentives for the teachers or competitions among grades/homerooms to encourage participation Make sure office staff knows who the Reflections contacts are, so they can forward questions, entries, etc. “Let Your Imagination Fly”
Posters (Available on Fusion Page) “Let Your Imagination Fly”
Start Recruiting Judges Now Judges should have some expertise in the field Judges should NOT have ANY connection to students in your school Please no parents judging categories that have children or relatives within the school Swap teachers with another school, but NOT a feeder school Contact photography studios, private art and music teachers, local artists and writers, university professors Give specific deadlines; work out arrangements for getting the art to them “Let Your Imagination Fly”
Judging Rubric “Let Your Imagination Fly”
Collect entries Keep a log (use Reflection Log Entry-excel sheet) of all school entries with student name, title of work, type of entry, teacher name (very helpful for returning artwork). Make digital copies of all entries before passing along to judges. Check entries for adherence to rules (See Rules & Guidelines on D23 webpage) Size/Length/Format guidelines Consent forms where applicable Signatures, Title, and Artist Statement “Let Your Imagination Fly”
District Turn - In When: Tuesday, December 8, 2015 Where: Oakbrook Elementary School 306 Old Fort Drive Ladson, SC / **during District Roundtable Meeting-6pm “Let Your Imagination Fly”
District Turn – In Cont… Each school must have a labeled portfolio that will fit all of their work when they drop off entries for district judging. Michael’s sells them and if you can get them ½ price with a 50% coupon. Teachers get 15% discount everyday with School IDs Please make sure they are not overflowing, as we had some break at the bottom last year. Label your portfolio with: School Name Reflections Chair Person Name, & Phone Number “Let Your Imagination Fly”
District Turn – In Cont… How many entries PER CATEGORY can each school submit for DISTRICT JUDGING? Each school may submit four entries for each arts category, for every age division at their school and four Special Artist entries per arts category. So an elementary school could have up to 24 primary entries, 24 intermediate, & 24 Special Artist entries advance from the school level. Schools should send 1st, 2nd, 3rd and one HM. No more combining primary & intermediate. The DISTRICT will have those entries judged, and will honor all 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd and one Honorable Mention at the District Ceremony on February 28 th. “Let Your Imagination Fly”
Packaging & Coding The following coding practices must be used when submitting to the District *REQUIRED for JUDGING* D lastname.firstinitial.schoolinitials Example: D hernandez.c.arhs “Let Your Imagination Fly”
For VISUAL PIECES ( photo/vis art ) – write this code ON THE BACK of the piece – PHOTOS will NOT be accepted VIA CD or DVD, they must be entered as a printed piece. Entry forms for photo/visual art will need to be placed in a plastic sleeve on the back of the object. For FILM OR DANCE entries – they will be submitted electronically NOTE: You will need to upload the file to the following link: D23 Film & Dance Upload, ( D23 Film & Dance Upload You will use the code to name your file. You will need to place all signed entry forms for FILM, DANCE, AND MUSIC Submissions in a large brown clasp envelope. This ensures that all signatures have been obtained. Please write your school name on the bottom of the envelope. When/Where do I use this code? Packaging & Coding Cont… “Let Your Imagination Fly”
Packaging & Coding Cont… LITERATURE – Primary/Elementary You will need to place LITERATURE in clear plastic sleeves only—NO envelopes. Write the Code ON THE BACK of EACH PAGE on the entry, even if the piece has numbered pages. Student names should NOT be visible from the front! Rings on left; entry face up and can be backed (double-sided) Each page must be visible in plastic sleeves Clip together plastic sleeves if needed. Entry forms with signatures must be the last page in the plastic sleeve. LITERATURE – Middle/High No hand-written entries in middle or high school. They will be need to be electronically submitted to The easiest way to collect the literature entries is to have the students submit their entries in.doc,.docx, or pdf formats. The electronic file name should be as follows: D lit.Hernandez.c.arhs “Let Your Imagination Fly”
Packaging & Coding Cont… MUSIC – Primary/Elementary?Middle You will need to electronically submit the file to The file name should be as follows: D mus.Hernandez.c.arhs Required file format: MUSIC – High No hand-written (sheet music) They will be need to be submitted to The file name for the recording and the sheet music should be as follows: D music.Hernandez.c.arhs D sheetmusic.Hernandez.c.arhs You will need to place all signed entry forms for FILM, DANCE, AND MUSIC Submissions in a large brown clasp envelope. This ensures that all signatures have been obtained. Please write your school name on the bottom of the envelope. “Let Your Imagination Fly”
VISUAL ARTS – 3D ART PTA Reflections has added a new component to the Visual Arts category. 3D art pieces will be excepted, HOWEVER, we will only require photos of the 3D art. A minimum of 3 photos (a combination of angles) per piece will be required. Physical 3D pieces should not be submitted to judges, district, or state (unless it advances to an exhibition round (state or national ceremony). Students will be responsible for the safe-keeping of their pieces. “Let Your Imagination Fly” Photos will need to PRINTED and place on sturdy backing and matted. Treat them like the photo entries, except they will be in a collage format and will be judged in the VISUAL ARTS CATEGORY.
Packaging & Coding Cont… Make copies of all Literature, printed music, and take pictures of each piece you are submitting. THIS IS FOR YOUR RECORDS. *REMEMBER – ALL DANCE & FILM will be uploaded to YouTube and MUSIC & LITERATURE will be sent to “Let Your Imagination Fly”
Packaging & Coding Cont… Preferably, Visual Arts or Photography pieces should be matted before district judging, MUST be matted before the District Ceremony in February. If your school entries are NOT matted before state judging, you will need to make arrangements to pick up the pieces (after district judging), have them matted and returned BEFORE February 1st. DO NOT FRAME. Matting material should be purchased from your Reflections budget and inexpensive materials can be bought from Michaels, Walmart, etc. See your Art Teachers for supplies they may have left over from projects or assistance. If you CANNOT get your pieces matted prior to the district judging turn in date (December 8th) – they MUST be matted BEFORE the DISTRICT CEREMONY. “Let Your Imagination Fly”
Special Artist Category Students who identify as having a disability have two ways to enter the National PTA Reflections® Program. Option 1: Enter in Traditional Grade Divisions: Regardless of age, students with special needs may enter in the grade division most closely aligned to their functional abilities. Students may not receive assistance other than that which is allowed for all children. Students are recognized and awarded prizes as part of the general student population without regard to special needs or challenges. Option 2: Enter in Special Artist Division: Qualifying students entering the Special Artist Division create their own artwork, but may receive non-artistic accommodation and assistance from an adult. Students are recognized and awarded prizes as part of the Special Artist Division. “Let Your Imagination Fly” Special Artists can compete in all of the art categories. Be sure to select a grade level OR Special Artist on the entry form!
SPREADSHEET ENTRIES Each reflections committee chair will receive an with an excel spreadsheet that MUST be completed and submitted with their entries for district judging. This spreadsheet will also be available on the D23 Webpage ALL FIELDS MUST BE COMPLETED. Please be accurate. All forms, certificates, etc will be formulated with this information. REFLECTIONS CHAIR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SPELLINGS OF NAMES. PLEASE, PLEASE CHECK WITH SYSOP OR CALL PARENTS IF YOU CANNOT READ HANDWRITING “Let Your Imagination Fly”
SPREADSHEET ENTRIES CONT… “Let Your Imagination Fly” Blank spreadsheets will be sent electronically to s provided on the LUOR.
“The World Would Be a Better Place If…” STATE TURN IN Entries cannot move on to the state competition without completed forms and parent signatures. D23 Reflections committee will deliver entries in time for the state judging, however, any entries missing information will be sent back to the school and the entry will not be judged. SEVERAL ENTRIES WERE DISQUALIFIED LAST YEAR BECAUSE THE FORMS WERE NOT TURNED IN ENTRY FORMS “Let Your Imagination Fly”
STATE TURN IN CONT… How many entries PER CATEGORY can each school submit for STATE JUDGING? All DISTRICT winners will be sent to the state to be judged. All FIRST PLACE state winners will be sent to the National Competition. “Let Your Imagination Fly”
DISTRICT CEREMONY Each school MUST have a representative to set up the entries. This process can take approximately 90 minutes. Please be prepared with double sided REMOVABLE tape. For table set-up (literature, music, etc, you may bring small school spirit items to decorate, but arrangements MUST BE MADE TO PICK UP AT THE END OF THE CEREMONY ON SUNDAY SET UP | Saturday, FEBRUARY 27 th 9:00-11:00 “Let Your Imagination Fly”
DISTRICT CEREMONY CONT… Each school MUST have a representative to assist the students from your school participate in the ceremony. After the ceremony, DO NOT TAKE your school’s entries, and please remind your students and parents to please leave the entries, as the district Reflections Committee will deliver to each school. Remove all other items. We will need several volunteers to help with set-up, clean- up, refreshments, handing out programs, etc. CEREMONY | Sunday, FEBRUARY 28th “Let Your Imagination Fly”
District Ceremony Labels Example for Visual Art & Photography Displays Example Cover Page (Music, Film, Dance & Lit) “Let Your Imagination Fly”
ENTRY FORM Entry Forms are Fillable PDFs, but will REQUIRE a parent signature Entries will NOT be judged without a TITLE and an ARTIST STATEMENT “Let Your Imagination Fly” Local Unit Information is REQUIRED on EVERY entry form. Blank label templates will be ed to each chair. Incomplete Entry Forms will be cause for disqualification.
ON LINE REGISTRATION “Let Your Imagination Fly” A google form will be sent to each Reflections chair to collect the necessary information electronically and it will then be forwarded to the state on your behalf.
IMPORTANT COUNT YOUR ENTRIES. Each school will need to count how many entries they received in EACH category. “Let Your Imagination Fly”
IMPORTANT JUDGING IS SUBJECTIVE AT EACH LEVEL. It is important to keep in mind that because there are different judges at each level (school, district, state), entries may place differently for each competition. For Example: If an entry wins 1 st place at the school level, they could place at Honorable Mention at the district, or not at all. “Let Your Imagination Fly”