The mission of the Oil Spill Task Force is to strengthen state and Provincial abilities to prevent, prepare for, and respond to oil spills.
3 Objectives: Prevention Preparedness/Response Communications
A total of 1,057 releases occurred during 2010 The total volume was 997,542 gallons 70% of the volume released was non-crude oil, 30% was crude 8 releases exceeded 10,000 gallons, including 5 non-crude oil spills and 3 crude oil spills Three of these large releases were to water 5 of the large releases were from facilities, 2 from pipelines, and one was a vessel spill
West Coast Offshore Vessel Traffic Risk Management Project U.S. Coast Guard Pacific Area tracking vessel distances from shore › 4 review periods › “compliance” rates from 95% - 97%
2010 arrivals at Valdez, Cook Inlet, Other AK ports, British Columbia, Puget Sound, Columbia River, San Francisco, Southern California, and Honolulu 3,100 tank vessel arrivals, of which 98.8% were double hulled 122 AWO member tank barges operating in West Coast ports; 96% double hulled
Report published 2011; covered British Columbia’s borders with Alaska and Washington Stakeholder workgroup collaborated since 2008 to review 36 topics › Command › Planning › Operations › Logistics › Finance
Involve industry and response organizations - as well as local, tribal, state and provincial agencies - in federal spill planning, preparedness and response Improve international coordination on a number of topics, including: Making Port-of-Refuge decisions in Transboundary areas Coordination of media relations Wildlife rehabilitation and volunteer management capacities Waste disposal The logistical challenges in remote locations
U.S. response organizations need Transport Canada’s designation as an “Approved response organization” to qualify for responder immunity The Workgroup’s final 111 recommendations directed to 14 agencies, organizations, or constituencies The Oil Spill Task Force should lead a review in 5 years to determine the implementation status of each of their recommendations
Revised the 1996 Agreement following the Deepwater Horizon SONS Equipment stays on the West Coast; other is case-by-case Unique regional isolation requires a robust response capacity Member agencies will work with planholders & OSROs
Database & Investigator Training Summit for West Coast Harbor Safety Committees Develop a BEST PRACTICES video for Bunkering Spills Aren’t Slick Track prevention topics of concern
Promote Transboundary recommendations Petition for increase to Limits of Liability Track changes to ICS and NCP Maintain our R&D Workgroup Maintain OILS -911 reporting number Track Topics of Concern
Stakeholder outreach › API Spills Advisory Group › USCG/AWO Pacific RQSC › USCG Pacific Area › Other U.S. & Canadian federal agencies › Coastal States and Provinces Extend current Strategic Plan to 2013 Hire new Executive Coordinator
2012 Clean Pacific Conference 5/16- 5/17 in Long Beach, CA › Planning & Preparedness › Response & Operations › Emerging Issues › Prevention › General Sessions & Exhibits › Workshops & Poster Sessions Legacy Awards
Legacy Award nomination instructions Information on the Executive Coordinator RFQQ Annual Work Plan & Strategic Plan Annual Report with spill data Project reports Annual Meeting presentations Coordinating Committee meeting notes The 2012 Clean Pacific Conference Agency links, contact info and more….
For more information or to get involved, please contact: Jean R. Cameron Executive Coordinator Pacific States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force PO Box 1032 Neskowin, OR (phone/fax)