Intellectual Property laws and India n What IP meant to India in the 80s n Patent offices – Lack of Enforcement n Outdated copyright laws n British Statues n Special and the Super 301 – Pharma Industry and the Patent Act of 1970
Development of IP Laws n Basmati- first step that prompted realization – Concepts and the debate – Invention – Trademarks – Geographical indicators n Effects of Basmati dispute on exports n What India did not do – The outcome of the dispute n Turmeric and Neem disputes
WTO and IP in India n Corresponding developments in WTO and TRIPS – Need for amendments in all areas of laws n India’s response – To TRIPs – Legal reforms – Ministerial discussions and debates n Mail Box Dispute and after
Software Industry and Intellectual Property n WIPRO – 1986 and later developments vis- à-vis IP laws n Role of software industry – effect of the basmati dispute n Copyright laws and software industry. – Movement from the British to the American system – Various Amendments n Liberalization and effect over companies that are not protected
E commerce era and IP laws n India – an IP state n Importance of IP Protection in India n E commerce Companies and databases in India n n The Government’s responses and reactions for IP Law - a precedent for the telecom law reform n Initiatives taken by individual states n Recognition and Statutes on new areas of IP n What the American Indians can do to contribute and gain in terms of policy formulations