Thomas D. Rutan Ohio Department of Education
New graduation requirements Effective Class of 2014 (current juniors) Algebra II or its equivalent Inquiry-based science with laboratory experience Fine arts (2 semesters between grades 7 – 12) Financial Literacy Physical Education waiver (permissive legislation) Opt-out provision Credit Flexibility Policy
Accepted into a degree-granting institution: Without the need for remediation; Earning credits toward graduation (C or better); Persisting for two or more years.
Being prepared for a position that leads to a career pathway that can support a family of four.
Subject Credits Required Notes Class of 2014 English Language Arts 4 4 Health ½ ½ Mathematics 3 4Algebra II or Equivalent Physical Education ½ ½Students May be Exempted Science 3 3 Must include on Physical, Life and Advanced Course. Inquiry-based Social Studies 3 3 American History American Government Financial Literacy Electives 6 5 Fine Arts01Two Half Units
Subject Credits Required Notes CurrentClass of 2014 English Language Arts 4 4 Health ½ ½ Mathematics 3 4Algebra II or Equivalent Physical Education ½ ½Students May be Exempted Science 3 3 Must include on Physical, Life and Advanced Course. Inquiry-based Social Studies 3 3 American History American Government Financial Literacy Electives 6 5 Fine Arts00*Two Half Units Required
Exam Standards: Operations on Numbers and Expressions - 15% Equations and Inequalities - 20% Polynomial and Rational Functions - 30% Exponential Functions - 20% Function Operations and Inverses - 15% Exam Details: 55 operational items At least 30% of score will be based on short answer and extended-response items
Core calls for inquiry-based science Laboratory experience that engages students in: Asking valid scientific questions Gathering and analyzing information Education reform reinforces Must include 21 st Century skills: Critical thinking and problem solving Project-based and real-world learning opportunities
Core requires financial literacy instruction during high school Education reform creates: Business education standards Financial literacy and entrepreneurship standards Reforms state that instruction must come from: Social studies standards Financial literacy and entrepreneurship standards
SB 165 Requires Founding Documents instruction. Declaration of Independence Northwest Ordinance U.S. Constitution and all the Amendments Ohio Constitution In their original context using information from the Federalist and anti-Federalist Papers, etc. End-of-course exams in American History and American Government (20% from documents) Effective July 1, 2012 for first time freshmen.
Students can now demonstrate mastery of content instead sitting through a Carnegie Unit Can earn credit by: Testing out Showing mastery through: Senior project Distance learning Postsecondary coursework Local administration of credit flexibility Internship Service learning Research based project
Allows a student to “Opt-out” after two years of the Ohio Core and graduate by meeting the 2013 and before academic requirements; Cannot attend a 4 year state university without first establishing academic foundation; Except for Youngstown State, Central State or Shawnee State Universities; Requires career counseling at the local level; Requires parent and school signatures.
What teachers should know, and be able to teach.
Web-based production Course syllabi Curriculum-embedded content and skills Backmap from college- and career-readiness standards End-of-course exams
Strand Theme & Topic Content Statement
Organized by theme and topic Show progression across grades Supported by model curricula Reduced to: Be more manageable Promote greater depth of learning
Change in the number of performance level indicators from five to three Advanced Accelerated Proficient Basic Limited
Starting with the school year All students entering 3 rd grade Must demonstrate reading competency Must be identified via diagnostic testing Survey from ODE mid-August 2012 Parents are to be notified after diagnosis Districts must provide intervention for each Reading teachers must be properly licensed Improvement & monitoring plan developed District BOEs must adopt policies/procedures for assessing all K-3 students by Sept. 30, 2012
Shift in emphasis from fiction to nonfiction in reading and writing. Focus on close analysis of texts with evidence to back up claims and conclusions. Emphasis in teaching literacy skills in and through history/social studies, science, and technical content areas.
Engage student in the content through the Mathematical Practices Problem solving Reasoning Modeling Using tools Making arguments Precision Structure
Scientific Practices Engineering Technological Design
Historical Thinking Geographic Thinking Civic Literacy Financial and Economic Literacy
Professional Learning Series : Implement Ohio’s New Learning Standards Common Instructional Shifts Putting Visions into Practice Summer Academy
September 7, 2012 Webcast -Announces PD programs for Identifies targeted audiences -Provides registration information Fall: Instructional Shifts Trainings -Sept. 24 – October 5 -Nov. 26 – Dec. 5 -For district in-service personnel
Spring: Visions into Practice meetings -February through May Subject area teachers -District specialists (i.e. ELL, SWD, Gifted). Summer Academy -June – July All educators -High-quality instruction on shifts.