Names – Krishnav J. and Rishabh J. Age-10 years From: Hyderabad, A.P, India
Have a great idea of your invention We have invented a tray which floats on water. If you are swimming and you are thirsty you need to go to the side to get water for your self but if you have this device somebody can pass you the tray with a glass of water on it. Its capacity is 5 glasses( 3 litres) do not exceed the capacity or it will loose balance and it will fall and strictly do not put all in corners.
Investigate inventions and ideas of the past. There are tables that are fixed to the swimming pool but we have created such a table that you can carry/move easily and that you can move all around the pool and which floats.
Draw pictures and diagrams to show your invention and how it might work. First we took a air pillow and filled it with air. Second we took a piece of ply wood and cover it with plastic to make it water proof. Third we took a plastic tray. Fourth we stuck it all together.
Test your invention We had tested our invention in an actual swimming pool and the we put 5 glasses that were about 3 litres of weight in total. And it was a huge success
Glimpse of the Table
Keep improving your invention! We can add cup holders to improve the stability of the glasses. ( we have done it)
Market your invention to people who might buy it. We can convince them to buy this product by explaining them how it works and why we made it.