Yami-Life Challenge #3 Ishan, C 10 India
Describe the problem you want to solve. **This step is required. Lack of clean water is responsible for more deaths in the world than war. According to UNICEF, almost 1 billion people lack access to clean water in the world. In some countries, half the population does not have access to safe drinking water, and hence is afflicted with poor health. By some estimates, each day nearly 5,000 children worldwide die from diarrhea-related diseases, something that must be prevented. Daily, 1600 deaths occur in India related to lack of clean drinking water. We must stop this needless suffering.
Make a list of possible ways to solve this problem. (Sometimes we also add a question like - How have people tried to solve this problem in the past? Think of how you can improve on other solutions.) **This step is required. Use the power of sun (abundantly available in many parts of the world) to convert dirty water to clean water. Many people have attempted to do this. Some prototypes exist in different parts of the world locally. This solution improves on others by using locally available materials that can easily be recycled. This can be combined with other chemical ways of disinfection. Use the power of social media ( , twitter, facebook, Linkedin etc.) to spread the message about the scale of problem and the need to collectively solve it at the earliest. Raise awareness to make make simple things like water recycling and rainwater harvesting mandatory for cities and towns.
Draw pictures and diagrams to show your invention and how it might work. **This step is required. Dirty Water Boiler Clean Water Reflective Solar Concentrator Condensor
Build your prototype. Write down each step so that you will remember exactly how you built your model. While I have not built a prototype, There is enough scientific literature (see references below) to suggest that the proposed design is feasible. A design (see ref below) using a foot print of 3 m X 3 m can accommodate a reflector of approx. 120 sq m that is capable of producing 20,000 liters of clean water every day. The approx. cost of this project is $ 50,000. Each household needs only 20 liters of drinking water in a day. This project can support 1000 families. A smaller scaled down version can be made at a 1 time cost of approx. $ 50 that will be sufficient to support a family.
Perform some experiments to find out how well your prototype works. Write down the results of each test. While I have not performed experiments myself, similar experiments done by experts indicate that this prototype will work. Pls. see reference link below.
How can you improve your prototype? The prototype can be improved by mass production and use of recycled plastic and metal. Higher reflective material to give a mirror polish would further improved the efficiency of the concentrator. Putting wheels on the proposed design can make the prototype mobile and make it available for sharing amongst homes. Using a larger concentrator can allow you to make a device that can meet the water needs of a housing society or neighborhood.
Give your invention a name and explain why people should buy it. **This step is required. My invention is called Yami-Life, Name is inspired by the Hindu goddess Yami – Goddess of rivers and daughter of sun god. People should buy my invention because is addresses one of the most pressing health needs in the world. It does not use any electricity. It uses the power of sun. It is eco-friendly. It can be easily made using locally available materials that can be recycled. The water reservoirs can be made using large soda bottles. The solar concentrator can be made using scrap plastic and metal covered with aluminum foil. The boiler can be made using a metal can that is painted black to maximize solar absorption. The condensor is made using a large soda bottle painted white to minimize solar absorption. It can be combined with other chemical ways of disinfection using chlorine or permanganate. The stand can be put on wheels to make it mobile so that it can be shared amongst a few homes making it economical.