The Death Penalty
Basic History of the Death Penalty The Death Penalty has been around since approximately the beginning of recorded history. Obviously, the technique was a bit different than that of today. It was much more inhumane than our technique is now. Way back when…The punishment was not capital, but it was called communal punishment. This included banishment, shunning, corporal punishment, and, of course, execution. Execution continued to become more “humane” throughout the centuries. In order from the oldest strategies to the newest is lined up somewhat like this: Stoning to Death, Beheading by Sword, Guillotine, Hanging, Electric Chair, Gas Chamber, and Lethal Injection.
Pictures of the Different Techniques
The Variation of Race/Culture The current variety of race within the inmates on Death Row is unbelievable in the entire country. Blacks include about 42%. Hispanics include about 11%. Whites include about 45%. The percentage of other races take the rest of the inmates on Death Row( about 2%). The people executed for interracial murder cases since 1976 consists of about 15 white defendant/black victim cases and about 214 black defendant/white victim cases.
Executions By Race Whites 45% Blacks 42% Hispanics 11% Other 2%
The Execution Rate on Death Row Since 1976, there have been a total of 1066 executions within the entire country of America. Since 1976, there have been a total of 1066 executions within the entire country of America. In the United States of America since 1976, there have been 363 Blacks, 72 Hispanics, 607 Whites, and 24 people of other races executed. In the United States of America since 1976, there have been 363 Blacks, 72 Hispanics, 607 Whites, and 24 people of other races executed. It may be difficult to see, but I find it very interesting that from about 1960, the murder rate rose while the execution rate sunk dramatically. I do not know about everybody else, but I would have thought that the two rates would have been so close that they would have created, basically, one line in itself. It may be difficult to see, but I find it very interesting that from about 1960, the murder rate rose while the execution rate sunk dramatically. I do not know about everybody else, but I would have thought that the two rates would have been so close that they would have created, basically, one line in itself. Murders
The Rising Prices for Death Penalty In California, the death penalty system costs taxpayers more than 114 million dollars a year beyond the cost of simply keeping convicts locked up for life. Many Americans believe incorrectly that it costs too much to keep convicted murders in jail for ‘Life’. A true ‘Life’ sentence is cheaper than a ‘Death’ sentence. Think about that for a minute.
Unfair Representation Every defendant has the right to an attorney in a capital case. While this sounds great, it is not always a great thing for the defendant. These attorneys are usually poorly trained and/or very inexperienced. Every defendant has the right to an attorney in a capital case. While this sounds great, it is not always a great thing for the defendant. These attorneys are usually poorly trained and/or very inexperienced. The portion of free, lazy attorneys have been known to sleep during sentencing, make an appearance while intoxicated, and also show up in a very unprepared manner as well. The portion of free, lazy attorneys have been known to sleep during sentencing, make an appearance while intoxicated, and also show up in a very unprepared manner as well.
For Vs. Against It may seem inhumane, but there are many more states that approve the use of the death penalty compared to the number of states that are not in favor of performing the death penalty as punishment for those who commit acts of injustice. It may seem inhumane, but there are many more states that approve the use of the death penalty compared to the number of states that are not in favor of performing the death penalty as punishment for those who commit acts of injustice. The states that are against the use of the death penalty/capital punishment include North Dakota, Iowa, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Maine, Rhode Island, Vermont, Minnesota, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Alaska, and Michigan(12 out of 50). This means that only about 24% of the American population live in states that have laws against the usage of the Death Penalty. The states that are against the use of the death penalty/capital punishment include North Dakota, Iowa, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Maine, Rhode Island, Vermont, Minnesota, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Alaska, and Michigan(12 out of 50). This means that only about 24% of the American population live in states that have laws against the usage of the Death Penalty. However, many states which have the Death Penalty Law in place choose Not to use it! However, many states which have the Death Penalty Law in place choose Not to use it!
Juvenile Capital Punishment In Our World If you were not aware…juvenile capital punishment has become increasingly rare. Although, there are a few countries that still support the practice of juvenile death penalty. These countries include Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, and Saudi Arabia (Basically, most of the Middle East). The many countries that have executed juvenile offenders since 1990 include China, D. R. Congo, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, the United States, and Yemen too. China, Pakistan, the U.S., and Yemen have recently changed their laws on juvenile capital punishment to a federal rule and law that the offender must be 18 years or over to be tried for the death penalty.
Some Images to Think About
Mini-Video Presentation (Green Mile) Right now, I will show the theatrical theatre video clip of The Green Mile to allow everyone to better understand how the death penalty effected people back in the day. Right now, I will show the theatrical theatre video clip of The Green Mile to allow everyone to better understand how the death penalty effected people back in the day.
Any Questions or Comments…? Thank you for your time.
The End If you feel alone because of the fact that you believe in the use of the death penalty…believe me…you may not be aware of the many that stand beside you. If you feel alone because of the fact that you believe in the use of the death penalty…believe me…you may not be aware of the many that stand beside you. Well…..I hoped that I have just made a difference on how you view the usage of capital punishment within the country of America. Well…..I hoped that I have just made a difference on how you view the usage of capital punishment within the country of America.